Το κείμενο του κ. Νίκου Μπαϋρακτάρη είχε αρχικά δημοσιευθεί την 5η Αυγούστου 2019.
Ουλούγ Μπεκ: ο Αστρονόμος
Σουλτάνος του Τουρκεστάν, ο πιο Πολυμαθής Αυτοκράτορας των Τελευταίων 2500
Ετών, Εγγονός του Ταμερλάνου
Οι Ρωμιοί της Ανατολής – Greeks of the Orient
Ρωμιοσύνη, Ρωμανία, Ανατολική Ρωμαϊκή
Ουλούγ Μπεκ: ο Αστρονόμος Σουλτάνος του
Τουρκεστάν, ο πιο Πολυμαθής Αυτοκράτορας των Τελευταίων 2500 Ετών, Εγγονός του Ταμερλάνου
Απήγγειλε από
στήθους το Κοράνι (που έχει περίπου τόση έκταση όση κι η Καινή Διαθήκη) αλλά
ήταν ένας εξαιρετικός επιστήμονας και θαυμάσιος δάσκαλος που έντονα επιζητούσε
την αμφισβήτηση για να υπάρχει αντίλογος και στην συνέχεια επαλήθευση των
συμπερασμάτων. Ο ίδιος αποτελούσε την ζωντανή παρακαταθήκη των ισλαμικών
επιστημών και των επιστημών όλων των προϊσλαμικών πολιτισμών που είχαν
μελετηθεί από μουσουλμάνους επιστήμονες και σοφούς στο Μπέιτ αλ Χέκμα της
Βαγδάτης, 700 χρόνια νωρίτερα. Και το μνημειώδες αστεροσκοπείο του (σε εποχή
που δεν υπήρχαν ακόμη τα μικροσκόπια) δεν είχε τίποτα να ζηλέψει από κείνα που
αναγέρθηκαν 150 χρόνια αργότερα από τον Τύχο Μπράχε στην Δανία και από τον
Τακιεντίν Εφέντη στην Σταμπούλ. Στα μέσα του 15ου αιώνα, όλοι οι δρόμοι οδηγούσαν
στην Σαμαρκάνδη του Ουλούγ Μπεκ!
Εγγονός του Ταμερλάνου και γιος του
Σαχρούχ, ο Ουλούγ Μπεκ ήταν η ζωντανή επιβεβαίωση του γεγονότος ότι δεν υπάρχει
ουσιαστικά καμμιά διαφορά ανάμεσα σε Ιράν και Τουράν και ότι οι νεώτεροι
δυτικοί οριενταλιστές έχουν παραχαράξει ολότελα την Ιστορία της Ασίας για να
δημιουργήσουν ψευδείς εντυπώσεις και γενικευμένη σύγχυση.
Προσέξτε: ο Τουρανός πατέρας του Ουλούγ
Μπεκ βασίλευσε στην Σαμαρκάνδη, η μητέρα του Ουλούγ Μπεκ, Γκοχαρσάντ,
συνεισέφερε στην ανέγερση ενός από τα πιο σημαντικά ‘ιρανικά’ τζαμιά στο
σύμπλεγμα ιερών της Μασάντ, στο σημερινό ΒΑ Ιράν (όπου βρίσκονται ενταφιασμένοι
ο Αβασίδης χαλίφης Χαρούν αλ Ρασίντ κι ο πέμπτος ιμάμης του Ισλάμ, Ρεζά), ενώ ο
ίδιος ο αστρονόμος σουλτάνος βασίλευσε επίσης στη Σαμαρκάνδη (Αφρασιάμπ) στο
σημερινό Ουζμπεκιστάν.
Με τα δεδομένα των δυτικών οριενταλιστών, η
μητέρα του Ουλούγ Μπεκ αποτελεί θέμα ιρανολογίας αλλά ο ίδιος ο Ουλούγ Μπεκ
τμήμα τουρκολογίας! Αστείο!
Πρέπει να ομολογήσω ότι για δεκαετίες δεν
είχα ιδιαίτερα προσέξει τον Ουλούγ Μπεκ, αν και βέβαια είχα ταξιδέψει στο
Ουζμπεκιστάν και επισκεφθεί την Σαμαρκάνδη ήδη στα χρόνια της ΕΣΣΔ (στην
δεκαετία του 1980). Το όνομα μου ήταν γνωστό αλλά αυτό ήταν όλο! Βεβαίως είχα
δει από κοντά το εντυπωσιακό και τεράστιο πανεπιστήμιο (μεντρεσά) του Ουλούγ
Μπεκ στην περιοχή Ρετζιστάν της Σαμαρκάνδης – ένα τόπο όπου, αν περπατήσεις,
νομίζεις ότι ονειρεύεσαι. Αλλά δεν ήξερα τίποτα περισσότερο και οι οργανωμένες
εκδρομές στην ΕΣΣΔ (όπως και όλες οι οργανωμένες εκδρομές εν παντί τόπω και
καιρώ) ήταν μια αθλιότητα που δεν σου επέτρεπε να αφιερώσεις όσο χρόνο θέλεις
σε ένα ξεχωριστό μνημείο που ερεθίζει την περιέργειά σου.
Αλλά πριν από μερικά χρόνια, η γνωριμία μου
με τον Έλληνα ανατολιστή ιστορικό και πολιτικό επιστήμονα, καθ. Μουχάμαντ
Σαμσαντίν Μεγαλομμάτη, και οι συζητήσεις μου μαζί του αποτέλεσαν την ευκαιρία
να κατανοήσω κάτι το πολύ καθοριστικό που λίγοι δυστυχώς αντιλαμβάνονται: δεν
έχει σημασία να πας κάπου και να δεις το ό,τιδήποτε. Σημασία έχει να
αντιλαμβάνεσαι το που βρίσκεσαι, το τι βλέπεις, και το τι κρύβεται πίσω από
Έτσι, χάρη σε μερικές καθοριστικές αναφορές
του κ. Μεγαλομμάτη στους Ζιτζ-ε Σολτάνι (Αστρικοί Κατάλογοι ή Πίνακες του
Σουλτάνου), ένα μνημειώδες αστρονομικό έργο του Ουλούγ Μπεκ, το οποίο
διασώζεται μέχρι σήμερα, και στο πως και μετά από πόση και ποια έρευνα
γράφονταν τα στοιχεία που αναφέρονται στο έργο αυτό, κατάλαβα ότι έπρεπε να …
‘ξανα-επισκεφτώ’ τον εγγονό του Ταμερλάνου – έστω μέσω του Ιντερνέτ και αρκετών
Βασιλεία, Σοφία
και Επιστήμη
Αναμφίβολα υπήρξαν αρκετοί αυτοκράτορες
στην Ιστορία που επέδειξαν ιδιαίτερο ή και σπάνιο ζήλο για την θεουργία, την
ενόραση, την σοφία, την γνώση, την επιστήμη, τα γράμματα, και τις τέχνες. Ένας
από αυτούς ήταν ο Ασσουρμπανιπάλ (669-625), αυτοκράτορας της Ασσυρίας, ο οποίος
ως μέγας αρχιερέας ήταν γνώστης των σφηνοειδών ασσυροβαβυλωνιακών, των
ασσυριακών επιστημών, κοσμογονιών και θεουργιών. Ο ίδιος ήταν και ο πρώτος
επώνυμος στην Παγκόσμια Ιστορία που είχε μάθει μια ήδη στα χρόνια του νεκρή
γλώσσα: τα σουμεριακά, τα οποία ήταν τότε ό,τι τα λατινικά για τους Ευρωπαίους
επιστήμονες των τελευταίων αιώνων. Στα χρόνια του αυτοκράτορα της Νινευή, τα
σουμεριακά ήταν ήδη νεκρή γλώσσα για 1300 χρόνια! Μοναδικός ηγεμόνας και
στρατηλάτης τον οποίο ζήλεψε ακόμη και ο Μέγας Αλέξανδρος, επειδή ο Ασσύριος
αυτοκράτορας είχε καταλάβει την Τύρο μετά από ιδιαίτερα σύντομο χρονικό
διάστημα πολιορκίας!
Και σε πολλούς μονάρχες αποδίδονται
ξεχωριστά έργα και κείμενα που αποτελούν ορόσημα της Παγκόσμιας Ιστορίας. Αλλά
αυτά τα έργα δεν είναι πάντοτε ακριβώς ‘δικά’ τους. Θα αναφέρω μερικά
Στον Πτολεμαίο Β’ αποδίδονται πολλά και
ανάμεσά τους η μετάφραση της Παλαιάς Διαθήκης των αρχαίων Εβραίων στα ελληνικά
(η μετάφραση των Ο’). Αλλά δεν μετέφρασε ο ίδιος ο Πτολεμαίος Β’ την εβραϊκή
Βίβλο. Προσκάλεσε 70 ραβίνους που έκαναν την δουλειά εργαζόμενοι σε ένα κτήριο
στο νησί του Φάρου στην Αλεξάνδρεια.
Η Κλεοπάτρα ήταν γνωστό ότι μιλούσε
άπταιστα επτά γλώσσες. Αλλά δεν συνέγραψε τίποτα.
Στον Καίσαρα αποδίδεται το περίφημο
Ιουλιανό ημερολόγιο που ακόμη τηρούν οι κακώς λεγόμενοι ‘παλιοημερολογίτες’.
Αλλά αυτό δεν ήταν έργο του ίδιου του Καίσαρα αλλά του αστρονόμου Σωσιγένη τον
οποίο ο Καίσαρας γνώρισε στην αυλή της Κλεοπάτρας και από τον οποίο ζήτησε ο
Ρωμαίος στρατηλάτης ένα νέο ημερολόγιο.
Στον κορυφαίο αυτοκράτορα Ιουστινιανό
αποδίδεται η σημαντικώτερη χριστιανική νομοθεσία, η οποία αποτελούσε συγκερασμό
της χριστιανικής πίστης και ηθικής, των χριστιανικών αξιών, και του
παλαιότερου, προ-χριστιανικού ρωμαϊκού Δικαίου: αλλά δεν συνέγραψε ο ίδιος ο
Ιουστινιανός τις Νεαρές και τα άλλα τμήματα του Corpus Δικαίου το οποίο εισήγαγε. Αυτό ήταν το έργο του Τριβωνιανού.
Για να έλθουμε πιο κοντά στα χρόνια του
Ουλούγ Μπεκ, θα αναφερθώ στον Κωνσταντίνο Ζ’ Πορφυρογέννητο που γύρω στα μισά
του 10ου αιώνα έγραψε ανάμεσα σε άλλα έργα το Περί βασιλείου τάξεως, το Προς
τον ίδιον υιόν Ρωμανόν, και το Περί θεμάτων. Πολύ αξιόλογα έργα, αναμφίβολα.
