Saturday, August 3, 2024

Mikhail Kutuzov in 1812, Sergei Shoigu in 2024, and Aleksey Kivshenko's Historical Painting of the Military Council in Fili, a suburb of Moscow

 Many Russians were astounded yesterday morning, when reading in the news that during searches conducted in the residences of the former Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Dmitry Bulgakov, who was arrested on charges of corruption on 26th of July, a small number of very bizarre frames and paintings were found.

The historically true: Commander-in-Chief of the Russian armies Mikhail Kutuzov at 'the Council in Fili', 1812

The mystically allegorical: Sergei Shoigu, former Minister of Defense of Russia and currently Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation as an atemporal replica of General Kutuzov


I. Introduction

II. Brief description and possible parallels

III. Shoigu's lengthy tenure exceeded by far that of President Putin

IV. Long 'reigns' come with indulgence in corruption and extravagance

V. An attempt to inculpate or a mystical allegory?

VI. Appendices



I. Введение

II. Краткое описание и возможные параллели

III. Длительное правление Шойгу намного превзошло президентство президента Путина

IV. Длительное «правление» сопровождается потворством коррупции и расточительству

V. Попытка инкриминировать или мистическая аллегория?

VI. Приложения


I. Introduction

The most mysterious of those paintings is based on a historical painting, which was created by the famous 19th c. Russian painter Aleksey Kivshenko (1851-1895) in 1879, and known as 'the Council in Fili'. This great masterpiece of Modern Russian Art represents the artist's impression of a historical event, namely a military council that took place (1812) in a suburb of Moscow, prior to Napoleon's temporary occupation of the Russian city (14 September – 19 October 1812). The extraordinary summit occurred immediately after the Battle of Borodino, which was a Pyrrhic victory for the French army.


Created 67 years after the event, the painting had an enormous success; Kivshenko, who was already known for his numerous, fascinating works and representations of significant historical events of the Russian past, had to repeat the painting twice, which clearly means that his artwork generated an overwhelming and exceptional enthusiasm. This situation was basically due to the primordial importance of the historical event.


The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian armies, Infantry General Mikhail Golenishchev-Kutuzov had then to take a most critical decision: the orderly retreat of the Russian army from Moscow. The meeting (13 September 1812), which is known through several historical sources, started with the dilemma formulated by General Leonty Bennigsen, namely to give battle against the French army in an unfavorable position or to surrender. Kutuzov sided finally with the minority opinion and took the decision to abandon Moscow, which was finally proven correct, because Napoleon could not hold his position for long.


Then, how should we today, 212 years after the event and 145 years after the painting, interpret a bizarre painting in which a group of top Russian statesmen and military desire to be and are effectively depicted as exchanging roles with the historical personalities who saved the Russian Empire before two centuries?


In the painting found in Bulgakov's house, Sergei Shoigu, the former Minister of Defense of Russia, and now Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, is depicted as the Russian commander Mikhail Kutuzov. Shoigu's former deputy Ruslan Tsalikov plays General Mikhail Barclay de Tolly. The painting also features former deputy defense ministers Timur Ivanov, Tatyana Shevtsova and other officials.


Several other bizarre paintings were found in the arrested statesman's house, but the atemporal replica of the said historical painting raises more questions, due to the potential symbolisms or parallels that can be drawn. If the potentially allegorical but effectively incomprehensible artwork was found in 2005 or in 2012, no one would pay much attention, and the eventually innocuous representation would be taken as the result of a certainly bold, yet counterproductive, imagination of a group of top level Russian officials, eventually characterized by their narcissism.


It is clear that many Russians are -truly speaking- under terrible shock because of the revelations, and their comments about this, most weird, story are very negative. With no doubt, Kutuzov is almost a holy person for the Russians because, although he did not mark a real victory over Napoleon, he forced him to advance following Pyrrhic victories during a prolonged war of attrition which led finally to the collapse of the French Army. How a defeat at the battlefield can possibly be transformed into a victory in the long perspective is a most fatalistic turn of events for historians to possibly fathom. But it was known since the time of the Battle of Kadesh (May 1274 BCE) between the Hittite Emperor Muwatalli II and the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses III.


On the other hand, many of the persons depicted on the bizarre paintings have recently lost their positions or even been arrested. Bulgakov was arrested only 4-5 days ago, following allegations of bribery, but he is only the last of several similar cases.


