Monday, February 15, 2021

Turkey, China and the Diverse Forms of Colonial Forgery of History: Fake Muslims and the Fake States of Greece, Russia, Iran, India, Israel, and Ethiopia

 Turkey and China: an Alliance to Conquer the World – Part III



There are no prosperous countries, successful states and victorious armies, but forceful societies; this means creative, expanding cultures and triumphant faiths. In Modern Times and among the developed countries, cultures have been mostly supplanted by state-controlled education, which is geared in order to apply preconceived ideas and fabricated dogmas on a degraded society with abandoned moral values, mutating cultures, highly politicized faith, and therefore ailing structures. When a religion is turned to mere political ideology, the faith is dead and the culture is putrefied. The society that lives this tragedy is a passive corpse unable for action, let alone continuity or survival. Then, the nation in question has gradually become a tool for the materialization of the political targets of secluded elites that have full consciousness of their criminality.


This has long been the situation of fake states created here and there by the colonial powers; Egypt, Greece, Pahlavi 'Persia', Syria, Pakistan, India, Algeria, 'Ethiopia', Tunisia, Sudan, and a great number of similar pseudo-nations have been the carrions with which the colonial powers carried out their different policies and implemented their plans only to spread bloodbaths, discord, evilness and chaos. In striking contrast with the aforementioned, Kemal Ataturk created a state that would not follow the decadent path of silly indoctrination about a dead religion that has nothing to do with the historical faith that it evokes, being merely a sketchy political ideology of the most inferior nature.


To avert Turkey's colonization (i.e. pseudo-Islamization), Kemal Ataturk linked the Education to the Anatolian Culture of Turkey and imposed as central task of the nascent educational system the best assessment of the country's historical heritage. Few countries have achieved this in today's world. For the rest, the prevailing disastrous downgrading spiral can be described in the following ominous terms: without a truthful and comprehensive representation of a nation's past, the local society is left without solidified identity and assertive sovereignty.


One can understand this situation by means of a comparison between Ataturk's enlightened Turkey and the backward, ignorant and obscurantist country of the pseudo-Egyptian kings and generals (the latter being always masqueraded as 'rais', i.e. bogus-presidents). Egypt needed to wait an entire century until a local native was finally allowed to learn the original national writing, i.e. the Kemetian (Egyptian) hieroglyphics (and the derivative forms, namely the Hieratic and the Demotic). But in Kemal Ataturk's Turkey, the first specialist in Hittite Cuneiform (the official language and writing of one of the 2nd millennium BCE major empires, which consists in the supreme ancestral heritage for today's Turks) was able to teach the topic only 20 years after Hrozny deciphered the first lines of Ancient Anatolia's first imperial language and writing system.


Kemal Ataturk realized that the complete and adequate interconnection between Education and Culture would help upkeep the Anatolian Turkish Nation against all colonial plots and anti-Turkish plans, i.e. filthy Islamization schemes and vicious Westernization plans. Why this is so we can understand, if we make proper comparisons between Turkey and two opposite groups of states that differ both, from Turkey and from one another.



I- The difference between Turkey and the colonial states of the West


First, in the colonial countries of the West (France, England, Holland, Belgium, America), as well as in other European countries, the local Christian cultures have been systematically destroyed over a long period of time. Then, through the local educational system, a false historical dogma was locally imposed; it was geared to make the Western nations feel as rightful heirs of ancient empires (to which they were totally unrelated), notably the short-lived state of Alexander the Great and the Roman Empire, and 'consequently', as 'lawful' masters of almost the entire world. Following this situation, these nations conquered most of the world via typical, colonial methods. The main opposition to them did not come from their targeted victims, which –in some cases- were major empires (namely the Ottoman Empire, Safavid / Afsharid / Qajar Iran, and the Mughal Empire of South Asia), but from their European neighbors, notably Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy and Russia.



II- The difference between Turkey and the colonized states


A. Colonially-imposed minimization of the local historical heritage: Instrumentalization of today's fake Muslims

Second, in the fake neocolonial states that the colonial powers fabricated in Asia, Africa and parts of Europe through lawless foreign intervention, the local Islamic, Christian or other cultures started being destroyed since the initial moment of the colonial arrival and occupation. The presence of colonial supremacists generated a scrupulously and methodically machinated mass psychological reaction among the indigenous colonized populations; this reaction was predestined to doom, as the local populations were mechanically guided by the colonials into an impasse where


a) an extreme, self-disastrous hatred of the colonial masters was continually recycled, further engulfing future generations into abject impotence,


b) an immense complex of inferiority produced frustration and incapacitated the local masses, thus making them unable for major sacrifices that would undoubtedly exterminate all colonial gangsters from their lands, despite the colonial superiority in terms of arms and ammunitions, and


c) an extensive self-destruction in terms of identity, integrity and cultural heritage.


The latter (c) was only worsened because of the colonially-imposed, local educational system, which involved also a false historical dogma typified by

i) the minimization, distortion or concealment of the true local historical heritage, and

ii) the maximization of the historical past of the colonial powers.


This meant that the colonized nations were deceitfully, treacherously and tyrannically forced to accept the paranoid idea that, in order to potentially catch up with their colonial masters' socioeconomic, military, technological and educational-academic advance, they had to first, never learn their own historical heritage in its true dimensions and second, accept to permanently be the ignorant and pathetic slaves of the colonial West. This was so, because in the local educational system, as per the colonial orders, only a distorted version and a miserable caricature of the local historical past were presented to the natives.