Λόγιος ο αυτοκράτορας της Ρωμανίας, σίγουρα. Αλλά το περιεχόμενο αυτών των
έργων είναι η περιγραφή της διοικητικής μηχανής και του αυλικού εθιμοτυπικού
της Ρωμανίας – όχι επιστημονική παρατήρηση και καταγραφή.
Εξίσου λόγιος ήταν και ο πατέρας του
Πορφυρογέννητου Λέων ΣΤ’ Σοφός. Συγγραφέας, ρήτορας και ποιητής. Αλλά όχι
επιστήμονας, μαθηματικός κι αστρονόμος.
Σύγχρονος του Ουλούγ Μπεκ ήταν ο Μανουήλ Β’
Παλαιολόγος (1350-1425). Εδώ ερχόμαστε πολύ κοντά όταν κάνουμε συγκρίσεις. Ο
προ-προτελευταίος βασιλεύς της Ρωμανίας ήταν ένας ευρυμαθής ηγεμόνας και
λόγιος, θεολόγος και συγγραφέας: είχε συγγράψει μια τεράστια πραγματεία για την
Λιτανεία του Αγίου Πνεύματος. Είχε συνδιαλεχθεί με Ιρανούς (Πέρσες) θεολόγους
και σοφούς, εκτεινόμενος σε θέματα θεολογικά και ιστορικοθησκευτικά και
συνδιαλεγόμενος σχετικά με συγκρίσεις της Χριστιανωσύνης και του Ισλάμ.
Αυτοί οι διάλογοι που έγιναν στην Άγκυρα το
1391 έγιναν αντικείμενο αναφοράς από τον Πάπα Βενέδικτο ΙΣΤ’ το 2006, όταν
ξέσπασε – πολύ κακώς – σχετικός σάλος.
Ο Μανουήλ Β’ Παλαιολόγος, ο οποίος ήταν 44
χρόνια μεγαλύτερος του Ουλούγ Μπεκ και πέθανε 24 χρόνια πριν δολοφονηθεί ο
σουλτάνος του Τουρκεστάν, δεν ήταν μαθηματικός κι αστρονόμος.
Ουλούγ Μπεκ
Το πραγματικό όνομα του Ουλούγ Μπεκ ήταν
Μιρζά Μουχάμαντ Ταραγάυ μπιν Σαχρούχ (λατ. Mīrza Muhammad
Taraghay bin Shahrukh, τσαγατάυ: میرزا محمد طارق بن شاہ رخ, φαρσί: میرزا محمد تراغای بن شاہ رخ).
Η πατρική του γλώσσα ήταν τα τσαγατάυ, μια
τουρκική (Turkic) γλώσσα που
σήμερα πλέον δεν ομιλείται, μείγμα μογγολικών και ανατολικών τουρκικών. Έμεινε
περισσότερο γνωστός ως Ουλούγ Μπεκ, δηλαδή ‘Μέγας Ηγεμόνας’ (λατ. Ulugh Beg, φαρσί: الغ بیگ).
Στα σύγχρονα τουρκικά οι δυο λέξεις είναι ulu bey, αλλά στα
οθωμανικά χρόνια η λέξη bey (μπέης) έχασε
την αρχικά μεγάλη σημασία της, λόγω της ανόδου της σημασίας άλλων όρων
(σουλτάν, παδισάχ). Ως όρος, το ‘Ουλούγ Μπεκ’ είναι το τουρκικό (Turkic) αντίστοιχο του περσο-αραβικού Αμίρ-ε Καμπίρ.
Ο ίδιος ο Ουλούγ Μπεκ μιλούσε άπταιστα
αραβικά, περσικά, τουρκικές και μογγολικές γλώσσες, και επίσης κινεζικά.
Γεννήθηκε σε μια κοσμοπολίτικη πρωτεύουσα κτισμένη 200 χρόνια νωρίτερα όπου
συνέρρεαν επιστήμονες και σοφοί, θεολόγοι και ιστορικοί από όλη την Ασία: την
Σουλτανίγιε (Σουλτανική), όταν ο νεαρός πατέρας του δεν είχε ακόμη ανακηρυχθεί
σάχης και σουλτάνος στην Σαμαρκάνδη. Ο Ουλούγ Μπεκ σπούδασε τριγωνομετρία,
σφαιρική γεωμετρία και αστρονομία στην Μαραγέ, όπου βρισκόταν το πιο σημαντικό
αστεροσκοπείο του τότε κόσμου, στο οποίο 200 χρόνια πιο πριν εργαζόταν,
ερευνούσε κι έγραφε ο Νασρεντίν αλ Τούσι, ένας από τους μεγαλύτερους σοφούς
όλων των εποχών.
Υπάρχει μια ανθρώπινη πλευρά που φέρνει τον
Ουλούγ Μπεκ σε παράλληλη τροχιά με τον σημερινό πρίγκιπα Κάρολο της Αγγλίας! Ο
Σαχρούχ (1377-1447) γέννησε τον Ουλούγ Μπεκ (1394-1449) σε πολύ νεαρή ηλικία
(όταν ήταν 17 ετών) και πριν ανεβεί στον θρόνο, όπως και η βασίλισσα Ελισάβετ
Β’ τον Κάρολο (και πριν εκείνη γίνει βασίλισσα).
Στην συνέχεια, ο Σαχρούχ ανακηρύχθηκε σάχης
και σουλτάνος στα 28 του και βασίλευσε για πολλά (42) χρόνια (1405–1447), όπως
κι η Ελισάβετ Β’ μέχρι σήμερα. Ο Ουλούγ Μπεκ ήταν 11 ετών, όταν πέθανε ο παπούς
του, ο Ταμερλάνος, κι ο πατέρας του ανακηρύχθηκε βασιλιάς.
Κι έτσι παρέμεινε διάδοχος του θρόνου (όπως
κι ο Κάρολος ακόμη) για μια πολύ μεγάλη χρονική περίοδο, μέχρις ότου
ανακηρυχθεί ο ίδιος βασιλιάς σε σχετικά μεγάλη ηλικία, στα 53 του (στην
περίπτωση του Καρόλου της Αγγλίας η κατάσταση έχει βέβαια φτάσει σε ακόμη πιο
ακραία σημεία!).
Συνέπεια αυτής της κατάστασης ήταν η
απρόσκοπτη στροφή κι αφοσίωση του διαδόχου του θρόνου στις επιστήμες και στην
έρευνα. Ανέγειρε το πανεπιστήμιο (μεντρεσά) το 1417-1420, όταν ο ίδιος ήταν
23-26 ετών, και στην συνέχεια, αστεροσκοπείο της Σαμαρκάνδης στην περίοδο
1424-1429, όταν ο ίδιος ήταν 30-35 ετών.
Το αστεροσκοπείο ήταν ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα
κτίσματα εκείνων των χρόνων και ο φαχρί εξάντας του είχε ακτίνα 40.4 μέτρα!
Σπουδαίοι ερευνητές, επιστήμονες και μαθηματικοί προσέτρεξαν να εργαστούν εκεί,
όπως ο Πέρσης Τζαμσίντ αλ Κασί και ο Ρωμιός Καντί Ζαντέ ερ-Ρουμί (1364-1436).
Επειδή αυτός γεννήθηκε στην Προύσα λίγες δεκαετίες μόνον μετά την οθωμανική κατάκτηση
της πόλης είναι πιθανώτατο ότι είτε ο ίδιος είτε ο πατέρας του είχε γεννηθεί
Χριστιανός Ορθόδοξος και στην συνέχεια αλλαξοπίστησε. Το γεγονός ότι
επονομαζόταν Ρωμιός σε συνδυασμό με το δεδομένο ότι προτίμησε την τιμουριδική
επικράτεια αντί της οθωμανικής, όπου ανήκε, δείχνει καθαρά ότι δεν ήταν
Το έργο του Ουλούγ Μπεκ Ζιτζ-ε Σουλτάνι
είναι ο μεγαλύτερος αστρικός πίνακας από την εποχή του Πτολεμαίου μέχρι τα
χρόνια του Τύχο Μπράχε. Μεταφραζόταν ακατάπαυστα από Ευρωπαίους σε λατινικά για
πολλούς αιώνες αργότερα.
Zij 1437
Ο Ουλούγ Μπεκ βασίλευσε μόνο για δύο χρόνια
(1447-1449). Αν και επιστήμονας ήταν ένας καλός στρατιωτικός και πολεμιστής.
Είχε όμως την τραγική ατυχία να έχει ένα ανάξιο γιο, ο οποίος από τρομερό φθόνο
οργάνωσε και διεκπεραίωσε ύπουλα την δολοφονία του τόσο λαμπρού πατέρα του.
Όταν πήγαινε ο Ουλούγ Μπεκ για προσκύνημα (χατζ) στην Μέκκα, πράκτορες τον
δολοφόνησαν μαζί με τον αδελφό του, ο οποίος τον ακολουθούσε.
Ο πατροκτόνος Αμπντελατίφ δεν στάθηκε άξιος
ούτε ένα χρόνο να συμπληρώσει στον άνομο θρόνο του κι έτσι το 1450 ο
‘πανταρκούς’ (στα φαρσί ‘πατροκτόνος’: پدر کش) δολοφονήθηκε όπως του άξιζε. Ο
ανηψιός του Ουλούγ Μπεκ Αμπντουλάχ Μιρζά απεκατέστησε την τάξη, διαδεχόμενος
τον ανάξιο γιο του μεγάλου πατέρα, και μετέφερε την σορό του Ουλούγ Μπεκ στο
ταφικό μνημείο του Ταμερλάνου.
Sic transit gloria mundi ….
Στην συνέχεια θα βρείτε πολλούς συνδέσμους
κι επιλεγμένα αναγνώσματα.