II. Brief description and existing parallels

As the mystery of these eventually absurd but potentially meaningful pictures is beyond imagination, several friends contacted me to make some inquiries. They asked me what this meant in reality and whether this initiatory and hypothetically purposeful painting denoted a hidden desire of Shoigu to "take Putin's place".


What follows here includes parts of my responses; it is actually difficult to answer such a question because there are many parameters involved in this regard; but in general, I never thought that Sergei Shoigu would be interested in taking Putin's place. In addition, the painting does not hint at anything of the sort. Kutuzov did not imagine, even for a second, not to be loyal to the Russian czars whom he served.


First and foremost, it is essential for any non-Russian to comprehend that Russians have no conventional thought. Historically, it is very common in Russia to evaluate one man as higher and as more important than the czar, the secretary general or the president.


If one goes to Russia and speaks with the average people, one will understand that what they narrate as «History of Russia» is not what is taught in the West about this topic. By this, I don't mean discrepancies at the level of historical facts and narratives, but a totally distinct perspective of the time and a markedly different evaluation of the human deeds.


There are effectively some parallels between Kutuzov (1745-1813) and Shoigu (born in 1955).


Kutuzov served (as military officer and diplomat) three czars (Catherine II, Paul I, and Alexander I).

And Shoigu was a minister under four presidents (Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin, and Medvedev). 


Prince Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky (Михаил Илларионович Голенищев-Кутузов-Смоленский) belonged to an ancient noble family of German-Prussian extraction. The Golenishchev-Kutuzov branch consisted of the descendants of Gabriel, who left Prussia (1252-1263) and became the founder of the Kutuzovs.Голенищевы


Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu (Сергей Кужугетович Шойгу) belonged to a Turkic Tuvan family, as his father (Kuzhuget Shoigu, 1921-2010) was first Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Tuvan ASSR. Shoigu's mother (Alexandra Yakovlevna Shoigu, 1924–2011) was a Ukrainian-born Russian, who was detained by the German occupation forces during World War II and had a traumatic experience from this event.


Mikhail Kutuzov was a multilingual, as he was fluent in Russian, German, French and English; on later occasions he also studied Ottoman Turkish, Polish, and Swedish.


Sergei Shoigu is also a multilingual, who speaks Tuvan, Russian, and another seven languages including Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, English, etc.


III. Shoigu's lengthy tenure exceeded by far that of President Putin

All the people know that Vladimir Putin has been president since the year 2000 (with an interval of four years (2008-2012), when he served as prime minister; however, few people remember today that Shoigu was a minister since 1991. Only last May, he was removed from the position of Minister of Defense and promoted/rewarded as «Secretary of the Security Council of Russia».


This means that Shoigu was a minister for 33 years! When the positions are so important, a person creates his own small state within the state; this is normal and inevitable.


As a matter of fact, Yeltsin appointed Shoigu as Minister of Emergency Situations in April 1991. All the same, at the time, Yeltsin was only the «President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic», not the «President of the Russian Federation». This means that Yeltsin was under Gorbachev who was then the «President of the Soviet Union». In other words, Shoigu was at the very beginning a minister of USSR, not Russia! He was appointed before the August 1991 coup attempt, which failed and led to the rise of Yeltsin, resignation of Gorbachev, and demise of the USSR.


And what was Vladimir Putin at the time?


In June 1991, in (then) Leningrad, he was appointed as head of the Committee for External Relations of the Mayor's Office. So, you cannot compare.


In fact, better than any other Russian, Sergei Shoigu epitomizes the transition from the USSR to today's Russia. Consequently, although he was not a career military man but an apparatchik and part of the Soviet nomenklatura, he had progressively become a major pole of power. And because of his success, which guaranteed Putin’s success, it was surely unthinkable for anyone to remove him. 


However, the uneasiness of the Russians with the ongoing fake war in Ukraine and the disclosure of several financial scandals and cases of bribery in the Russian army and the Ministry of Defense generated another environment.


IV. Long 'reigns' come with indulgence in corruption and extravagance

Last April, the Russian deputy defense minister Timur Ivanov was arrested.


This occurred only little time after Putin’s re-election. 


One month after the arrest, Sergei Shoigu was removed and replaced by Andrey Belousov, who is provenly a very good economist, a well-experienced statesman, and a former First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.