This situation triggered permanent internal conflicts, ignorance, self-hatred, hatred of the other, and hatred of the truth, thus further and more deeply engulfing these colonized nations into the aforementioned impasse, which took -many times and in many places- explosive dimensions. To add insult to injury, the colonial gangsters of France, England and America took good care to locally generate an enormous divide of the most catastrophic impact: they instigated odium against the local antiquities, which were being excavated by foreign archaeologists, among the local sheikhs, who were intellectually and educationally unable to duly and comprehensively interpret the ancient civilizations of their ancestors.


So, these local religious leaders further spread this form of self-odium among the local populations that started hating their own historical and cultural heritage, idiotically viewing it as 'disbelief' and as 'abnegation' of their own faith, which was not anymore the historically known, true and genuine, Islamic religion, but a pseudo-Islamic indoctrination of rather political character and a sketchy ideological-theological fallacy that the colonially appointed local muftis, cadis and imams were instructed to keep propagating. This extreme and suicidal disdain of their own ancient civilizations caused to numerous colonized Muslim nations further distance from their identity, dissolution of their integrity, and real loss of their historical and cultural heritage.


What do I mean by saying this?

That's simple to answer: an average Egyptian does not feel about Thutmose III's campaigns in Syria as proudly and as patriotically as an average Italian feels about Caesar's campaigns in Gaul, Macedonia and Egypt.


Even worse, an average Egyptian does not study selected excerpts from the Annals of Thutmose III and does not pass an exam on this topic during his years in the Secondary Education, whereas an Italian studies selected excerpts from Caesar's De Bello Gallico and passes exam on this topic.


- Why is Egypt's Secondary Education so much inferior to Italy's?

Because in the Egyptian Secondary Education, ignorant, useless and barbarian pseudo-teachers, wasting their students' time, repeat in class the nonsensical pseudo-Islamic theological indoctrination of the terrorist pseudo-university Al Azhar, which must be abolished.


- And why are the Egyptians so unaware of their own historical heritage?

Because in the Egyptian Secondary Education, pathetic, idiotic and heinous pseudo-teachers, wasting their students' time, 'teach' about the Battle of Badr and the Battle of Uhud that are as useless topics for an Egyptian native as the Battle of Carrhae between the Parthians and the Romans (53 BCE) is for a Peruvian!


This troublesome colonial condition interrupted the historical continuity of these nations and reduced the Muslim descendants of many great ancient nations into useless and ignorant masses without any originality and real purpose of life. That's why in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Algeria, Tunisia and many other places the local populations easily sell local antiquities to foreigners and illegally excavate under their homes to find any part of their own heritage and, by selling it, disinherit themselves. 


The division of Muslims into ‘moderate’ and ‘extremist’ is a Western fallacy that must be rejected in the most rigorous manner. Newspapers, social media, TV channels and embassies must be closed, diplomats expelled, and foreigners blocked at the borders. 

On the other hand, Muslims must reject the false dilemma “Secular societies or Shariah” that colonial agitators, diplomats and agents put in front of them. This is not a difference between the Islamic World and the Western societies. The Islamic World did not wait Kemal Ataturk to introduce a secular society in a Muslim country. Throughout the History of the Islamic World, there were many states and many periods that were organized as de facto secular societies. The peak of Islamic Civilization, i.e. the Golden Era of Islamic Spirituality, Sciences, Wisdom, Art and Architecture occurred in Muslim secular societies like Abbasid Baghdad of Harun al-Rashid, Umayyad Andalusia, Timurid Samarqand, and Safavid Ispahan.

B. Colonially-imposed maximization of the local historical heritage

In this regard, it is noteworthy to state at this point that there have also been several exceptions in the aforementioned conditions and circumstances of worldwide colonial environment; and for a very good reason! In the cases of the colonially fabricated, fake states of Greece, Russia, Pahlavi (and Ayatollahs') Iran, India, Israel and Ethiopia, the false historical dogma, produced by the colonial academia of France and England and projected onto the said states did not involve minimization but maximization (or extreme over-evaluation) of the local historical heritage. Of course, this was also the result of systematic misinterpretation and concealment of historical sources, which evidently refute and overwhelmingly reject the pseudo-historical colonial dogma and its fallacious points.


This exceptional situation is due to the fact that the colonial powers needed to magnify the historical importance or the transfigured identity of these countries for different purposes related to their political agenda, which was locally implemented following directives of the type 'inflate this' and 'deflate that' or 'boost this' and 'drop that'. Every locally applied colonial agenda was actually part of the systematic materialization of their schemes providing for worldwide predominance that Paris and London shamelessly used to even announce in various manners (ex. "Make the world England":


We do indeed attest several cases of colonially-imposed maximization of the local historical heritage in the following lands and for the specific purposes that are stated, namely to

1- heighten and exaggerate the importance of Ancient Greece

2- portray Russia as an 'Indo-European' nation whereas Russians are Turanians in their outright majority

3- broaden the significance of the 'Indo-European nations' by presenting Iran as 'Persia', whereas Iran is a distinguished Turanian land

4- widen the fallacy of Indo-Europeanism by ascribing to it the southern part of Asia and by faking the well-diversified local past as supposedly 'Indian'

5- over-magnify the role of the Ancient Hebrews (Israelites) and of the Jews in World History, and   

6- masquerade Abyssinia as 'Ethiopia' and project -onto that tyrannical and genocidal state- the mythical European concept of the Prester John's kingdom that was mythologized in the 12th c.



III. Colonial falsification of History and the fake state of Greece


This exception is due to the fact that this monstrous exaggeration and fallacious fabrication was badly needed for the subsequent magnification and exultation of their own supposedly civilized past and 'heritage', as the Western European academies, intelligentsias, diplomacies and administrations deceptively postured as heirs of the Roman Empire and of the otherwise nonexistent forgery 'Ancient Greece'. More about the topic:


No less than 1150 years before Alexander the Great, Pharaoh Hatshepsut of Kemet (Egypt), the first female imperial ruler in the History of the Mankind, sent her fleet to Punt, today’s Somalia, i.e. at a distance of more than 2500 nautical miles, to carry out a commercial-military expedition, which they did reaching the are of today’s Ras Hafun (Ras Xaafuun). 