Επιστημονική συζήτηση για τον Ουλούγ Μπεκ
στα ρωσσικά:
Σχετικά με τους τόπους όπου γεννήθηκε και
σπούδασε ο Ουλούγ Μπεκ:
Σχετικά με το πανεπιστήμιο και το
αστεροσκοπείο του Ουλούγ Μπεκ στη Σαμαρκάνδη:
Σχετικά με το έργο του Ουλούγ Μπεκ Ζιτζ-ε
Σχετικά με τους κυριώτερους επιστημονικούς
συνεργάτες του Ουλούγ Μπεκ:
Σχετικά με τους συγγενείς του Ουλούγ Μπεκ
(πατέρα, μητέρα, γιο και ανηψιό):
Σχετικά με τον ίδιο τον Ουλούγ Μπεκ:
В 1964 году рядом с местом, где находилась
обсерватория, был открыт мемориальный музей Улугбека. Здесь выставлены отрывки
из знаменитых таблиц со сведениями о звёздах, вычисленных Улугбеком и его
соратниками, фотографии раскопок, коллекция древних астрономических
инструментов, фрески, изображающие эпизоды жизни астронома
Περισσότερα Αναγνώσματα:
Al-Kashi’s letter
A letter from Jamshid al-Kashi to his father has survived and
gives us a rare glimpse into details of the intellectual life at UIugh Beg’s
court. In this letter (translated in the book by David A King and Mary Helen
Kennedy (eds.), Studies in the Islamic exact sciences. Reprints of papers by E
S Kennedy, colleagues and former students (American University of Beirut,
1983), p. 724]) al-Kashi describes at length the accomplishments of UIugh Beg
who, he says:-
… has by heart most of the glorious Quran … and every day he
recites two chapters in the presence of (Quran) memorizers and no mistake is
made. He knows (Arabic) grammar well and he writes Arabic composition extremely
well, and like-wise he is well posted in canon law; he has knowledge of logic,
rhetoric, and elocution, and likewise of the Elements, and he himself
cultivates the branches of mathematics, and this has reached the extent that
one day while riding he wanted to determine the date, which was a Monday of
[the month of] Rajab, between the fifth and the tenth in the year eight hundred
and eighteen (A. H.), as to what day it was of the (astronomical) season of the
year. From these very given data, by mental computation, and from horseback, he
determined the true longitude of the sun (correct) to degrees and minutes. When
he came back he asked this humble servant about it. Truly, since in mental
computation the quantities must be retained by memory and others determined,
and there is a limit to one’s strength of retention, he (i.e. I) was not able
to extract it to degrees and minutes, but contented myself with degrees.
Единственный прижизненный портрет Улугбека.
Он значительно отличается от поздних выдуманных и идеализированных изображений.
Это групповой портрет, на котором вполне достоверно изображены сыновья Улугбека
Абд ал-Латиф (старший) и Абд ал-Азиз (младший) — стоят в нижнем правом углу; в
монгольского фасона головных уборах сидят на коврах его жёны, самые ближние:
Ак-Султан Ханике и Хуси-Нигар Ханике; рядом с Улугбеком стоят трое его
генералов (эмиров) с саблями, слуги, и в верхнем углу справа — сокольничие.
Рядом с ними можно видеть лук и колчан полный стрел, то есть Улугбек, который
был страстным охотником, приготовился к охоте. На крыше павильона, в котором
сидит Улугбек, надпись гласит: «Султан величайший, Улугбек Гурган,
благословение царству его». Вероятно, это правая часть диптиха, поскольку взоры
всех присутствующих направлены на левую часть, где были изображены какие-то
любопытные события. Миниатюра создана неизвестным придворным художником в
1425—1450 гг. Художественная галерея Фрира, Вашингтон.
The Legacy of Ulugh Beg
By Kevin Krisciunas 1
Muhammed Taragai Ulugh Beg (1394-1449) was a Turk who ruled the
province of Transoxiana (Maverannahr), a region situated between the River Oxus
(Amu Darya) and the River Jaxartes (Syr Darya), the principal city of which was
Samarkand. Ulugh Beg’s grandfather was the famous conqueror Timur (1336-1405).
Ulugh Beg became the ruler of Transoxiana in 1447 upon the death of his father.
But his rule was of short duration. Two years later he was killed by an
assassin hired by his son ‘Abd al Latif.
Were it only for his role as prince, viceroy, and martyr, few
scholars would know of Ulugh Beg. But his memory lives on because he was an
observatory builder, patron of astronomy, and astronomer in his own right. He
was certainly the most important observational astronomer of the 15th century.
He was one of the first to advocate and build permanently mounted astronomical
instruments. His catalogue of 1018 stars (some sources count 1022) was the only
such undertaking carried out between the times of Claudius Ptolemy (ca. 170
A.D.) and Tycho Brahe (ca. 1600). And, as we shall briefly discuss here, his
attitude towards scientific endeavors was surprisingly modern.
The administration of Transoxiana was the responsibility of
Ulugh Beg’s father for most of Ulugh Beg’s life. The prince had the opportunity
(and the inclination) to pursue scholarly matters. His interest in astronomy
dates from an early age, when he visited the remains of the Maragha
Observatory, made famous by the astronomer Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (1201-74). The
principal accomplishment at Maragha was the Zij-i ilkhani, or Ilkhanic Tables.
A principal source of our information about the astronomical
activity at Samarkand is a letter of one Ghiyath al-Din Jamshid al-Kashi (d.
1429), which is available in Turkish and English (see Sayili 1960). This
letter, originally in Persian, was written in 1421 or 1422. From it we deduce
that serious astronomical activity began in Samarkand in 1408-10, and that the
construction of Ulugh Beg’s observatory was begun in 1420. Among the
astronomers known to have been active at Samarkand, we know only a few by name,
but according to al-Kashi there were sixty or seventy scholars at the madrasa
who were well enough versed in mathematics to participate in some capacity in
the astronomical observations and/or seminars.
The observations were carried out systematically from 1420 to
1437. While observatories today are expected to carry on indefinitely, this was
not the case in olden times. Rather, observations were carried out, for
example, to update tables of planetary motions in order to predict their future
positions. al-Kashi tells us (see Sayili 1960, p.106):
As to the inquiry of those who ask why observations are not
completed in one year but require ten or fifteen years, the situation is such
that there are certain conditions suited to the determination of matters
pertaining to the planets, and it is necessary to observe them when these
conditions obtain. It is necessary, e.g., to have two eclipses in both of which
the eclipsed parts are equal and to the same side, and both these eclipses have
to take place near the same node. Likewise, another pair of eclipses conforming
to other specifications is needed, and still other cases of a similar nature
are required. It is necessary to observe Mercury at a time when it is at its
maximum morning elongation and once at its maximum evening elongation, with the
addition of certain other conditions, and a similar situation exists for the
other planets.
Now, all these circumstances do not obtain within a single year,
so that observations cannot be made in one year. It is necessary to wait until
the required circumstances obtain and then if there is cloud at the awaited
time, the opportunity will be lost and gone for another year or two until the
like of it occurs once more. In this manner there is need for ten or fifteen
One might add that because it takes Saturn 29 years to return to
the same position amongst the stars (that being its period of revolution about
the Sun), a period of 29 years might have been the projected length of the
Samarkand program of observations. A number of instruments were used for the
observations of the planets and for determining the relative positions of the
stars. 3 The largest instrument in Samarkand was the so-called Fakhri sextant.
It was a 60-degree stone arc mounted on the north-south meridian
line. Such an instrument was used to determine the transit altitudes of stars
(i.e. their maximum angular distances above the horizon). From the most
southern and northern positions of the Sun, observed over the course of a year,
one can easily determine the obliquity of the ecliptic (i.e. the tilt of the
Earth’s axis of rotation with respect to the plane of its orbit.) The mean of
these extrema, or the meridian altitude of the Sun at the moment of the vernal
or autumnal equinox allows one (by definition) to determine one’s latitude. 4
According to Ulugh Beg the obliquity of the ecliptic was 23
degrees 30′ 17″ (differing by only 32″ from the true value for his time).
His value for the latitude of Samarkand was 39 degrees 37′ 33″. Now, to the reader unaccustomed to
astronomical topics, these might seem like just numbers, the accuracy of which
may mean nothing. The most interesting thing about the Fakhri sextant in
Samarkand was that its radius was 40 meters! (This is very nearly equal to the
height of the dome of the 200-inch reflector at Palomar Mountain, California.)
The Fakhri sextant was by far the largest meridian instrument
ever built. It could achieve a resolution of a several seconds of arc — on the
order of a six-hundredth of a degree, or the diameter of an American penny at a
distance of more than half a kilometer. Because the Fakhri sextant was an arc
fixed on the meridian, it could only be used for determining the declinations
of celestial bodies. (This being before the invention of accurate clocks, it
could not be used for the determinations of relative right ascensions.)
Because it was a 60-degree arc, it could not be used to observe
stars along the full north-south meridian. Thus, it could not be used, say, to
determine the angular separations of pairs of stars, or for observing stars
near the northern or southern horizons. Consequently, other observational
instruments were used at Samarkand, among them parallactical lineals and
equinoctial and solstitial armillary spheres. These were made of metal and wood
and were on the order of 1 meter in size. Hand held astrolabes are not to be
included in this list, because they were “star finders” and they were used for
rough time determination, rather than for the accurate determination of stellar
or planetary positions.
Typically, two people were required to make individual
observations at any given time. At Samarkand it was the practice for a larger
number of people to discuss the results. In modern terms, this is like peer
review, the purpose of which is to eliminate sources of error and to ensure the
health of the observational program. Ulugh Beg himself has allowed that in
scientific questions there should be no agreeing until the matter is thoroughly
understood and that people should not pretend to understand in order to be
pleasing. Occasionally, when someone assented to His Majesty’s view out of
submission to his authority, His Majesty reprimanded him by saying ‘you are
imputing ignorance to me.’ He also poses a false question, so that if anyone
accepts it out of politeness he will reintroduce the matter and put the man to
shame. 5
The foreword to Ulugh Beg’s Zij contains four parts: 1) the
chronology, describing various systems of time reckoning; 2) practical
astronomy (how observations are made and used); 3) the apparent motions of the
Sun, Moon, and planets, based on a geocentric system of the universe; and 4)
astrology. Besides the tables of motions of the Sun, Moon, and planets,Ulugh
Beg’s Zij was significant for its catalogue of about 1000 stars, giving their
names and ecliptic coordinates. In an appendix to this paper I give a list of
published works that contain all or part of Ulugh Beg’s Zij. 6 In Flamsteed’s
Historia Coelestis Britannica (1725) and Baily’s 1843 treatise we can directly
compare Ulugh Beg’s positions with those of Ptolemy, Tycho Brahe, and others.
With modern stellar positions, proper motions, and an accurate treatment of
precession, it would be interesting to make a statistical analysis of, say, the
100 brightest stars, to see how these catalogues compare as to average
accuracy. 7
In The Observatory in Islam Sayili concludes (pp. 391, 393) by
The observatory as an organized and specialized institution was
born in Islam; it went through very important stages of evolution within Islam
itself; it passed on in a rather highly developed state to Europe, and this was
followed, shortly afterwards, by the creation of modern observatories of
Europe, in an unbroken process of evolution superposing upon the traditions
borrowed from Eastern Islam…The question is of significance…in the case of the
Samarqand Observatory because it appears as probably the most important Islamic
observatory from the standpoint of influences exerted upon Europe.