At the time, many people said that Putin placed an economist at the top of the Ministry of Defense, because he wanted to make a more effective programming of the military industrial production in view of the continuation of the war in Ukraine. It may be.


But personally, I was absolutely convinced that the reason for this appointment was the desire to effectuate an extensive control of earlier business transactions, carry out a thorough examination of past deals, identify practices of corruption, and uncover all cases of bribery that the «Shoigu establishment» allowed or tolerated or supported or covered deliberately. In the face of the collateral damages caused by the Russian military operations in Ukraine, it would be unacceptable that top officials accumulated illegal benefits. 


Almost four months after the aforementioned case of Timur Ivanov, the arrest of Bulgakov rang the bell for the part of the Russian establishment that was exposed to such inexcusable weaknesses at wartime and for ministers who indulged themselves in corruption and extravagance.



And with the frames and paintings found in his house yesterday, we learned that Bulgakov viewed Shoigu as Kutuzov!


Of course, Kutuzov is more important than Alexander I for the Russians. Czar Alexander I acknowledged personally that Russia owed the final victory to Kutuzov. This means that, with all similarities taken together as coincidental (!!), Bulgakov and his associates, friends and subordinates viewed Shoigu like a 'god'. Several Russian friends interpret this approach as absolutely true; they even consider it as the result of extreme narcissism of all persons involved. 


What follows is a selection of comments that I found in Russian social media (I translated them into English):

1. «This is blasphemy against the memory and exploits of our ancestors»!

2. «They came up with this a long time ago and are successfully stealing it»

3. «A finished script for a film. How far human stupidity and impudence go»!

4. «They are very far from Kutuzov and others; but there is plenty of time for self-admiration»

5. «A gang of thieves assembled»

6. «Where is Timur Ivanov»?

From the following web pages:

А такие портреты нашли дома у задержанного экс-замминистра обороны Дмитрия Булгакова во время обысков.


Минутка статистики по одному из шедевров золотой коллекции задержанного замминистра обороны Булгакова.


V. An attempt to inculpate or a mystical allegory?

As a matter of fact, it would not make sense for Shoigu and his close associates to envision that he would take Putin’s place (let alone to conspire with this target in mind); in addition, the picture says the opposite. Kutuzov was already more important than the czar.


All the same, there is another dimension too; these pictures may have been placed in Bulgakov's home after his arrest in order to inculpate him, Shoigu and others in some way. This would however seem rather to be a puerile attempt, because there can be far worse and far more effective ways to inculpate someone than the revelation of the narcissistic visions and the grandiose imaginations of a group of corrupt and not corrupt officials.


If there is a symbolism, it means that the true ruler is («was»?) Shoigu; but even in this case, it is a very unusual type of praising and self-praising for some top officials. In real terms of boastfulness, such an atemporal replica of Aleksey Kivshenko's legendary painting adds nothing on the table.


I believe that, if some people want truly to unveil a real and serious purpose in this painting, they must rather view it as a mystical allegory – not a mere symbolism. In this case, the otherwise bizarre artwork becomes meaningful.


What are the major points of an allegorical mysticism in this regard?


I will brief enumerate a few.


1- Reminiscent of the French invasion of the Russian Empire, the present war in Ukraine reveals that the Russian Federation is under attack.


It matters little whether some Western idiots believe that we have to deal with a Russian invasion of Ukraine; there was never such an event, because Ukraine is an integral part of Russian territory that criminal Anglo-Saxon gangsters brutally and illegally detached from Russia at the time of the Soviet collapse.


Yuval Harari was very correct when saying that "Gorbachev saved us from nuclear war"; but his truth ends there. What truly happened in 1989 is not the continuation of a development that started in 1985. In fact, Gorbachev was openly threatened by George Herbert Bush with imminent nuclear attack if he did not rapidly dissolve the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. The truth was enveloped in thousands of lies, endless smiles, and hypocritical hand shakings, because this was beneficial for both, the US and the Soviet Union/Russia. I cannot further expand now on this topic, because I would digress.


So, as it happened in the 1810s and the 1940s, Russia has been under attack since the late 1980s.


2- Similarly with Kutuzov's ingenious strategy and tactics, the Russian state withdrew from lands for quite some time now.