More importantly, ca. 1500 years before Jesus, Pharaoh Hatshepsut was the first human to claim divine origin as daughter of Amun of Thebes, thus posturing as the result of Theogamy, a notion that her high priests, hierophants and scribes created first and analytically narrated on the walls of her mortuary temple at Deir el Bahari, Luxor West. 

IV. Colonial falsification of History and the fake state of Russia


This point does not concern the various Turkic (or Turanian) minorities in today's Russian Federation, like the Tatars, the Bashkirs, the Chuvash and others, but the Russian native speakers themselves. The Russian natives are all Turanians, who were progressively -after the middle of the 16th c.- forced to accept Orthodox Christianity and use Russian names or die, due to the terror of the Muscovite colonial expansion across Eastern Europe and, later, throughout North Asia.


The extensive program of Russianization (or Russification: Русификация / Rusifikatsiya) involved also an unprecedented historical forgery, as per which the so-called 'Russia' was the hypothetical continuity of the long defunct Kievan Rus (Киевская Русь /Kievskaya Rus), and an unmatched educational indoctrination about the farcical Holy Rus (Святая Русь / Sviataya Rus), which was a rather recent political doctrine of the dystopic and dysmorphic (i.e. Oriental and Occidental or rather non-Oriental and non-Occidental) 'Czarist' Empire.  


However, Russia's distortive portrait was not only czarist expediency but also key point of the Anglo-French gangsters' colonial agenda, which provided first, for the final, worldwide eradication of all things Turanian and second, for the fabrication of fake opponents. Czarist, Communist and Republican Russia played idiotically this, externally assigned, role for more than 350 years, always losing in key confrontations with the Anglo-French colonials, who fabricated the Moscow-based brainless scarecrow in the first place.



V. Colonial falsification of History and the fake state of Iran (as 'Persia')


All major Iranian dynasties were Turanian: Safavid, Afsharid and Qajar. Pre-Islamic Iranian dynasties involved the parallel presence of Turanians and Iranians. And Zoroastrianism in its original stage was a form of Tengrism whereby the importance of the oral literature prevailed over that of the written texts; that is why the holy 'book' of the Avesta was never written in Achaemenid times. The holiest shrine of Iran for almost 1200 years (during all pre-Islamic Iranian dynasties) was Takht-e Suleyman (Adhar Gushnasp), which was located in the high land of Atropatene, i.e. Azerbaijan.


For all major epic poets, greatest mystics, most illustrious scholars, and supreme spiritual leaders of the Islamic times (Ferdowsi, Nezami Ganjavi, Nasir al din al Tusi, Safi al din Ardabili, etc.), Turan and Iran constituted one indivisible entity of ethnic, cultural and spiritual character with various diversifications at the strictly social and linguistic levels. In fact, the divisive effort dates back only to the colonial times, when the Western colonials started deliberately calling Iran 'Persia'; the situation reached the level of paroxysm at the end of the 18th c., with the establishment of the Western fallacy of Orientalism. Then, the pseudo-science of Iranology was deliberately constituted by the English and French academic gangsters independently from Turkology, as it was scrupulously (but only up to the extent this was possible) purified from every element and notion of Turanian character.


The ultimate attempt to separate the indissoluble Iranian-Turanian nation into two independent entities was undertaken by the English colonials in 1925. Then, they did not only overthrow one dynasty (Qajar) in order to replace it with a soldier, who was made pseudo-king, but they also took absolute control of the Iranian educational system, academic-intellectual life, publishing houses and mass media. It was then that the English and the French colomials structured a new, local, nationalistic, political ideology to propagate the fallacy of Persianism, namely that 'Iran' was just 'Persia'. The barbarian soldier, who was baptized by the English 'Pahlavi', was so ignorant that he did not even know what the name 'Pahlavi' was meaning!


Consequently, the Iranian Empire, which constituted a Turanian-Iranian cultural high land, turned out to be a chauvinistic and racist Persian bogus-kingdom geared to function only as tool for the promotion of the Western colonial targets. Through parallel tricks, the English colonials also machinated the bogus-Islamic and pseudo-Shia opposition to the filthy and murderous cannibals of the 'Pahlavi' 'dynasty'. The preposterous fabrication of the anti-monarchical Ayatollahs and the uselessly copious, nonsensical diatribe of Ayatollah Khomeini about the Wilayat-e Faqih doctrine would serve the Anglo-American and French colonials as a measure of containment in case the pseudo-king's ambitions would one day grow. As it happened, after February 1979, the colonially imposed fallacy of Persianism was transferred from the Shahbanou Farah Diba's overstretched trousers and boots to the Ayatollahs' turbans, thus perpetuating the Anti-Azeri, Anti-Turkmen, and Anti-Turanian racism of the post-Qajar Tehran-based colonial regimes. Read:



VI. Colonial falsification of History and the fake state of India


'India' is a bogus-historical term that does not cover a surface larger than 1/5 of the area of the territory of today's India. It became first known during the Achaemenid Iranian times, when the satrapy Hidush (conventionally known as Hindush) was the Iranian Empire's greatest contributor to the imperial wealth (as the annual tribute paid to Persepolis totaled c. 1/3 of the total taxation income). The location of the satrapy corresponds to today's Pakistan's province of Sindh, which includes the Indus River Delta region, and the western parts of today's India's provinces of Rajasthan and Gujarat. This is the land that the Ancient Greeks and Romans named 'India'.