I can accept the first half of Sayili’s perspective. The
astronomical programs carried out at Baghdad (9th century), Cordova (10th
century), Cairo (10th to 12th centuries), Toledo (11th century), Castile (under
the Christian King Alfonso X; 13th century), Maragha (13th century), and at
Samarkand (15th century) were far more extensive than anything carried out by
the ancient Greeks, with the possible exception of Hipparchus. The Arabs
honored learning and kept alive the study of astronomy by preserving Ptolemy’s
Almagest and adding to its mathematical formulation.
The Ma’munic, Hakemite, Toledan, Ilkhanic and Alphonsine Tables,
along with the tables contained in Ulugh Beg’s Zij have come down to us because
scholars knew they were important. But the influence of the Samarkand
Observatory on European astronomy was more indirect than direct. While copies
of Ulugh Beg’s Zij existed in various libraries such as Oxford and Paris not
long after its composition (see Razvi 1985), it only became known in Europe in
the mid-17th century, nearly five decades after the publication of Tycho
Brahe’s much more accurate data (see appendix to this paper).
If the activities in Samarkand influenced European ones, why
does Ulugh Beg only get cursory mention (on pp. 328 and 347, but not in the
index) of Dreyer’s classic 1890 biography of Tycho Brahe? In Thoren’s even more
authoritative 1990 biography of Tycho there is no mention of Ulugh Beg at all.
It was work such as Tycho’s, not Ulugh Beg’s, that led in turn to the efforts
at Greenwich (founded 1675), Pulkovo (founded 1839), and the United States
Naval Observatory (founded 1844), among other institutions, and these modern,
national, facilities did not need or use Ulugh Beg’s work as a fundamental
component of the construction of accurate star catalogues.
Yet, to be fair, astronomers and historians have found many uses
for ancient and medieval observations, such as studies of the spin down rate of
the Earth, studies of the motion of the Moon and planets, and the dating of
historical events. Ulugh Beg’s observations being the best of their century
allow them to stand as a permanent observational archive for our benefit. For
example, Shcheglov (1977) has recently used information from the modern
excavation of Ulugh Beg’s large meridian instrument for a study of continental
The most direct influence of the Samarkand Observatory was on
the construction of the five observatories, or Jantar Mantars, built by
Maharajah Jai Singh (1686-1743) in India. Jai Singh was a Hindu prince in the
court of a Muslim Mogul emperor. These observatories were built at New Delhi,
Ujjain, Mathura, Varanasi, and Jaipur. The largest instrument was 27 meters
high. For more information see Kaye (1918), Mayer (1979), Sharma (1987), and
Bedding (1991).
While recognition of Ulugh Beg’s contributions to astronomy was
delayed, an extensive body of information now exists on the activity of his
observatory in Samarkand. 8 We now know that at the time Ulugh Beg’s
observatory flourished it was carrying out the most advanced observations and
analysis being done anywhere. In the 1420’s and 1430’s Samarkand was the
astronomical capital of the world. As such it is deserving of further study.
A model of the huge
1. Member, International Astronomical Union, Commission 41
(History of Astronomy).
2. A zij is an astronomical treatise that usually contains
tables for calculating the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets. It might
also contain a star catalogue.
3. For a discussion of the astronomical instrumentation of the
Arabs, see Sedillot (1841), Repsold (1908), and Krisciunas (1988,chapter 2).
Note that the telescope was only first used for astronomical purposes in 1609.
4. Strictly speaking, one must also account for atmospheric
refraction. For a review of astronomical coordinate systems see Krisciunas
(1988, chapter 1).
5. Sayili (1960, pp. 109-110).
6. The appendix is largely based on information found in Shcheglov
(1968; 1979) and in the National Union Catalog Pre-1956 Imprints. I thank Paul
Luther for additional information.
7. Vogt (1925) found 22′ for the average error of 122 Ptolemaic celestial latitudes. The
best of Tycho’s stellar positional measures are good to 1′. See Dreyer (1890, pp.387-8), Wesley
(1978), and Thoren (1990, pp. 287-299, and references therein).
8. See Kary-Niiazov (1967) and Sirazhdinov (1979).
The trench with the lower section of the meridian arc
References and Further Readings
Barthold, W. W., Ulugh Beg und seine Zeit.
Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morganlandes 21, No. 1, 1935.
Bedding, James, “Playground for the stars: The Jantar Mantars,
Astronomical Observatories in India,” New Scientist, 31 August 1991, p. 49.
Dreyer, J. L. E., Tycho Brahe: A Picture of Scientific Life and
Work in the Sixteenth Century (Gloucester, Mass.:Peter Smith), 1977 reprint.
(Original edition published by Adam & Charles Black, Edinburgh, 1890)
Kar[y]-N[i]iazov, T. N., “Ulugh Beg”, in Dictionary of Scientific
Biography 13, pp. 535-537
Kary-Niiazov, T. N., Astronomicheskaia shkola Ulugbeka,
(Tashkent), 1967
Kaye, G. R., The Astronomical Observatories of Jai Singh,
(Janpath, New Delhi: Archaeological Survey of India), reprint of 1918 edition
Krisciunas, Kevin, Astronomical Centers of the World (Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press), 1988
Mayer, Ben, “Touring the Jai Singh Observatories,” Sky and
Telescope 58, No. 1, July 1979, pp. 6-10
Razvi, Abbas, “The Observatory at Samarqand (Marsad-e-Ulugh Beg,
15th C),” Central Asia, No. 17, 1985, pp. 97-150
Repsold, Johann A., Zur Geschichte der
Astronomischen Mess-werkzeuge von Purbach bis Reichenbach (1450 bis 1830)
(Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann), 1908. I have a rough (unpublished) English
translation, which I would be happy to provide anyone, of the first six
sections of this work, covering the astronomical instrumentation of the ancient
Greeks, the Arabs, Purbach, Regiomontanus, Copernicus, Apian, Wilhelm IV of
Hesse-Cassel, and Tycho Brahe
Sarton, George, Introduction to the History of Science
(Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins), 1948, vol. 3, pp. 1120, 1467-1474
Sayili, Aydin, Ulug Bey Ve Semerkanddeki Ilim Faaliyeti Hakkinda
Giyasuddin-i Kasi’nin Mektubu (Ghiyath al Din al Kashi’s Letter on Ulugh Bey
and the Scientific Activity in Samarqand) (Ankara: Turk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi),
1960. In note 1, pp. 32-33 of this work it is stated that another English
translation was published by E. S. Kennedy (Orientalia 29, 1960, pp. 191-213),
which differs in many particulars, and that the Persian text of the letter was
published twice before that.
Sayili, Aydin, The Observatory in Islam and its Place in the
General History of the Observatory (New York: Arno Press), 1981 reprint
(Original edition published by Turk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, Ankara, 1960)
Sedillot, L. [P. E. A.], Memoire sur les
instruments astron. des Arabes, Paris, 1841
Sharma, V. N., “The Astronomical Efforts of Sawai Jai Singh,” in
G. Swarup [et al.], eds., History of Oriental Astronomy (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.
Press), 1987, pp. 233-240
Sh[ch]eglov, V. P., Jan Hevelius: The Star Atlas (Tashkent:
“Fan” Press), 1968
Shcheglov, V. P., “Astronomical azimuths of terrestrial objects
as indicators of the rotational motions of the continental blocks,” Soviet
Astronomy 21, No. 4, July-August 1977, pp. 499-502
Shcheglov, V. P., “Rasprostranenie <> v evropeiskoi
pechati,” in Sirazhdinov (1979, see below), pp. 143-151
Sirazhdinov, S. KH., ed., Iz istorii nauki epokhi Ulugbeka,
(Tashkent: Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR), 1979
Thoren, Victor E., The Lord of Uraniborg: A Biography of Tycho
Brahe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 1990
Vogt, H., “Versuch einer Wiederherstellung
von Hipparchs Fixsternverzeichnis,” Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 5354-55
Wesley, Walter, “The accuracy of Tycho Brahe’s instruments,”
Journal for the History of Astronomy 9 (1978), pp.42-53
Jade dragon cup that once belonged to Ulugh Beg
Editions Containing All or Part of Ulugh Beg’s Zij
1648. John Greaves (1602-1652). Quibus accesserunt, Insigniorum
aliquot Stellarum Longitudines, et Latitudines, Ex Astronomicis Observationibus
Ulug Beigi, Tamerlani Magni Nepotis. Oxoniae. Contains latitudes and longitudes
of [98] stars
1648. John Greaves (1602-1652). Binae Tabulae Geographicae, una Nassir Eddini Persae, altera Vlug Beigi
Tatari: Opera et Studio J. Gravii. Lugduni, Batavorum. Geographical
tables of the Zij
1648. John Bainbridge (1582-1643). Canicularia. Una cum demonstratione ortus Sirii heliaci, pro parallelo inferioris
Aegypti. Auctore Iohanne Gravio. Quibus accesserunt, insigniorum aliquot
stellarum longitudines, et latitudines, ex astronomicis observationibus Vlug
Beigi. Oxoniae, H. Hall. The citation in the U. S. Naval Observatory
copy states that Greaves added the catalogue of 98 Ulugh Beg stars to the
Bainbridge treatise
1650. John Greaves (1602-1652). Epochae Celebriores, Astronomis,
Historicis, Chronologis, Chataiorum, Syro-Graecorum Arabum, Persarum,
Chorasmiorum usitatae (Arabice et Latine): Ex traditione Ulugi Beigi; eas
primus publicavit, recensuit, et Commentarius illustravit Johannes Gravius.