The formation of the Ukrainian pseudo-nation after 1991 was an entirely orchestrated fabrication, involving the creation of a bogus-idiom named 'Ukrainian language', the pseudo-translation of thousands of toponyms and personal names into their hypothetically Ukrainian forms, the compilation of a distorted 'History of Ukraine', the diffusion of heinous anti-Russian racism, and the subtle disfigurement of the Orthodox faith of the local population into a charlatanesque form of Anti-Christian Catholicism.


3- Similarly with what happened during the French Invasion of the Russian Empire, the military proved to be the backbone of the Russian nation.


In this regard, the lengthy tenure of Sergei Shoigu reflects perfectly well the long military career of Mikhail Kutuzov.


4- The partly withdrawal from the Western Russian lands, as implemented by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian armies, can be mirrored in Moscow's agreement for a separate, 'independent' Ukrainian state. The concession made is very similar to the decision taken at the Military Council in Fili.


5- Sergei Shoigu's contribution to the final victory may be analogous to Kutuzov's strategy which brought the final victory after many rather insignificant defeats.


6- Last but foremost, the final defeat of Napoleon in Russia ended with the subsequent demise of his regime; the allegory is very clear as regards the combined Anglo-Saxon world that has attacked USSR-Russia since 1945 – or if you prefer 1985.


VI. Appendices

1- Links to news:

У арестованного генерала Булгакова нашли картины с Шойгу в образах чекиста и Кутузова


Никас Сафронов оценил картины арестованного генерала Булгакова


2- About Mikhail Kutuzov and the historical developments prior to and after the Council in Fili:


3- About the Military Council in Fili (13 September 1812) as a major historical-military event that determined the Patriotic War (Отечественная война) of Russia against Napoleon:Совет_в_Филях


4- About Fili, the historical suburb of Moscow that was first known as Hwili (Хвили) in 1454:Фили


5- About Aleksey Danilovich Kivshenko (Алексей Данилович Кившенко; 1851-1895):Кившенко,_Алексей_Данилович

In 1891, Kivshenko accompanied the archaeological expedition of Nikodim Kondakov to Palestine and Syria, from where he brought back many sketches reproducing the nature and folk life of the countries of the Middle East.


6- About Aleksey Kivshenko's painting Military Council in Fili in 1812 (created in 1879):

Созданная картина Военный совет в Филях в 1812 году приносит художнику заслуженную известность, саму же картину художник повторяет еще дважды: по заказам П.М. Третьякова для его галереи и московских властей для Музея истории и реконструкции Москвы. На картине самый драматический момент совещания: «Я приказываю отступление властью, данной мне государем и Отечеством». Это М.И. Кутузов.

The painting Military Council in Fili in 1812 brought the artist well-deserved fame, and the artist repeated the painting twice more: by order of P.M. Tretyakov for his gallery and by the Moscow authorities for the Museum of History and Reconstruction of Moscow. The painting shows the most dramatic moment of the meeting: "I order a retreat by the authority given to me by the sovereign and the Fatherland." This is M.I. Kutuzov.

(with extensive bibliography about Kivshenko's works)


7- Five notes about Aleksey Kivshenko's painting Military Council in Fili (from left to right):


1. About the girl at the extreme left of the painting: / О девушке в крайней левой части картины:

Девочка Малаша — вымышленный персонаж романа Толстого «Война и мир». Писатель показал ход совета глазами дочери хозяина избы, Малаши: «В просторной, лучшей избе мужика Андрея Савостьянова в два часа собрался совет. Мужики, бабы и дети мужицкой большой семьи теснились в черной избе через сени. Одна только внучка Андрея, Малаша, шестилетняя девочка, которой светлейший, приласкав ее, дал за чаем кусок сахара, оставалась на печи в большой избе. Малаша робко и радостно смотрела с печи на лица, мундиры и кресты генералов, одного за другим входивших в избу и рассаживавшихся в красном углу, на широких лавках под образами». На самом деле хозяина избы в деревне Фили, где остановился Кутузов и где проходил военный совет, звали Михаил Севостьянович Фролов. И, конечно, ребенку бы не позволили присутствовать на совете русских генералов.