In later periods and more specifically during the early Christian times, the term 'India' was used by the Ancient Greeks and Romans alternatively with the term 'Ethiopia' (which originally denoted today's Sudan) and both terms ended up describing vast Asiatic and/or African lands of the then known world's southeastern confines. But this Ancient Greek and Roman confusion did not reflect the realities of those lands and the situations that prevailed among the different nations and kingdoms that inhabited those vast territories.


In fact, the term 'India' cannot be used to describe the geographical, ethnic-national, historical or cultural identity of most of the territories of the modern pseudo-state of 'India'. Beyond the limits of the aforementioned province of Hindush, existed many other nations organized in different kingdoms that were quite different from those inhabiting the regions around the Indus River Delta. Those kingdoms had diverse names and were populated by various nations, but none of them used the term Hind/Hindush/India in any language to identify themselves. There was no 'India' far beyond the Indus River Delta. The Magadha kingdom of Bengal had nothing to do with 'India'. The Maurya Empire was not 'India' and not one text has been found to possibly identify Asoka as an 'Indian'. Pretty much like the state of Gupta that rose 600 years later, the Maurya dynasty ruled a multi-ethnic state. Calling Gupta's late 3rd c. CE kingdom 'India' is tantamount to extreme perversion; it is as if one designates Clovis I's Frankish state as 'Roman Empire'.


What average people worldwide call today 'History of India' is a purely theoretical, colonial reconstruction undertaken by mainly English, American and French Orientalists who, self-styled as 'Indologists', carried out enormous distortions, extensive falsifications, and systematic misinterpretations in order to adapt the historical past to their colonial agenda and to make historical evolution look exactly like their political needs demanded; myths have been therefore deliberately stretched over millennia for the forgers to achieve a most desired 'antiquity' of the 'Indian' civilization, and the importance of several ancient kingdoms was over-magnified. Trickeries, concealment of sources, deceitful presentations, forged maps, and an enormous part of shameless falsehood were produced in order to come up with this monstrosity. 


The bogus-historical term 'South India' is even more ludicrous than the above mentioned fallacies, if one takes into consideration the fact that today's India's southern part has always been inhabited by Dravidian nations that differ from the supposedly 'Indo-European' populations of the North as much as the Chinese are distinct from the Saharan Africans. Important historical kingdoms of the southern parts of the subcontinent were the following: Andhra (Satavahana dynasty), Chera, Pandya, and Chola; the former was a bilingual kingdom whereas the latter three were powerful Dravidian kingdoms. The so-called Sangam period (6th c. BCE – 3rd c. CE) is an entire reconstruction geared to deprive the Dravidians of the South of any historical-cultural-national heritage, to subordinate them to the northern 'Indo-Europeans', and to divert them from secession and independence from the modern colonial structure named 'India'.


Similarly, the Oriental Iranian Empire of Kushan controlled for some centuries large swaths of today's India's territories without using the name 'India' and without reflecting any 'Indian' cultural trait; the kings of Bagram, Peshawar, Takshashila and Mathura were the multicultural and multilingual rulers of a Central Asiatic Empire that comprised sizeable parts of today's India, but they did not have either 'Indian' consciousness and they do not constitute part of the so-called 'History of India'.


After the arrival of Islam in the Indus River Valley, already in the 7th c., great numbers of Turanians started moving from North - Northeast Asia and Central Asia to the South; they settled in many parts of today's India's northern half. Similarly with what occurred in Egypt and other parts of North Africa, Turanian Mamluks shaped local dynasties and expanded their states to the South. An enormous ethnic-linguistic-cultural amalgamation took place among the numerous local nations and the Turanian newcomers. Today, many want to forget that the successive Islamic dynasties down to the Great Mughal Empire (1526-1857) consist in mere repetition of the very old historical motif: the region north of Narmada River has permanently been exposed to movements of peoples and invasions coming from either Central Asia or Iran whereas the region south of Narmada remained always the land of the Dravidians. 


Of course, the Great Turanian Emperors (the 'Gorkanian') named their vast realm 'Hindustan', but this does not consist in an ethnic, linguistic, cultural and historical continuity from the Achaemenid Hindush. Contrarily to Iran, Turan and other lands, South Asia does not offer any sample of historical continuity – except among the Dravidians south of Narmada River; that's why the Mughal Gorkanian revered so much Ferdowsi's illustrious epics Shahnameh and always kept their imperial scribes, calligraphers and painters busy with the preparation of new copies of the Iranian-Turanian literary masterpiece. There has never been and there could never be -across centuries and throughout different religions- an 'Indian' Shahnameh.


The racist colonial fabrication of Indo-Europeanism and the pernicious construction of a Hindu-based, anti-Dravidian, anti-Turanian, and anti-Islamic, nationalistic 'History of India' is a historical-cultural disgrace for Bengal and Deccan and a politically motivated action of rancor, odium and enmity against the entire World of Islam. The vicious academic-intellectual forgery of the English Orientalists and Indologists is perfectly well reflected in the colonial ignominy of the perfidious English. The colonization of South Asia and the destruction of the Mughal Empire by the English had indeed only one purpose: they wanted to replace a major, civilized Turanian Muslim empire with the barbarian Hindutva gangsters who, like Hitler's SS (Schutzstaffel), constitute indeed South Asia's worst socio-behavioral misery of all times.  