Londini, J. Flesher. Latin and Persian on opposite pages. That part of the Zij
dealing with chronology
1652. John Greaves (1602-1652). Binae Tabulae Geographicae, una Nassir Eddini Persae, altera Vlug Beigi
Tatari: Opera et Studio J. Gravii nunc primum publicatae. Londini, Typis
Jacobi Flesher: prostant apud Cornelium Bee. 2nd edition of geographical tables
1665. Thomas Hyde (1636-1703). Tabulae long. ac lat. stellarum
fixarum, ex observatione Ulugh Beighi, Tamerlanis Magni Nepotis, Regionum ultra
citraque Gjihun (i. Oxum) Principis potentissimi. Ex tribus invicem collatis MSS. Persicis jam primum Luce ac Latiodonavit,
& commentariis illustravit, Thomas Hyde. In calce libriaccesserunt
Mohammedis Tizini tabulae declinationum & rectarium ascensionum. Additur
demum Elenchus Nominum Stellarum. Oxonii: Typis Henrici Hall, sumptibus
authoris. Tables in Latin and Persian for 1018 stars of which about 700 were
based exclusively on Ulugh Beg and the balance were reduced from Ptolemy in one
or both coordinates. Hyde appears to have worked totally independent of Greaves
1690. Johannes Hevelius (1611-1687). Prodromus Astronomiae.
Danzig. Contains a comparison of data in Ulugh Beg’s tables with other star
catalogues known at that time — those of Ptolemy, Tycho Brahe, Giambattista
Riccioli, Wilhelm IV (Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel), and Hevelius
1698-1712. Geographiae veteris scriptores graeci minores. Cum interpretatione latina, dissertationibus, ac annotationibus… Oxoniae, e
Theatro Sheldoniano. A work containing Ulugh Beg’s geographical tables
1725. John Flamsteed (1646-1719). Historia Coelestis Britannica.
London, 3 vols. Includes Ulugh Beg’s catalogue, along with those of Ptolemy,
Tycho Brahe, Wilhelm IV, and Hevelius
1767. Gregory Sharpe. Syntagma dissertationum quas olim auctor
doctissimus Thomas Hyde, S. T. P. separatim edidit. Accesserunt nonnulla
ejusdem opuscula hactenus inedita, &c. &c. Omnia diligenter recognita a
Gregorio Sharpe, LL.D. Reg. Maj. a sacris. Templi Magistro S.S.R. et A.S.
Oxonii. Reprint, with corrections, of Hyde’s 1665 work on the Zij, in a 2 vol.
collection of Hyde’s work
1807. Duo pinakez geographikoi, d men Nassir ‘Eddinou Persou, d
de Ouloug Mpei Tatarou. ‘Epimeleia kai opoudh Dhmhtriou ‘Alexandridou … Kata
thn en ‘Oxonia ekdosin tou sophou Grauiou. ‘En Biennh thz Austriaz, ek thz
tupographiaz ‘A. Sxmidiou. Ulugh Beg’s geographical tables published in Vienna
in a Greek-language edition
1843. Francis Baily (1774-1844). “The Catalogues of Ptolemy,
Ulugh Beigh, Tycho Brahe, Halley and Hevelius, Deduced From the Best
Authorities, With Various Notes and Corrections,” Memoires of the Royal
Astronomical Society 13, pp. 19-28, 79-125, London. Reprinted from Thomas
Hyde’s translation, as edited by Gregory Sharpe in 1767
1839. L. P. E.
A. Sedillot (1808-1875). Tables
astronomiques d’Oloug Beg, commentees et publiees avec le texte en regard, Tome
I, 1 fascicule, Paris. A very rare work, but referenced in the Bibliographie
generale de l’astronomie jusqu’en 1880, by J. C. Houzeau and A. Lancaster
(Brussels, 3 vols. 1887-9;
reprinted London, 1964)
1847. L. P. E. A. Sedillot (1808-1875).
Prolegomenes des Tables astronomiques d’Oloug Beg, publiees avec Notes et
Variantes, et precedes d’une Introduction. Paris: F. Didot
1853. L. P. E. A. Sedillot (1808-1875).
Prolegomenes des Tables astronomiques d’Oloug Beg, traduction et commentaire. Paris
1917. Edward Ball Knobel (1841-1930). Ulugh Beg’s Catalogue of
Stars, Revised from all Persian Manuscripts Existing in Great Britain, with a
Vocabulary of Persian and Arabic Words. Washington, D. C.: The Carnegie
Institute of Washington
Ulugh Beg's headstone at the foot of Timur's in the Gur-e-Amir
Ulugh Beg (Mīrzā Muhammad Tāraghay bin Shāhrukh) الغ بیگ
Mīrzā Muhammad Tāraghay bin Shāhrukh (Chagatai: میرزا محمد طارق بن شاہ رخ,
Persian: میرزا محمد تراغای
بن شاہ رخ) better known as Ulugh Beg (الغ بیگ) (March 22, 1394 in Sultaniyeh, Persia – October 27, 1449,
Samarkand) was a Timurid ruler as well as an astronomer, mathematician and
sultan. His father, Shahrukh had five sons, but only Ulugh Beg, who was an
excellent mathematician but an incapable ruler, was left to succeed his father.
His commonly known name is not truly a personal name, but rather
a moniker, which can be loosely translated as “Great Ruler” or “Patriarch
Ruler” and was the Turkic equivalent of Timur’s Perso-Arabic title Amīr-e
He ruled Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan,
southern Kazakhstan and most of Afghanistan for almost half a century from 1411
to 1449.
He was a grandson of the great conqueror, Timur (Tamerlane)
(1336–1405), and the oldest son of Shah Rukh, both of whom came from the
Turkicized Barlas tribe of Transoxiana (now Uzbekistan).
His mother was a noblewoman named Goharshad, daughter of the
representative Turkic of tribal aristocracy Giyasitdin Tarhan. Ulugh Beg was
born in Sultaniyeh in Persia during Timur’s invasion. As a child he wandered
through a substantial part of the Middle East and India as his grandfather
expanded his conquests in those areas. After Timur’s death, however, and the
accession of Ulugh Beg’s father to much of the Timurid Empire, he settled in
Samarkand, which had been Timur’s capital. After Shah Rukh moved the capital to
Herat (in modern Afghanistan), sixteen-year-old
Ulugh Beg became his governor in Samarkand in 1409. In 1411, he
became the sovereign ruler of the whole Mavarannahr khanate. Ulugh Beg was also
notable for his work in astronomy-related mathematics, such as trigonometry and
spherical geometry.
He built the great Ulugh Beg Observatory in Samarkand between
1424 and 1429. It was considered by scholars to have been one of the finest
observatories in the Islamic world at the time and the largest in Central Asia.
He built the Ulugh Beg Madrasah (1417–1420) in Samarkand and Bukhara,
transforming the cities into cultural centers of learning in Central Asia.
He was also a mathematician of the 15th century — albeit his
mental aptitude was perseverance rather than any unusual endowment of
His observatory is situated in Samarkand which is in Uzbekistan.
Ulugh beg Medresa
Ulugh Beg – Astronomer
22 March 2015
On March 22, 1394, Mongolian astronomer, mathematician and
sultan Mīrzā Muhammad Tāraghay bin Shāhrukh, better known as Ulugh Beg was
(probably) born. Although the only important Mongol scientist, he was the
greatest astronomer of his time. Pursuing this interest he built an observatory
at Samarkand. In his observations he discovered a number of errors in the
computations of the 2nd-century Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy, whose figures
were still being used.
Ulugh Beg was the grandson of the conqueror Timur. After Timur’s
death, the empire was disputed among his sons including Skah Rukh, Ulugh Beg’s
father. Starting from 1407, he controlled a great part of the empire including
Iran and Turkistan regaining control of Samarkand. Two years later, Shah Rukh
decided to make Herat in Khorasan his new capital and made it a center of trade
and culture while Samarkand was given to Ulugh Beg, who was highly interested
in making the city a cultural centre instead of dealing with politics and the
It is believed that already in his early years, Ulugh Beg was
interested in science, especially astronomy. He visited the remains of Maragha
Observatory in his younger years. However, Ulugh Beg also never neglected the
arts, writing poetry himself and studying history. He built a center for higher
education, especially mathematics, which was completed in 1420. Ulugh Beg began
to appoint the best scientists he could find to positions there as lecturers.
Al-Kashi became one of the leading figures of the scientific
life of Samarkand and in his letters, he praised the mathematical achievements
of Ulugh Beg, who led scientific meetings where problems in astronomy were
freely discussed. Soon, Ulugh Beg started to built an astronomy at Samarkand
and the construction works probably began in 1428. The observatory was over 35
meters high and 50 meters in diameter.
The scientists working at the observatory were able to find
methods for giving accurate approximate solutions of cubic equations and work
with the binomial theorem. Also, Ulugh Beg’s accurate tables of sines and
tangents correct to eight decimal places were established and formulae of
spherical trigonometry were found. Further, Ulugh Beg’s Catalogue of the stars,
the first comprehensive stellar catalogue since that of Ptolemy, counts to one of
their greatest achievements.
The star catalogue, the Zij-i Sultani, was published in 1437 and
gives the positions of almost 1000 stars. The catalogue was accomplished by
Ulugh Beg himself, al-Kashi, and Qadi Zada. The work contained tables of
observations made at the Observatory, calendar calculations and results in
trigonometry. Further, several mistakes in the calculations of Ptolemy were
found and with the help of the new findings, Ulugh Beg was able to calculate
the length of the year as 365 days 5 hours 49 minutes 15 seconds.
Unfortunately, after the death of Ulugh Beg’s father in 1447, he
could not retain power and was put to death. In 1941, his tomb was discovered
in the mausoleum built by Timur in Samarkand.
Ulugh Beg Madrasa
Ulugh Beg
Born: 1393 in Soltaniyeh, Timurid, Persia (now Iran)
Died: 27 October 1449 in Samarkand, Timurid empire
By: J. J. O’Connor and E. F. Robertson
Ulugh Beg was the grandson of the conqueror Timur, who is often
known as Tamerlane (from Timur-I-Leng meaning Timur the Lame, a title of
contempt used by his Persian enemies). Although in this archive we are
primarily interested in Ulugh Beg’s achievements in mathematics and astronomy,
we need to examine the history of the area since it had such a major impact on
Ulugh Beg’s life.
Timur, Ulugh Beg’s grandfather, came from the Turkic Barlas
tribe which was a Mongol tribe that was living in Transoxania, today
essentially Uzbekistan. He united several Turko-Mongol tribes under his
leadership and set out on a conquest, with his armies of mounted archers, of
the area now occupied by Iran, Iraq, and eastern Turkey.
Shortly after his grandson Ulugh Beg was born, Timur invaded
India and by 1399 he had taken control of Delhi. Timur continued his conquests
by extending his empire to the west from 1399 to 1402, winning victories over
the Egyptian Mamluks in Syria and the Ottomans in a battle near Ankara. Timur
died in 1405 leading his armies into China.
After Timur’s death his empire was disputed among his sons.
Ulugh Beg’s father Shah Rukh was the fourth son of Timur and, by 1407, he had
gained overall control of most of the empire, including Iran and Turkistan
regaining control of Samarkand. Samarkand had been the capital of Timur’s
empire but, although his grandson Ulugh Beg had been brought up at Timur’s
court, he was seldom in that city. When Timur was not on one of his military
campaigns he moved with his army from place to place and his court, including
his grandson Ulugh Beg, travelled with him.