The girl Malasha is a fictional character in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. The writer showed the course of the council through the eyes of the owner's daughter, Malasha: "At two o'clock in the spacious, best hut of the peasant Andrei Savostyanov, the council gathered. The men, women and children of the large peasant family crowded into the black hut, through the entryway; only Andrei's granddaughter, Malasha, a six-year-old girl, to whom His Serene Highness, having caressed her, gave a piece of sugar with tea, remained on the stove in the large hut. Malasha timidly and joyfully looked from the stove at the faces, uniforms and crosses of the generals, who entered the hut one after another and sat down in the red corner, on the wide benches under the icons." In fact, the owner of the hut in the village of Fili, where Kutuzov stayed and where the military council was held, was called Mikhail Sevostyanovich Frolov. And, of course, a child would not have been allowed to attend the council of Russian generals.




2. About the officer behind Kutuzov, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian armies: / Об офицере, стоявшем за Кутузовым, главнокомандующим русскими армиями:

Достоверных свидетельств о присутствии на совете полковника Паисия Кайсарова нет, но в романе с его образом связана важная психологическая деталь. «Адъютант Кайсаров хотел было отдернуть занавеску в окне против Кутузова, но Кутузов сердито замахал ему рукой, и Кайсаров понял, что светлейший не хочет, чтобы видели его лицо».


There is no reliable evidence of Colonel Paisiy Kaisarov's presence at the council, but an important psychological detail is connected with his image in the novel. "Adjutant Kaisarov wanted to pull back the curtain in the window opposite Kutuzov, but Kutuzov angrily waved his hand at him, and Kaisarov realized that His Serene Highness did not want his face to be seen."




3. About the central figure of the painting, Infantry General Kutuzov: / О центральной фигуре картины, генерале от инфантерии Кутузове: 

Главнокомандующий русскими армиями генерал от инфантерии Михаил Голенищев-Кутузов. Кившенко изобразил Кутузова в кресле у печи, по описанию Толстого: «Сам дедушка, как внутренне называла Малаша Кутузова, сидел от них особо, в темном углу за печкой. Он сидел, глубоко опустившись в складное кресло, и беспрестанно покряхтывал и расправлял воротник сюртука, который, хотя и расстегнутый, все как будто жал его шею. Входившие один за другим подходили к фельдмаршалу; некоторым он пожимал руку, некоторым кивал головой…». Однако по воспоминаниям генерал-лейтенанта Коновницына известно, что во время совета Кутузов сидел в центре лавки, стоявшей у окна.


Commander-in-Chief of the Russian armies, Infantry General Mikhail Golenishchev-Kutuzov; Kivshenko depicted Kutuzov in a chair by the stove, based on Tolstoy's description: "Grandfather himself, as Malasha called Kutuzov inwardly, sat separately from them, in a dark corner behind the stove. He sat, deeply sunk into a folding chair, and constantly grunted and straightened the collar of his frock coat, which, although unbuttoned, seemed to squeeze his neck. Those entering one after another approached the field marshal; he shook hands with some, nodded his head to others...". However, according to the memoirs of Lieutenant General Konovnitsyn, it is known that during the council Kutuzov sat in the center of the bench standing by the window.




4. About the person depicted with his back to the viewer, at the central part of the painting, Lieutenant General Leonty Bennigsen: / О человеке, изображенном спиной к зрителю, в центральной части картины, генерал-лейтенанте Леонтии Беннигсене:

Начальник Главного штаба русской армии генерал-лейтенант Леонтий Беннигсен настаивал на сражении под Москвой. В своих воспоминаниях генерал Алексей Ермолов описывал Беннигсена так: «Известный знанием военного искусства, более всех современников испытанный в войне против Наполеона». Беннигсен был человеком уважаемым и авторитетным, и спорить с ним было не просто. Однако в письме супруге Дохтуров писал: «Я прилагал все старание, чтобы убедить идти врагу навстречу; Беннигсен был того же мнения, он делал что мог, чтобы уверить, что единственным средством не уступать столицы было бы встретить неприятеля и сразиться с ним. Но это отважное мнение не могло подействовать».


The Chief of the General Staff of the Russian army, Lieutenant General Leonty Bennigsen, insisted on a battle near Moscow. In his memoirs, General Alexei Yermolov described Bennigsen as follows: "Famous for his knowledge of the art of war, more experienced than all his contemporaries in the war against Napoleon." Bennigsen was a respected and authoritative man, and it was not easy to argue with him. However, in a letter to his wife, Dokhturov wrote: "I made every effort to convince them to meet the enemy halfway; Bennigsen was of the same opinion, he did everything he could to convince them that the only way to not give up the capital was to meet the enemy and fight him. But this courageous opinion could not work."