VII. Colonial falsification of History and the fake state of Israel


The Ancient Hebrews (divided after the death of Solomon into two states, namely the 10-tribe Israel and the 2-tribe Judah) constituted a marginal nation of lesser importance during the first 3-4 centuries of the 1st millennium BCE; they did not possess the enormous scientific, academic and intellectual resources of Assyria, Babylonia, Egypt, Cush and Elam, whereas their religious-cultural background paled compared to the magnificent temples and the inexorable radiation of the Ancient Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian and Cushitic spirituality, culture and religion. The supposedly 'great' temple of David and Solomon in the small town of Jerusalem looked like an auxiliary annex opposite the vast sacerdotal complexes at Karnak, Nineveh, Babylon, Assyria, Iwnw (Heliopolis), Abydos, and dozens of other superb and exquisite shrines across Mesopotamia and the Nile Valley.


After the entire population of Israel (the major of the two Hebrew states) was transported to NE provinces of Assyria, following the invasion and the demolition of Samaria, capital of Israel, by Sargon II Emperor of Assyria (722-705), there have never been any 'Israelites' in the region. The transported populations were lost after the collapse and the disappearance of Assyria (614, 612, 609 BCE) and ever since, they have been called "the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel". No one can name a state 'Israel' in the absence of the Ancient Israelites, and this only demonstrates the invalidity and the criminality of the Zionist forgery and the lawlessness of the modern pseudo-state that the Zionists fabricated in Palestine during monstrous hecatombs and unprecedented bloodshed.


The remaining two tribes of Judah for more than a century constituted an evidently insignificant enclave within the Assyrian Empire; then, they were invaded by Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BCE), King of Babylonians, and subsequently transported (586 BCE) to Babylon. Released by the Achaemenid Cyrus (539 BCE), they remained always a marginal and insignificant element of the Ancient Orient, noticeable thanks to the precarious forms of their states and to the absolute lack of contribution to local or regional civilization until they were dispersed by the Romans (70 CE). As a matter of fact, we can extensively describe, analyze, document and comment about Ancient Phoenician, Aramaean, Urartu or Neo-Hittite Religion, Architecture, Art and Civilization (not to mention the most illustrious Ancient Oriental nations, i.e. the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Cushites and the Elamites), but we cannot afford to create a term such as 'Jewish Civilization'.


The aforementioned historical conclusion may generate some discord and various objections, and many may wish to bring for discussion the topic of the world known and undeniably impressive synagogue of Dura Europos in the easternmost confines of today's Syria; then, such attempt is doomed to fail, because not one ethnic Jew lived in Dura Europos. The artistic masterpieces of Dura Europos' synagogue and its superb wall paintings, which -after their discovery in the 1920s- have been preserved in the National Museum of Damascus, constitute a great specimen of Aramaean Art (not Jewish Art!) of the Late Antiquity, because the local population was mixed, mainly consisting of Aramaeans, Parthians, Macedonians, Romans and Palmyrene (Tadmor) Aramaeans.


Actually, many unearthed mosques in Palestine and Syria were not built and decorated by ethnic Jews but by Aramaeans and Aramaized Palestinians who adopted the Jewish faith; this situation is very well reflected in the scene of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well (Gospel by John 4:4–26), because the Samaritans of the time of Jesus were the descendants of the Aramaeans, whom Sargon II of Assyria had transferred from South Mesopotamia to the land of Ancient Israel, after he removed the Israelite captives (722-719 BCE).


Present day Zionist propaganda is genuinely unable to make of the Ancient Hebrews (let alone the 'Jews') an important ancient civilization; it only demonstrates that the Zionists are ludicrous, untrustworthy, and faulty. On the other hand, the historical tendency of British Israelitism (also known as Anglo-Israelism) constitutes only one of the possible interpretational efforts and the attempts to identify the descendants of the Ancient Israelites and of the Ancient Assyrians in our times. About:



VIII. Colonial falsification of History and the fake state of Ethiopia


On this topic I expanded repeatedly in the past, plainly explaining that the historical name of 'Ethiopia' was used by the Ancient Greeks and Romans for the Cushitic kingdom immediately south of Egypt in the area of today's North Sudan. The Ancient Kingdom of Cush did not include Abyssinia, which was a different, later and smaller, kingdom located mainly in today's Eritrea northern part and few adjacent areas of the Tigray province. The colonial expansion (1850-1950) of the modern kingdom of Abyssinia ended up in the colonial times' most multifaceted, most enduring, most abominable, and most concealed genocide. Western colonial countries attempted to cover this abhorrent situation by re-baptizing the modern Abyssinian kingdom as 'Ethiopia', which is not only a historical forgery but also a shameful coverage of 170-year long genocide perpetrated by the Amhara and Tigray Abyssinian tribes against more than fifteen (15) Cushitic, Omotic and Nilo-Saharan African nations. 



IX. Conclusions


Kemal Ataturk's Turkey did not belong to none of the aforementioned categories of states, having never been either a colonial state or a colonized pseudo-state. The reason for this is the fact that interconnection between Education and Culture has kept the nation alive, conscious and creative, whereas further discoveries from the various historical periods of the Anatolian Nation have always solidified its culture. Contrarily, in the two other categories of states, the discoveries from the historical past have always been deliberately distorted and adjusted to the local, false historical dogma, which in turn helped significantly strengthen the fallacious doctrine that had been locally imposed. This means that Education in Turkey was geared to bring the average people closer to the historical truth, whereas in the colonial or the colonized nations, it always took them further adrift. 


The diametrically opposed versions of Education have an enormously different impact on the nations where they are applied. In the case of Turkey, the average people are conscious of their past. In the case of the colonial or the colonized nations, people believe a fake historical dogma as History. The same concerns the followers of today's highly politicized pseudo-religions, which have nothing to do with the historical faiths that we know but serve only the political purposes of the colonial powers and mainly the permanent division and internal strife of the Islamic World. The difference can be highlighted thanks to the following contrast:


- If a pupil in Turkey's Secondary Education learns about the Hittite King Mursilis I's campaign in Mesopotamia and conquest of Babylon in the early 16th c. BCE (ca. 1595), the pupil becomes aware of one of Anatolia's greatest moments in History and perceives the historical-cultural continuity of his land.