In 1409 Shah Rukh decided to make Herat in Khorasan (today in
western Afghanistan) his new capital. Shah Rukh ruled there making it a trading
and cultural centre. He founded a library there and became a patron of the
arts. However Shah Rukh did not give up Samarkand, rather he decided to give it
to his son Ulugh Beg who was more interested in making the city a cultural
centre than he was in politics or military conquest. Although Ulugh Beg was
only sixteen years old when his father put him in control of Samarkand, he
became his father’s deputy and he became ruler of the Mawaraunnahr region.
Ulugh Beg was primarily a scientist, in particular a
mathematician and an astronomer. However, he certainly did not neglect the
arts, writing poetry and history and studying the Qur’an. In 1417, to push
forward the study of astronomy, Ulugh Beg began building a madrasah which is a
centre for higher education. The madrasah, fronting the Rigestan Square in
Samarkand, was completed in 1420 and Ulugh Beg then began to appoint the best
scientists he could find to positions there as lecturers.
Ulugh Beg invited al-Kashi to join his madrasah in Samarkand, as
well as around sixty other scientists including Qadi Zada. There is little
doubt that, other than Ulugh Beg himself, al-Kashi was the leading astronomer
and mathematician at Samarkand. Letters which al-Kashi wrote to his father have
survived. These were written from Samarkand and give a wonderful description of
the scientific life there. The contents of one of these letters have only
recently been published.
In the letters al-Kashi praises the mathematical abilities of
Ulugh Beg but of the other scientists in Samarkand, only Qadi Zada earned his
respect. Ulugh Beg led scientific meetings where problems in astronomy were
freely discussed. Usually these problems were too difficult for all except
al-Kashi and the letters confirm that al-Kashi was the closest collaborator of
Ulugh Beg at his madrasah in Samarkand.
In addition to the madrasah, Ulugh Beg built an observatory at
Samarkand, the construction of this beginning in 1428. The Observatory, which
was circular in shape, had three levels. It was over 50 metres in diameter and
35 metres high. The director of the Observatory was Ali-Kudschi, a Muslim
astronomer. Al-Kashi and other mathematicians and astronomers appointed to the
madrasah also worked at Ulugh Beg’s Observatory.
Among the instruments specially constructed for the Observatory was
a quadrant so large that part of the ground had to be removed to allow it to
fit in the Observatory. There was also a marble sextant, a triquetram and an
armillary sphere. The achievements of the scientists at the Observatory,
working there under Ulugh Beg’s direction and in collaboration with him, are
discussed in detail in. This excellent book records the main achievements which
include the following: methods for giving accurate approximate solutions of
cubic equations; work with the binomial theorem; Ulugh Beg’s accurate tables of
sines and tangents correct to eight decimal places; formulae of spherical
trigonometry; and of particular importance, Ulugh Beg’s Catalogue of the stars,
the first comprehensive stellar catalogue since that of Ptolemy.
This star catalogue, the Zij-i Sultani, set the standard for
such works up to the seventeenth century. Published in 1437, it gives the
positions of 992 stars. The catalogue was the results of a combined effort by a
number of people working at the Observatory including Ulugh Beg, al-Kashi, and
Qadi Zada. As well as tables of observations made at the Observatory, the work
contained calendar calculations and results in trigonometry.
The trigonometric results include tables of sines and tangents
given at 1° intervals. These tables display a high degree of accuracy, being
correct to at least 8 decimal places. The calculation is built on an accurate
determination of sin 1° which Ulugh Beg solved by showing it to be the solution
of a cubic equation which he then solved by numerical methods. He obtained
sin 1° = 0.017452406437283571
The correct approximation is
sin 1° = 0.017452406437283512820
which shows the remarkable accuracy which Ulugh Beg achieved.
Observations made at the Observatory brought to light a number
of errors in the computations of Ptolemy which had been accepted without
question up to that time. Data from his Observatory allowed Ulugh Beg to
calculate the length of the year as 365 days 5 hours 49 minutes 15 seconds, a
fairly accurate value. He produced data relating to the Sun, the Moon and the
planets. His data for the movements of the planets over a year is, like so much
of his work, very accurate:
… the difference between Ulugh Beg’s data and that of modern
times relating to [Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus] falls within the limits of two
to five seconds.
Ulugh Beg’s politics were not up to his science and, after his
father’s death in 1447, he was unable to retain power despite being an only
son. He was eventually put to death at Samarkand at the instigation of his own
son ‘Abd al-Latif. His tomb was discovered in 1941 in the mausoleum built by
Timur in Samarkand. It was discovered that Ulugh Beg had been buried in his
clothes which is known to indicate that he was considered a martyr. The
injuries inflicted on him were evident when his body was examined:
… the third cervical vertebra was severed by a sharp
instrument in such a way that the main portion of the body and an arc of that
vertebra were cut cleanly; the blow, struck from the left, also cut through the
right corner of the lower jaw and its lower edge.
Ulugh Beg Madrasah
Ulugh Beg
Ulugh Beg was a Timurid ruler as well as an astronomer,
mathematician. His primary interest was in the sciences and intellectual
matters. He built an observatory at Samarkand. In his observations he
discovered a number of errors in the computations of the 2nd-century
Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy. Ulugh Beg was also notable for his work in
astronomy-related mathematics, such as trigonometry and spherical geometry. He
built the great Ulugh Beg Observatory in Samarkand, which was considered by
scholars to have been one of the finest observatories in the Islamic world at
the time and the largest in Central Asia….
Muhammad Taraghāy ibn Shāhrukh ibn Tīmūr, known as Ulugh
Beg Born in Sultāniyya (Iran) on 22 March 1394
Died near Samarqand (Uzbekistan) on 27 October 1449
Muhammad Taraghāy ibn Shāhrukh ibn Tīmūr better known as Ulugh
Beg (Sultāniyya (Iran) on 22 March 1394 and died near Samarqand (Uzbekistan) on
27 October 1449) was a Timurid ruler as well as an astronomer, mathematician.
Ulūgh Beg was the grandson of the Asian conqueror Timur (Tamerlane). His
primary interest was in the sciences and intellectual matters. Under his brief
rule the Timurid dynasty reached its cultural peak. His father, Shāh Rokh,
captured the city of Samarkand and gave it to Ulūgh Beg, who made it a centre
of Muslim culture. There he wrote poetry and history and studied the Qurān.
His greatest interest was astronomy, and he built an observatory (begun in
1428) at Samarkand. In his observations he discovered a number of errors in the
computations of the 2nd-century Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy, whose figures
were still being used.
Ulugh Beg was also notable for his work in astronomy-related
mathematics, such as trigonometry and spherical geometry. He built the great
Ulugh Beg Observatory in Samarkand, which was considered by scholars to have
been one of the finest observatories in the Islamic world at the time and the
largest in Central Asia. He also build the Ulugh Beg Madrasah (1417–1420) in
Samarkand and Bukhara, transforming the cities into cultural center of learning
in Central Asia.
In a long and detailed article on Astronomical Observatories in
the Classical Islamic Culture, FSTC Research Team devoted a section to The
Legacy of Ulugh Beg that we reproduce to celebrate the anniversary of this
great scholar.
The Legacy of Ulugh Beg
In a noteworthy article by Kevin Krisciunas (University of Notre
Dame, Department of Physics) on The Legacy of Ulugh Beg, the author presents an
outline on the subject of Muslim observatories and especially the work
performed in Samarqand observatory.
Krisciunas reminds us that Ulugh Beg is to be remembered not for
his princely role, but for his role as patron of astronomy, an astronomer and
observatory builder. His distinction was that he was one of the first to
advocate and build permanently mounted astronomical instruments. The importance
of his observatory is further enhanced by the large number of astronomers,
between sixty and seventy, involved in observation and seminars. Of crucial
importance, too, is that observations were carried on a systematic basis
forlengthy periods of time, as from 1420 to 1437. The reason, as Krisciunas
makes clear, why observations are not completed in one year but instead require
ten or fifteen years, is:
“The situation is such that there are certain conditions suited
to the determination of matters pertaining to the planets, and it is necessary
to observe them when these conditions obtain. It is necessary, e.g., to have
two eclipses in both of which the eclipsed parts are equal and to the same
side, and both these eclipses have to take place near the same node. Likewise,
another pair of eclipses conforming to other specifications is needed, and
still other cases of a similar nature are required. It is necessary to observe
Mercury at a time when it is at its maximum morning elongation and once at its
maximum evening elongation, with the addition of certain other conditions, and
a similar situation exists for the other planets.
“Now, all these circumstances do not obtain within a single
year, so that observations cannot be made in one year. I is necessary to wait
until the required circumstances obtain and then if there is cloud at the
awaited time, the opportunity will be lost and gone for another year or two
until the like of it occurs once more. In this manner, there is a need for ten
or fifteen years. One might add that because it takes Saturn 29 years to return
to the same position amongst the stars (that being its period of revolution
about the Sun), a period of 29 years might have been the projected length of
the Samarkand programme of observations.”
In his article, Krisciunas, although recognising the crucial
role of Islamic observation, still finds sources of disagreement with the
notion that the Samarqand observatory exerted decisive influence on Europe.
Actually, the legacy of this scientific institution was indeed not transmitted
to the West, where a thriving scientific tradition was being developed as a
result of earlier contacts with Arabic science. It remains true, however, that
the work of Ulugh Beg and his colleagues had an important impact on another
Islamic team of scholars, those who worked in Istanbul in late 16th century
under the leadership of Taqi al-Din ibn Ma’ruf. Now, the similarity of Taqi
al-Din’s astronomical instruments with those of Tycho Brahe is amazing, and
should stand as a strong evidence that the Danish astronomer certainly knew in
a way or another of the achievements of his Muslim colleagues, at least in the
field of astronomical instrumentation.
“The Samarkand observatory consisted of a monumental cylindrical
building of a height of 30 meters and a diameter of 46, with a huge marble
sextant, the “Sextant of Fakhri”, of a radius of about 40 meters, allowing a
very high precision in the astronomical measurements during the passage of the
Sun, the Moon or the planets along the meridian. This arch of 60° included
staircases on each side to allow the assistants carrying out the measurements
to move.”
End Notes
Kevin Krisciunas, “The Legacy of Ulugh Beg”, Bulletin of the
Association for the Advancement of Central Asian Research, vol. 5, no. 1,
Spring 1992, pp. 3-6. Reprinted in in Central Asian Monuments, edited by Hasan
B. Paksoy, Istanbul: Isis Press, 1992, pp. 95-103 (for an online version click
here). See also by the same author: “The accuracy of the measurements in Ulugh
Beg’s star catalogue”, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, vol. 24,
no. 4, 1992, 1166-7; “A more complete analysis of the errors in Ulugh Beg’s star
catalogue”, Journal for the History of Astronomy, vol. 24, November 1993, pp.