5. About the person under the holy icon, namely the commander-in-chief of the 1st Western Army, infantry general Mikhail Barclay de Tolly: / О человеке в красном углу, а именно о главнокомандующем 1-й Западной армией генерале от инфантерии Михаиле Барклае де Толли:

В красном углу, согласно Толстому, художник изобразил главнокомандующего 1-й Западной армией генерала от инфантерии Михаила Барклая де Толли. Кившенко подчеркнул нездоровый вид генерала, как и Толстой: «Под самыми образами, на первом месте, сидел с Георгием на шее, с бледным болезненным лицом и с своим высоким лбом, сливающимся с голой головой, Барклай де Толли. Второй уже день он мучился лихорадкой, и в это самое время его знобило и ломало».


Under the holy icon (lit. 'in the red corner'), according to Tolstoy, the artist depicted the commander-in-chief of the 1st Western Army, infantry general Mikhail Barclay de Tolly. Kivshenko emphasized the general's unhealthy appearance, as did Tolstoy: "Under the very icons, in the first place, sat Barclay de Tolly with St. George on his neck, with a pale, sickly face and his high forehead merging with his bare head. He had been suffering from fever for the second day already, and at that very time he was shivering and aching."


8- For the photoshopped replica of the painting of the 100th anniversary of the Soviet and Russian army:


Минутка статистики по одному из шедевров золотой коллекции задержанного замминистра обороны Булгакова. На зафотошопленной реплике картины 100-летия советской и российской армии вместе с ним изображены:

1. Министр обороны, генерал армии Сергей Шойгу — снят с должности;

2. Первый замминистра обороны Руслан Цаликов — снят с должности;

3. Замминистра обороны Тимур Иванов — арестован;

4. Замминистра обороны, генерал-полковник Юрий Садовенко — снят с должности;

5. Замминистра обороны Татьяна Шевцова — снята с должности;

6. Замминистра обороны, генерал армии запаса Николай Панков — снят с должности;

7. Замминистра обороны, генерал армии Павел Попов — снят с должности;

8. Глава Роскосмоса Юрий Борисов — при исполнении;

9. Замминистра обороны, генерал-полковник Александр Фомин — при исполнении;

10. Начальник Генштаба ВС РФ Валерий Герасимов — при исполнении.




A minute of statistics on one of the masterpieces of the gold collection of the detained Deputy Minister of Defense Bulgakov; in the photoshopped replica of the painting of the 100th anniversary of the Soviet and Russian army, together with him are depicted:

1. Minister of Defense, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu - removed from office;

2. First Deputy Minister of Defense Ruslan Tsalikov - removed from office;

3. Deputy Minister of Defense Timur Ivanov - arrested;

4. Deputy Minister of Defense, Colonel General Yuri Sadovenko - removed from office;

5. Deputy Minister of Defense Tatyana Shevtsova - removed from office;

6. Deputy Minister of Defense, General of the Army (Reserve) Nikolai Pankov - removed from office;

7. Deputy Minister of Defense, General of the Army Pavel Popov - removed from office;

8. Head of Roscosmos Yuri Borisov - in office;

9. Deputy Minister of Defense, Colonel General Alexander Fomin - in office;

10. Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov - on duty.


9- article in Russian and English translation

У арестованного генерала Булгакова нашли необычные картины. Шойгу и его соратники изображены дворянами и революционерами


При обыске у генерала Дмитрия Булгакова нашли картины с ним, Шойгу и Ивановым


В местах жительства бывшего заместителя министра обороны России Дмитрия Булгакова, арестованного по обвинению в коррупции, прошли обыски. В ходе следственных действий правоохранители обнаружили дома у генерала армии картины, на которых изображены экс-глава оборонного ведомства Сергей Шойгу и его заместители в образах дворян и революционеров.