- If a pupil in Turkey's Secondary Education learns details about the Battle of Badr or the Battle of Uhud at the time of Prophet Muhammad, the pupil wastes his time, because this topic is totally unimportant for all national purposes and absolutely worthless for Anatolian Turkish pupils willing to plainly absorb their national identity and acquire their cultural integrity.


This does not mean that Islam was not integral part of Anatolia's past and constituent element of the Turanian nations' cultural heritage; on the contrary! But Islam in Anatolia is exemplified by Jalal ad Din Rumi and Haji Bektash Veli or illustrated thanks to the battles of Seljuk sultans like Kaykobad I and Kaykhusraw II – not the useless stories that fascinate today's idiotic Islamists.


In the span of the last 100 years, after Kemal Ataturk founded Modern Turkey and launched the educational system that helped the country advance, Kemalists, Pan-Turanianists, and Islamists have tried to pull the strings toward different directions; the Kemalists attempted to bring to Turkey elements of the Education of the colonial countries of the West, whereas the Islamists tried to spread across the country the misery of Egypt's Islamists, the abysmal complex of inferiority of the Syrians and the Algerians, and the academic-educational-intellectual darkness of Al Azhar that can lead Turkey only to national self-destruction.


What mistakes were made and how the educational system of Turkey will help the nation of Kemal Ataturk carry out the vocation that its founder entrusted to all Turks are topics that we will discuss in the forthcoming part of the series.


Thursday, February 4, 2021

China, Turkey, Orientalism, and Black Athena

 Turkey and China: an Alliance to Conquer the World – Part II


When Napoleon invaded (1798) the Ottoman province of Misir (Egypt) and when the English and the French undertook the Opium Wars against Qing China (1839-1860), the two great Oriental Empires at the western and the eastern confines of the Afro-Eurasiatic landmass did not face simple enemies, who wanted to invade their territories, conquer their lands, and exploit their natural resources and historical treasures. This is essential for today's administrations in Ankara and Beijing to fully comprehend, duly assess and understand the ramifications thereof.


The evil colonial states, which -because of their worldwide antagonism- dragged against the Empire of the Middle (Zhongguo - 中國) almost all the other empires and powerful states of the world, had far worse plans in their minds against China and the Ottoman Empire. Their evil schemes were well beyond the intellectual capacity of the Sultan and the Son of the Heaven (Tianzi - 天子) to possibly identify; this situation was not due to them but to their puerile academic systems and inadequate diplomacies that had never before attempted to duly study in depth the uncultured nations, barbaric cultures, and evil empires of Western Europe.  


In other words, the Ottoman Empire and China failed to realize the criminal intentions of the Western sciences of Humanities, Classicism, and Orientalism. The two great Oriental Empires did not timely develop their, truthful and genuine, Oriental Orientalism in order to demonstrate to people across the world how biased and counterfeit the Western Orientalism has been. And in addition, China and the Ottoman Empire did not create a still much needed science, namely an Oriental Occidentalism, which would be enough to enable all the nations worldwide to understand the barbaric nature, the evil character and the murderous intentions of the colonial states of France and England, and to learn in nauseating detail the academic forgery and the historical distortions of racist contents that the elites of France and England had already produced at the detriment of all the civilized nations of Asia, Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, and America.


To be succinct, all the Sultans after 1798 and the Qing Emperors of the times of the Unequal Treaties (不平等條約 / 1842-1933) failed to realize that their pernicious enemies wanted mainly to invade their lands in order to


1- extensively distort their own History;


2- falsify their own Identity;


3- depict their great civilizations as lower and subordinated to the so-called Western Civilization;


4- conceal all major achievements, exploits and feats (or minimize them accordingly) of the Ottoman-Turanian-Islamic and the Chinese worlds;


5- viciously incorporate into the colonial academic fallacy of 'World History' (in duly distorted and extremely reduced form) the greatness of the Orient, namely:


a) the Ancient Civilizations of Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Egypt, Canaan, African Atlas, Cushitic Eastern Africa, Yemen, the Iranian plateau, and the Indus River Valley, their unmatched epics, myths, symbolisms, world conceptualization, imperial universalism, and sacerdotal hierarchy of education and mysticism, their hitherto unsurpassed sciences, divination, and diachronic perception of World History, and their exemplary contextualization of the righteous human being as God's superintendent on Earth,


b) the Turanian World's illustrious past, spirituality, sagacity, heroism and martial arts, which covered originally Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Siberia and NE Asia only to be later diffused further to many other parts of the world, notably the Indus River Valley and South Asia, Iran, Anatolia and the Balkans,


c) the Islamic cultural heritage, the Islamic Wisdom (misnamed as 'Islamic Philosophy), and all the Muslims' scientific, academic, literary, artistic and architectural inventions, creativity and expansiveness (which originated only from the Ancient Oriental civilizations, and spread knowledge, science and civilization among the Western European barbarians), and


d) the magnificent contributions of China to World Civilization, China's 5-millennium long, indissoluble interconnectedness with Turan ('Central Asia'), the Iranian plateau, Mesopotamia, Anatolia and Egypt, China's reciprocal cultural exchanges with Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Egypt, and Cushitic Eastern Africa alongside the Silk-, Perfume (Incense)-, and Spice- Routes across lands, deserts and seas, and China's openness to all types of spirituality, transcendental knowledge, intuition, religion, cosmogony, cosmology, and apocalyptic eschatology that came from the West, i.e. from Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Syria-Palestine, Egypt and Indus River Valley;