269-280; and “Observatories”, Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
Institute of Physics Publishing, 1999 (available on The astrophysics preprint server:
These issues were studied by Sevim Tekeli, The Instruments of
Istanbul Observatory (published on http://www.MuslimHeritage.com, 8 June 2008). See
also Aydin Sayili, Observatories In Islam and Salim Aydüz, Ottoman
Contributions to Science and Technology: Examples from Geography and Astronomy.
Ulugh Beg observatory
Ulugh Beg and His Observatory
By Daniel C. Waugh
Ulugh Beg was the oldest son of Shahrukh, born in the city of
Sultaniyah during his grandfather Timur’s (Tamerlane’s) campaign in northern
Iran in 1394. At age 4 he accompanied his grandfather as far as Kabul, on the
campaign that went on to take Delhi; almost immediately after the Indian
campaign, he joined Tamerlane’s campaign to the west which resulted in the
defeat of the Ottoman ruler Bayezid I at Ankara in 1402. As Tamerlane was
preparing to invade China, he celebrated the marriages of several of his
grandsons, among them Ulughbeg (then age 10), who also was designated to rule
over a significant portion of Moghulistan (the region encompassing part of the
Tien Shan Mountains and NW Xinjiang), which, of course, was yet to be
conquered. It is likely that Ulugh Beg was one of the princes seen by the
Spanish ambassador Clavijo when he visited Tamerlane’s court in 1403-1404.
Tamerlane’s death in early 1405 not only cancelled the invasion
of China but ushered in a period of civil strife in which the young Ulugh Beg
took an active part. When his father, Shahrukh, finally managed to regain
control over Transoxiana, he appointed Ulugh Beg as the regent there. The
latter assumed his full responsibilities in 1411, although he continued to be
subordinate to his father, who ruled the empire from Herat. At Shahrukh’s death
in 1447, Ulugh Beg succeeded him, but survived only two years as an independent
ruler before being overthrown and beheaded in 1449.
Although for a time in the mid-1420s Ulugh Beg’s armies waged a
successful war for control of parts of Moghulistan (including Kashgar),
increasingly he seems to have devoted himself to scholarly pursuits and
patronage of the arts. In 1417-1420 he had a large madrasa (school) built,
which still stands on the Registan in the center of Samarkand. The Timurid
founder of the Moghul Empire in the early sixteenth century, Babur, describes
what this complex of buildings was like then (only the school has survived):
Amongst Ulugh Beg’s buildings inside the town are a college and
a hospice (khanaqah). The dome of the hospice is very large: few so large are
known anywhere else in the world. Near these two buildings he constructed an
excellent hot bath…; he had the pavements in this made of all sorts of stone.
There is no bath like this in Khurasan or anywhere else in Samarkand….To the
south of the college is his mosque, known as the “Carved Mosque” because its
ceiling and walls are all covered with carved islimi and pictures made of
inlaid woods…
Babur goes on to describe Ulugh Beg’s observatory and some of
the splendid gardens and pavilions that he had built, one of them apparently
decorated with porcelain specially ordered from China. His conscious efforts to
honor his grandfather included donation of the huge Koran stand that can still
be seen in the Bibi Khanum Mosque and placement of of a striking jade cenotaph
above Tamerlane’s grave in the Gur-i Amir mausoleum. There is reason to believe
that this huge block of jade came as booty from one of Ulugh Beg’s campaigns in
Moghulistan in the 1420s. Ulugh Beg was laid to rest in the Gur-i Mir at the
feet of his grandfather (in the photo, Ulugh Beg’s grave is in the foreground;
Tamerlane’s behind).
While the achievements of his reign were many, he is probably
best remembered for his scientific contributions. The madrasa became a major
center of learning in the Islamic world, whose influence spread widely and
lasted beyond Ulugh Beg’s death, at which time some of the scholars he had
supported left Samarkand for capitals such as Istanbul which promised more
stability. The first director of his observatory was Qazizadeh Rumi, who had in
fact come to Central Asia from Anatolia and was one of Ulugh Beg’s teachers.
Tradition has it that he is buried the elegant double-domed tomb constructed
for him in the Shah-i Zinde mausoleum complex at Ulugh Beg’s behest.
The tradition of Islamic science upon which Ulugh Beg and his
scholars drew had long been valued by the rulers of Inner Asia. For example,
the famous Mongol Emperor Khubilai Khan, staffed his new observatory in Beijing
(shown on the left) with Muslim scientists. Muslim scholars made important
contributions in mathematics (as is well known, our word “algebra” and the mathematics
it embodies come from Arabic treatises). In astronomy, they drew heavily on the
legacy of Classical Greece and Rome. One concern of royal astronomers was with
calendars and astrological readings of heavenly signs (the boundary between
astronomy and astrology was not clearcut as it is today).
Underlying such “practical” applications was serious measurement
and study of the movement of heavenly bodies; it is in this area that Ulugh Beg
made some of his most important contributions. The observatory built at Maragha
in the late thirteenth century for the Mongol Ilkhanid rulers of Iran was
probably the most important direct influence on the Samarkand observatory.
His observatory was built beginning around 1420 on a hill to the
north of Samarkand. Since it was destroyed within a few generations of his
death, by the twentieth century no one knew its exact location. All that
remains of the building, now excavated by archaeologists, are the foundations
and the lower part of the largest of its scientific instruments, a huge
“sextant.” There is a small museum with exhibits about Ulugh Beg and his
scientific achievements; one can contemplate there a bust sculpted on the basis
of the study of his remains.
Babur described the building as it still stood in the early
sixteenth century:
Another of Ulugh Beg Mirza’s fine buildings is an observatory,
that is, an instrument for writing astronomical tables. this stands three
storeys high, on the skirt of the Kohik upland. By its means the Mirza worked
out the Gurkhani Tables, now used all over the world instead of earlier such
One modern reconstruction of the building’s appearance is shown
The so-called “sextant” obviously would have extended well above
the ground (as the drawing shows) and likely was closer to being a quadrant. As
Krisciunas points out in his interesting discussion of the instrument, it “was
by far the largest meridian instrument ever built.” Fragments of the curved
measuring track have survived with markings for around 20 degrees; this is
about the highest point that observations likely would have been made. The
“sextant” would have been used to measure the angle of elevation of major
heavenly bodies, especially at the time of the winter and summer solstices.
Light from the given body, passing through a controlled opening, would have
shone on the curved track, which is marked very precisely with degrees and
“It could achieve a resolution of several seconds of arc–on the
order of a six-hundredth of a degree, or the diameter of an American penny at a
distance of more than half a kilometer” (Krisciunas). It is not clear whether
more than the sun and moon could have been measured in this fashion, since
planets, for example, would not have cast sufficient light. The observatory was
equipped with a variety of other instruments, which probably accounted for the
largest part of its scientific measurement. While only written lists (not the
actual instruments) have survived, one can at least get a feel for what some
might have been like (among them armillary spheres) from those to be seen today
atop Khubilai Khan’s observatory in Beijing.
One of the most important measurements carried out by Ulugh
Beg’s astronomers was the obliquity of the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the
circular path described by the the sun in the course of a year, and its
obliquity is the angle at which it cuts the equator. Establishing this
precisely is important for a variety of other astronomical measurements and
calendrical calculations. The astronomers in the classical world had errors on
the order of 7′-10′. Arab astronomers achieved for the
most part much greater precision; in the case of Ulugh Beg, the error was only
His results for the calculation of the movement of the planets
are also impressively close to those obtained by modern means. Some consider
his most significant achievement to be the compilation of a catalogue of the
stars and their locations. This was the first such catalogue based on new,
direct observation since that complied some 1600 years earlier by the important
Greek astronomer Hipparchus. Our appreciation for Ulugh Beg’s work increases
when we remember that he was working nearly two centuries prior to the
invention of the telescope.
His work eventually became known in Europe, with the publication
in London in 1650 of a Latin translation of his “Chronology,” and fifteen years
later the first of many European editions of his star tables. As Krisciunas
points out, the impact on European astronomy was slight though, given the
advances that had been made prior to the time when Ulugh Beg’s work became
known. The Samarkand observatory was much more important for its influence on
astronomy in Mughal India. That said, Ulugh Beg
was certainly the most important observational astronomer of the
15th century. He was one of the first to advocate and build permanently mounted
astronomical instruments. His catalogue of 1018 stars (some sources count 1022)
was the only such undertaking carried out between the times of Cladius Ptolemy
(ca. 170 A.D.) and Tycho Brahe (ca. 1600). And…his attitude towards scientific
endeavors was surprisingly modern.(Krisciunas)
1) Aydin Sayili, The Observatory in Islam and Its Place in the
General History of the Observatory (Ankara, 1960), Ch. VIII, pp. 260-289
2)Kevin Krisciunas, “Ulugh Beg’s Zij,” in H. B. Paksoy, ed.,
Central Asian Monuments (Istanbul, 1992). A professional astronomer’s
assessment, with extensive bibliography
3) Iz istorii epokhi Ulugbeka (Tashkent, 1965)
4) Bernhard du Mont, “Ulugh Beg: Astronom
und Herrscher in Samarkand,” Sterne und Weltraum, 2002, Nos. 9-10, pp. 38-46. The first of two
beautifully illustrated articles on Ulugh Beg by German astronomers; published
in a high-quality popular astronomy journal
5) Heiner Schwan, “Die Tabellen von Ulugh
Beg: Die Sternkataloge des Ptolemäus, Ulugh Beg und Tycho Brahe im Vergleich,”
Sterne und Weltraum, 2002, Nos. 9-10, pp. 48-51.
Ulugh Beg observatory
Mohammed Targai Ulugh Beg (1393 – 1449 C.E.)
By Dr. A. Zahoor
Ulugh Beg was a grandson of Timur (known in the West as
Tamerlane), a Tartar prince and ruler of Turkestan. He was an exceptional
astronomer and mathematician of the fifteenth century. Ulugh Beg was the son of
Timurid king Shah Rukh and was born in 1393 at Sultaniyya in Central Asia. He
was a Hafiz, someone who can recite the Qur’an by heart.
Ulugh Beg made Samarkand famous as one of the leading cities of
Muslim civilization. In 1424 he built a madrasa, an institution of higher
learning, where astronomy was taught. Later in 1428, Ulugh Beg began the
construction of a magnificent three-story observatory in Samarkand. It was more
than two hundred fifty feet in diameter and one hundred twenty feet high. He
appointed Ali-Kudsi, a Muslim astronomer as the director of the Observatory.
Several well-known mathematicians and astronomers including Al-Kashi and
Kadizada worked there.