В сети появились фотографии полотен. На одном из них запечатлен сам Булгаков в форме офицера времен войны 1812 года, на другом — Шойгу вместе с чиновниками Минобороны. Одна из картин выполнена по мотивам «Совета в Филях» художника Алексея Кившенко. На ней бывший министр обороны России, а ныне секретарь Совета безопасности РФ изображен в роли русского полководца Михаила Кутузова. Бывший заместитель Шойгу Руслан Цаликов — в роли генерала Михаила Барклая де Толли. На картине также присутствуют экс-заместители министра обороны Тимур Иванов, Татьяна Шевцова и другие чиновники.


На другом полотне помимо Шойгу, Цаликова, Иванова и Шевцовой на фоне тачанки с пулеметом и знамен в форме красных командиров и комиссаров запечатлены бывшие заместители министра обороны, генерал-полковник Юрий Садовенко, генерал армии запаса Николай Панков, генерал армии Павел Попов, глава «Роскосмоса» Юрий Борисов, действующий замглавы Минобороны, генерал-полковник Александр Фомин и начальник Генштаба Вооруженных сил РФ Валерий Герасимов.


По данным Telegram-канала «Досье Шпиона», ни в квартире, ни в частном доме Булгакова не было наличных денег, дорогих шуб или украшений, а только коллекция наград и необычных картин. Сообщается также, что из квартиры накануне обысков могли вывезти дорогие итальянские трюмо.


В доме у Булгакова нашли звезду Героя России и более 70 медалей

По словам директора Ассоциации коллекционеров фалеристов «Истинные друзья фалеристики» полковника юстиции в отставке Сергея Бычкова, в ходе обысков следователи нашли у Булгакова большое количество орденов и медалей. Большая часть из них — это ведомственные награды.




Официальные государственные ордена и звания: звезда Героя Российской Федерации, три ордена «За заслуги перед Отечеством» второй, третьей и четвертой степени. С красной ленточкой и желтой полоской — это орден Александра Невского, государственная награда Российской Федерации


Сергей Бычков

директор Ассоциации коллекционеров фалеристов «Истинные друзья фалеристики»




Всего в доме у генерала обнаружили более 70 наград. Среди них оказались орден «За военные заслуги», орден Почета и советский орден «За службу Родине в Вооруженных Силах СССР» третьей степени. Также в жилище Булгакова был знак «Заслуженного военного специалиста», премии Суворова и Жукова.


«Также медали: "60 лет Вооруженных Сил", "70 лет Вооруженных Сил", "850-летие Москвы", ведомственные награды Министерства обороны Российской Федерации, которых на сегодняшний день более 150», — рассказал специалист, добавив, что многие из этих медалей разового действия, но некоторые оказались действующими.


В заключение фалерист обратил внимание, что среди найденных у Булгакова медалей были награды разных родов войск, которыми разрешено награждать представителей других ведомств за содействие, сотрудничество.


Булгаков зарабатывал более 15 миллионов рублей, а на его жену были оформлены три участка


Булгаков занимал пост замминистра обороны с 2008 по 2022 год. В армии он отвечал за обеспечение войск. 26 июля стало известно о задержании и аресте генерала по делу о коррупции. Его заподозрили в растрате, откатах и подмене мяса для бойцов.


Предполагается, что Булгаков действовал в интересах Грязинского пищевого комбината. При генерале была создана система поставок некачественного питания в войска по завышенной стоимости: говядина заменялась свининой и курятиной, а энергетическая ценность пайков завышалась. По данным следствия, таким образом армии поставили девять миллионов пайков. Сумма ущерба по уголовному делу Булгакова составила 1,3 миллиарда рублей.


Согласно последней опубликованной декларации, в 2018 году высокопоставленный военный заработал 15,2 миллиона рублей. При этом большая часть имущества была записана на его жену, которая за тот же год заработала всего 226 тысяч рублей. Вместе с ней он владеет квартирой свыше 109 квадратных метров.


На супругу также зарегистрировано три земельных участка общей площадью почти 3000 квадратных метров. Но одном из них располагается жилой дом площадью 620 квадратных метров. Также на жену зарегистрирована иномарка Lexus.


Анализ данных за другие годы показывает, что через несколько лет после начала работы в Минобороны, в 2010-2011 годах у Булгакова был зафиксирован резкий рост доходов. В 2009 году его общий годовой доход составил 1 648 710 рублей, в 2010-м — 9 495 705 рублей, а в 2011-м — 18 147 933 рубля.