6- hide the World History's top trait, namely the reality that all the Lights, all the supreme human visions and intuitions, all the supreme achievements of human spirituality, civilization, wisdom, myth, world conceptualization, messianic eschatology, knowledge, science, art, architecture and martial arts, and all the major historical events emanated from and took place in the geo-historical axis that links Egypt, Anatolia and Mesopotamia –through Iran, the Indus River Valley, and Turan (Central Asia)- with China;




7- export and project the periphery, misery and barbarism of Ancient Greece, Rome and Western Europe (i.e. the trivial past and the inferior heritage of the Western European colonial powers) onto China and the Ottoman Empire as the world's leading civilization and as the epicenter of World History, which a monstrous forgery. To do this, they had established a fake version of World History that represents the History of Ancient Greece, Rome and Western Europe in monstrously distorted form, in schizophrenically magnified and exaggerated description, and in fully indecent manner. In other words, the colonial forgers of the English and French pseudo-universities portrayed Ancient Greece and Rome as supposedly 'Classics' and as the so-called 'Classical Civilization' whereas -in terms of objective historical reality- the European South represents only the following:


a) the most ostensibly attested human incapacity to cope with the true World History's true classical standards and golden criteria, namely those of Sargonid Assyria, of 18th dynasty Kemet (Egypt), of Hittite Anatolia, and of Amorite Babylonia;


b) the most deplorable deviation from the Ancient Oriental civilizations' values, virtues and criteria;    


c) the most debilitated form of social organization, involving (in Greece)

i- uncouth, petty kings,

ii- brutish, cruel tyrants,

iii- uneducated fanatic priests, who persecuted the Ancient Greek philosophers,

iv- corrupt and vicious politicians whose sole 'values' were their own unholy interests,

v- racist historians, who -by the way- were not even indigenous but Anatolian traitors of their own lands, like the Carian Herodotus who wrote out of hatred against his own country's rightful choice to accept the Achaemenid imperial rule,

vi- paranoid and vicious demagogues and preachers of division and strife, like Demosthenes, who opposed the Macedonian concept and successful attempt to subdue, unite and civilize the Greeks by forcing them to move to the Orient,

vii- pathetic authors like Thucydides, who idiotically wrote extensively about the civil war of Ancient Greeks (namely the Peloponnesian War, 431-404 BCE) because he did not have the Oriental wisdom to realize that by expanding on evil events one only reproduces evilness and negativity, and

viii- low level students of the Ancient Oriental priests, who after returning to Ionia, Aeolia (Western Anatolia), and South Balkans ('Greece'), knew very well that what they had learned -in the temples of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Iran- too little to be duly called 'wise men' or 'sages'. That is why they intentionally coined the new term 'friendliness to wisdom' (philo+sophia) from which originates the Latin and modern term 'philosophy' {and philosopher: 'friend to wisdom' (philo+sophos)}; they actually wanted to accurately denote their lower and subordinate position vis-à-vis their tutors and masters, namely the Ancient Oriental hierophants, high priests, sages, and wise elders of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Phoenicia and Iran;


d) the most divided group of tribal city-states spiritually destitute, culturally impotent, intellectually trivial, and tribally incapable to envisage for themselves the possibility to establish an empire (Greece);


e) the worldwide first and most paradigmatic Anti-Semitic (Anti-Carthaginian/Anti-Punic) 'republic' (res publica) and the world's most scathing case of brutish and racist, culturally crude, and religiously insolvent 'kingdom', which was unlucky enough to be early degraded to 'republic' only to become an 'empire' after the Oriental example of Assyria in order to oppose Iran, i.e. one of two most civilized, sophisticated and universalist empires of the then world (Rome);




8- put out of sight the pivotal Oriental impact on the formation of the 'Occident' (Ancient Greece, Rome and Europe) as civilized land; actually,

- without the numerous settlements of Phoenicians and Carthaginians across Southern Europe,

- without the introduction of the Phoenician alphabet in Greece and Rome,

- without the Hittite Anatolian impact on the Achaeans (one of the so-called 'Greek' tribes),

- without the migration of Oriental populations (notably the Danaans) to the South Balkans,

- without the queues that Ancient Greeks made out of Ancient Babylonian, Egyptian and Iranian temples in order to study there the Lights of Civilization,

- without the military expedition of Alexander, king of Macedonia, who conquered the Greeks to take them with him to the Orient and civilize them in Anatolia, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran, Bactria, Sogdiana and elsewhere,

- without the flood of Oriental forms of spirituality, cosmogony, cosmology, soteriology, eschatology, esoteric cults, and mysticisms that swept away the primitive religion and puerile mythology of the Ancient Greeks,

- without the overwhelming spread of Oriental faiths, beliefs, and religions that swept away the unsophisticated religion of the Ancient Romans, and

- without the influx of Mithraism, Ostanism, Chaldean Oracles, Isiac Egyptian religion, Anatolian cults (of Savazios, Cybele, etc.), Syrian and Phoenician faiths (Atargatis – Syrian goddess, Adonis, etc.), Gnosticisms, Hermetism and Manichaeism across Greece, Rome and Europe (where hundreds of Mithraea and Isea have been unearthed), and

- without the arrival of Christianity, i.e. one exclusively Oriental religion, to Greece, Rome and Europe,

…. the western peninsula of Asia (i.e. Europe) would have never gone out of the status of a chaotic and barbaric periphery of the civilized world.


In fact, in the early 20th c., after the demise of the Great Mughal Empire of South Asia, the decline of Qajar Iran, and the engineered by the colonial West, gradual and subversive academic westernization of Russia's educational system and intellectual elite, only China and the Ottoman Empire could oppose the colonial plan of the Western European powers to diffuse worldwide the aforementioned perverse dogma, its distortion of the World History, its misrepresentation of historical sources and the archaeological material record, and the associated racist political conclusions. Unfortunately for the Qing and the Ottomans, they did not have at the time the necessary spiritual, intellectual, scientific and academic infrastructure to attempt an ingenuous feat of such dimensions, because both empires constituted at the time two decayed worlds.