He equipped it with the best and most accurate astronomical
instruments available then. The observatory included a Fakhri sextant (made of
marble) which was used for determining the inclination of the ecliptic to the
equator, the point of the vernal equinox, the length of the tropical year, and
other astronomical constants measured from observation of the sun. It also
included a quadrant so large that part of the ground was removed to allow it to
fit in the Observatory. Other instruments included a triquetram and an
armillary sphere.
In 1437 he published his most famous and enduring work, a new
catalogue of stars entitled ‘Zidj-i Djadid Sultani.’ In it, he revisited the
positions and magnitudes of stars observed by Ptolemy. He found many errors in
the computations of Ptolemy. It includes a diverse collection of observations
and computations, the position of the fixed stars, the course of the stars, and
the knowledge of time. An English translation of this work was published in
Ulugh Beg computed the length of the year as 365 days 5 hours 49
minutes 15 seconds, a fairly accurate value. In addition, he prepared Tables of
Planetary Motions which were very popular and in demand throughout the
astronomical community. Ulugh Beg studied the yearly movements of the five
bright planets: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury. His data are still
considered very accurate. In 1437, he also compiled a star catalogue giving the
positions of 992 stars. His compilation of tables of sines and tangents at
one-degree intervals are accurate to eight decimal places.
Ulugh Beg was assassinated in 1449 in Samarkand after a brief
reign as ruler of Turkestan for three years. This catastrophe led to the
neglect of the observatory and Samarkand slowly phased out as the leading
center of astronomy. The observatory was eventually destroyed and its location
was confirmed in 1908 by Russian archaeologists. Beer and Madler in their
famous work Der Mond (1837) mention a surface feature of the moon after Ulugh
Beg. It is the name of a prominent elliptical ring in the northwest of the
Eighteenth section.
Фрагмент двойного азимутального квадранта
The Tragic Story of the Man Who Unlocked the Universe
By Jamie Carter
Nov 27, 2018
When it comes to places with an evocative name, Samarkand in
Uzbekistan, Central Asia, on the old Silk Road is right up there with
Marrakesh, Timbuktu and Shangri-La. It’s home to the UNESCO World Heritage Site
of the Registan, and it’s where every single tourist who ever visits Uzbekistan
ends up. However, a few miles away in a far less dramatic a building is
evidence that it was here that astronomers accurately calculated the length of
a year to within a minute, measured the Earth, and plotted the positions of
over a thousand stars.
The forgotten astronomer
Yet instead of taking his place next to the giants of pioneering
astronomy, such as Tycho Brahe, Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo – all of whom
he preceded – the name Ulugh Begh remains virtually unknown.
Where is Uzbekistan?
Most people cannot find Uzbekistan on a world map. This former
Soviet state is in Central Asia, borders all of the other ‘Stans (Kazakhstan,
Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan), and is home to 33 million. Even fewer
people, including astronomers, have heard of Begh.
Pioneering observations
The astronomical school he founded was fleeting, but it was
nonetheless pioneering. Constructed around the year 1420 on a hill on the
outskirts of Samarkand, ruler Begh’s cutting-edge observatory was destroyed
less than 30 years later. As was Begh himself, murdered aged 55 years, while on
the way to Mecca – by an assassin hired by his son! Archaeologists only found
the observatory in 1908, and excavated it in 1948.
What’s left to see
The remains of his observatory are well worth a visit if you
want a glimpse of what astronomy would have been like without the telescope
ever being invented. It constitutes a huge trench along the line of the
Meridian, a few meters wide, that once housed a mighty sextant with a radius of
40 meters used to measure the elevation of the Sun, Moon and stars. At one end
is an arch used to measure midday. Starlight would have shone on to the track,
which contains Arabic numerals. The result of this, and other observational astronomical
instruments was the Zij-i Sultani in 1437, then the most accurate catalog of 1,018
stars, and Begh’s legacy.
Accurate calculations
In it, the astronomers accurately predicted, for the first time,
the exact length of years and months, and the moment of midday, and of winter
and summer solstices. The astronomers’ calculation of a year, at 365 days, 6
hours, 10 minutes and 8 seconds, was later proved to be wrong. They were out by
1 minute and 2 seconds.
Predicting eclipses
The annual motion of the planets was plotted, part of some
impressive work exploring the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the sun’s apparent path
through the sky during a year. By measuring its inclination to the celestial
equator, Begh’s astronomers calculated the Moon’s ascending and descending
nodes, and as a result, the exact timing of solar eclipses (which only occur
when the moon crosses the ecliptic).
Begh’s name lives on
This scholarly ruler’s name has largely been forgotten by modern
astronomy, but it does live on in two places in the Universe: 2439 Ulugbek, a
minor planet discovered in 1977, and Ulug Beigh crater near the Oceanus
Procellarum in the northwest of the moon.
Uzbekistan’s only contribution to science? Not quite. Muhammad
ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, a 9th-century Muslim mathematician and astronomer,
invented algebra. Go figure.
Ulugh Beg‘s observatory, Uzbekistan
The site comprises the remains of a meridian arc that originally
formed part of the 15th-century observatory of Ulugh Beg. This colossal
quadrant, its white marble slabs containing incised Arabic symbols and
numerals, was constructing by cutting its lower part out of living rock while
its upper part was supported by a brick structure 40m high.
Ulugh Beg, the ruler of Transoxiana from 1409 to 1449, had been
interested in astronomy from childhood and had visited the remains of Maragha
Observatory in his younger years. In 1420 he established a school in his
capital city Samarqand, where mathematical sciences were taught, and after four
years he established his own observatory, one of the largest in the pre-modern
The observatory was a large round building with three stories,
decorated with glazed tiles, majolica and mosaic. Its main instrument was a huge
sextant with a radius of 40m, embedded in a trench about two metres wide, dug
into a hill in the plane of the meridian. This method of construction made the
instrument completely stable and reduced the errors arising from the minor
displacements common in movable observational tools. At the same time, the
enormous size of the sextant made its graduation very accurate. On the arc of
the sextant, divisions of 70.2 cm represented one degree, while marks separated
by 11.7 mm corresponded to one minute and marks only 1mm apart represented five
Following the demise of Ulugh Beg the observatory was reduced to
ruins. Its remains, primarily the sextant, were discovered in 1908.
The main purpose of the observatory was to produce a zīj, and
the Sultānī Zīj or the Zīj-i Ulugh Beg was duly compiled in 1438-39. This
became one of the most widespread zījs: it was copied more than a hundred
times, translated into Arabic and Turkish, and parts of it were translated into
Latin and published in Oxford and London in the mid 17th century.
An important aspect of the Sultānī Zīj is its updated values for
astronomical parameters and new computational procedures. Samarqand astronomers
attempted to calculate the trigonometric tables from scratch and derived new
values for essential parameters. The basis of the trigonometric tables of the
Sultānī Zīj is the very accurate calculation of the sine of 1°, which Ulugh Beg
Ghiyāth al-Dīn Jamshid al-Kāshī, the senior astronomer of the observatory,
calculated using new procedures to sixteen decimal places. His work the Key to
Arithmetic is one of the best treatises written about arithmetic in the Middle
Under the patronage of Ulugh Beg, Samarqand became an ideal
place to study science at an advanced level, and attracted many students from
all over the Islamic territories, even including the farthest western regions.
As a result of these scholarly exchanges, the influence of Samarqand
Observatory, which was itself a continuation of the Maragha School tradition,
spread through a vast area from Tranoxiana to the Ottoman Empire. The social
and political turbulence that followed the fall of Ulugh Beg and continued
until the establishment of the Safavid dynasty in Persia in the early 1500s
triggered a massive emigration of scholars from the eastern parts of the
Islamic territories into the Ottoman Empire. Among them were several
astronomers and mathematicians who were either working at the Samarqand
Observatory or else trained by Samarqand scholars; and their influence upon the
development of science in the Ottoman Empire was considerable.
Ulugh Beg’s observatory forms part of the World Heritage Site
Samarkand—Crossroads of Cultures, inscribed in 2001 under criteria (i), (ii)
and (iv). As one of the major monuments of the property, it is afforded
Uzbekistan’s highest level of cultural protection and conservation.
The Samarkand Observatory
A comment from Clive J. Grant reads:
The Samarkand observatory, for the construction of which Ulugh
Beg was primarily responsible, was left untouched when Samarkand was conquered
by Uzbeks in 1500. Samarkans was incorporated into the Bukhara Khanate. This is
very important, because the city of Bukhara, even then, was becoming a major
repository of Islamic written (and, later, printed) works. It grew into a major
trading center and thousands of precious scrolls and books traveled the Silk
Road to western centers of Islamic learning. In large measure, that is why we
have available to us the works of so many 11th- to 15th-century Islamic
scholars. Samarkand declined in importance until, for about 50 years (172[?] to
177[?]) it had no inhabitants. Long before then, virtually every scrap of
paper, silk scroll, papyrus, vellum, &c. had been removed to the covered
souks in Bukhara. Imperial Russia partially resurrected Samarkand as a rail
center during the 19th-Century Great Game.
Over the centuries, the Bukhara souks had developed into the
single largest documentary resource in all of Islam. In some respects, it was a
marketing center; in some it was a giant library. Sadly, that first-place
distinction was annihilated early in the 20th-Century.
In their first attempt to force Bukhara into the new Red USSR
empire, the Bolsheviks were repelled by a small patriotic force. As punishment,
Moscow named Samarkand the capital of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic and,
simultaneously, sent a modern army against the ancient city. The overwhelming
force included heavy artillery, tanks and heavy bombing raids by airplanes.
Nothing of the Bukhara archives survived. The canvas covered souks were as
ineffective as air against explosives and incendiary devices.
Of course, history tends to be written by the conquerors and the
USSR, with a penchant for revising history at the drop of a hat, tried to write
the barbaric destruction of Bukhara out of history. Western left wing authors
occasionally make reference to the ruins of ancient covered bazaars, unwilling
as they are to lay the blame where it belongs.
Here are quotations from some paragraphs in David Fromkin’s
book, A Peace to End All Peace , chapter 56, A Death in Bukhara [of 1918] p.
… In the city’s seven-mile honeycomb of covered bazaars, …
[t]here was a lively traffic … A center of the commerce in rare manuscripts and
libraries in many oriental languages, Bukhara continued to be the principal
book market in Central Asia.
[of 1920] p. 486
In the summer of 1920 the Red Army attacked again, and Russian
troops under the command of Mikhail Frunze bombarded Bukhara. . . . the Red
Army, with its airplanes and armored vehicles, moved forward on 2 September,
bringing Bukhara’s medieval rule to an end: the library, containing possibly
the greatest collections of Moslem manuscripts in the world, went up in flames.
One can only speculate what untold treasures went up in smoke.
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