(English translation)

Unusual paintings were found at the home of the arrested General Bulgakov. Shoigu and his associates are depicted as nobles and revolutionaries


During the search of General Dmitry Bulgakov, paintings of him, Shoigu and Ivanov were found


Searches were conducted at the residences of the former Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Dmitry Bulgakov, who was arrested on charges of corruption. During the investigative actions, law enforcement officers found paintings at the home of the army general, which depict the former head of the defense department Sergei Shoigu and his deputies as nobles and revolutionaries.


Photos of the paintings appeared online. One of them depicts Bulgakov himself in the uniform of an officer from the war of 1812, and the other shows Shoigu together with Defense Ministry officials. One of the paintings is based on the "Council at Fili" by artist Alexei Kivshenko. In it, the former Minister of Defense of Russia, and now Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, is depicted as the Russian commander Mikhail Kutuzov. Shoigu's former deputy Ruslan Tsalikov plays General Mikhail Barclay de Tolly. The painting also features former deputy defense ministers Timur Ivanov, Tatyana Shevtsova and other officials.


In another painting, in addition to Shoigu, Tsalikov, Ivanov and Shevtsova, against the backdrop of a machine gun cart and banners in the uniform of red commanders and commissars, former deputy defense ministers Colonel General Yuri Sadovenko, retired army general Nikolai Pankov, army general Pavel Popov, head of Roscosmos Yuri Borisov, current deputy defense minister Colonel General Alexander Fomin and Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov are depicted.


According to the Telegram channel "Dossier Shpiona", there was no cash, expensive fur coats or jewelry in Bulgakov's apartment or private house, only a collection of awards and unusual paintings. It is also reported that expensive Italian dressing tables may have been taken from the apartment the day before the searches.


A Hero of Russia star and over 70 medals were found in Bulgakov's house

According to the director of the Association of Phalerist Collectors "True Friends of Phaleristics" retired Colonel of Justice Sergei Bychkov, during the searches investigators found a large number of orders and medals at Bulgakov's. Most of them are departmental awards.




Official state orders and titles: Hero of the Russian Federation star, three Orders "For Services to the Fatherland" of the second, third and fourth degrees. With a red ribbon and a yellow stripe — this is the Order of Alexander Nevsky, a state award of the Russian Federation


Sergey Bychkov

Director of the Association of Phalerist Collectors "True Friends of Phaleristics"




In total, more than 70 awards were found in the general's house. Among them were the Order "For Military Merit", the Order of Honor and the Soviet Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" of the third degree. Also in Bulgakov's home was the badge of "Honored Military Specialist", the Suvorov and Zhukov prizes.


"Also medals: "60 years of the Armed Forces", "70 years of the Armed Forces", "850th anniversary of Moscow", departmental awards of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, of which there are more than 150 today," the specialist said, adding that many of these medals are one-time valid, but some were valid.


In conclusion, the falerist noted that among the medals found on Bulgakov were awards from various branches of the military, which are allowed to be awarded to representatives of other departments for assistance and cooperation.


Bulgakov earned more than 15 million rubles, and three plots of land were registered in his wife's name


Bulgakov served as Deputy Minister of Defense from 2008 to 2022. In the army, he was responsible for providing troops. On July 26, it became known that the general had been detained and arrested in a corruption case. He was suspected of embezzlement, kickbacks, and substitution of meat for soldiers.


It is assumed that Bulgakov acted in the interests of the Gryazinsky Food Plant. Under the general, a system was created for supplying low-quality food to the troops at inflated prices: beef was replaced with pork and chicken, and the energy value of rations was inflated. According to the investigation, nine million rations were supplied to the army in this way. The amount of damage in Bulgakov's criminal case amounted to 1.3 billion rubles.


According to the latest published declaration, in 2018 the high-ranking military man earned 15.2 million rubles. At the same time, most of the property was registered to his wife, who earned only 226 thousand rubles in the same year. Together with her, he owns an apartment of over 109 square meters.


Three land plots with a total area of ​​almost 3,000 square meters are also registered to his wife. But one of them contains a residential building with an area of ​​620 square meters. A foreign-made Lexus car is also registered to his wife.


Analysis of data for other years shows that several years after starting work in the Ministry of Defense, in 2010-2011, Bulgakov recorded a sharp increase in income. In 2009, his total annual income was 1,648,710 rubles, in 2010 - 9,495,705 rubles, and in 2011 - 18,147,933 rubles.



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