Today, Turkey and China must understand that their existence and national integrity is at stake, because of the same plans of England, France and America, i.e. the latest offspring of the colonial powers. Only when Turkey and China will split in many pieces, the colonial gangsters and pseudo-academics of the West will be sure that their Anti-Turkish, Anti-Turanian, Anti-Islamic, Anti-Chinese, Anti-Confucian, Anti-Buddhist, Anti-Asiatic, Anti-African, and Anti-Oriental forgery managed to prevail worldwide. This is obvious because wherever the colonial powers impose and install in power their stooges, i.e. the indigenous, colonized elites, these puppets quasi-automatically accept and locally adapt the aforementioned racist and inhuman dogma of Eurocentric (or Greco-Romano-centric) version of History, which is gravely detrimental to their own spiritual and cultural National Heritage.


In fact, for all the Asiatic, African, Central and Eastern European, and American nation, any governmental-academic-intellectual support, acceptance or even tolerance of the fallacious Greco-Romano-centric version of History and the ensuing colonial racism is tantamount to high treason and must end with the respective punishment upon the heads of the idiotic and bribed local politicians and pseudo-statesmen, who carried out such a sacrilege and national shame.


Therefore, to successfully cancel the destructive work of the colonial academia, Turkey and China today have to join forces and see their common future - not only in the sphere of commercial-economic cooperation across the New Silk Road (One Belt One Ring), not only at the level of military alliance (within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization), not only within the context of bilateral governance and diplomatic partnership, but also - in terms of a vast academic, scientific, educational, intellectual, and cultural coalition and synergy geared to

A- refute, denounce and eliminate the fallacy of the racist Eurocentric (or Greco-Romano-centric) version of History;

B- introduce a combined Oriental Orientalism and Oriental Occidentalism to replace across the Earth the colonial academic scoundrels, who still propagate sick, obscure, and inhuman concepts such as Renaissance, Classicism, Hellenism, Western Orientalism, European 'Enlightenment', Libertarianism, Left Liberalism, and other obnoxious nonsensical notions;

C- diffuse the new academic branches of truthful representation of World History, namely Oriental Orientalism and Oriental Occidentalism, across all continents by launching a great number of bilaterally organized, bilingual Turco-Chinese "Silk Road Universities" across the world; 

D- overthrow the present status quo in UNESCO, which is controlled by the academic-intellectual cholera of racist France;

E- awake all the previously politically-militarily subjugated and still academically-intellectually-educationally-culturally colonized nations of the world and offer them the chance to better study their own past once liberated from the deeply colonial and absolutely racist Eurocentric (or Greco-Romano-centric) version of History, which moved across the world due to the Western colonial expansion;

F- establish, provide and promote a vast academic, educational, intellectual, and cultural inter-exchange worldwide on the basis Oriental Orientalism and Oriental Occidentalism, thus obliterating once for all the inferior, barbaric and catastrophic misrepresentation of Ancient Greece, Rome and Modern Europe from the World Cultural Heritage.


Turkey and China will prevail worldwide at the levels of governance, economy, and defense, only if they impose academically-intellectually-educationally-culturally the Oriental Truth over the Falsehood the colonial dogma of Eurocentric version of World History. Otherwise, even if China, Turkey and their allies prevail worldwide, due to the advanced decay and decomposition of the European Union, USA and England, they will be ultimately and calamitously held captive of the colonial fallacies and of the racist Eurocentric forgery, which have long been spread across the world. Then, the destructive forces, which have been unleashed by means of this evil, colonial academic-intellectual system of distortion of the World History, will vehemently turn against China, Turkey and their allies, duly corrupting them and in turn destroying them. 


After all, what did the colonial powers try to do, by diffusing the falsehood of the Eurocentric (or Greco-Romano-centric) version of History?


- They attempted to make of uncivil and unholy rascals like Pericles and Alcibiades the example for all the humans.


So, it is easy to conclude to the colonially imposed, academic-intellectual tyranny of the Western gangsters is tantamount to sacrilege, profanity and barbarism; the Eurocentric (or Greco-Romano-centric) version of History is not only a desecrating lie and an inhuman deception; it is a straightforward insult against the Cultural and National Heritage of all the civilized nations of this world.


If the atrocious fallacy of the colonial, Greco-Romano-centric dogma of History is not utterly eliminated, the only possible ensuing result will be the engulfment of the entire world into ceaseless divisions, bloody conflicts, civil wars, interminable strives, and permanent crusades undertaken in the name of Christianity by the most Anti-Christian states and forces of the world. This is only normal after all; when your model for 'historian' is the author of a civil war narrative, you are definitely plunged into civil wars without even understanding it. Then, you idiotically or hypocritically state that you 'study' Thucydides to 'draw the lessons of History' only to be plunged into one more war – one of the many for which worthless, garish, barbarian Europe has become historically famous.


That is why it is compulsory for Turkey and China and their academic and intellectual elites to duly focus on the pioneering work of leading scholars who, although they studied in the Western world and were part of the Western elites, had the honesty and the courage to reject the Western colonial fallacy and the villainous pseudo-historical Greco-centric dogma. Then, Martin Bernal with his legendary Black Athena and Edward Said with his renowned Orientalism, as well as the contents and the concepts of their contributions, must become known  to all the pupils across the Earth, replacing the hitherto prevailing colonial, Greco-Romano-centric dogma of History. The racist rascals of the decayed Western European and North American pseudo-universities must be left without audience and close down.