Monday, May 27, 2024

The Collective West, its Mysteries, Illusions and Threats against the Mankind

Коллективный Запад, его тайны, иллюзии и угрозы человечеству




I. Колонизация: навязывание всему миру бесчеловечного западноевропейского «цивилизационного» прототипа

II. Западный мир: ненормальное самоотречение и террористический отпор Истории человечества

III. Бесконечные междоусобные войны Запада, его сложный характер и вытекающие отсюда опасения для остального мира

IV. Вестернизация – это не «а ля карт»

V. Вестернизация является частью эсхатологической повестки дня

De-Westernization for Russia, Africa, the Muslim world, India, China and Latin America means a) replacement of the fallacious 'Greco-Roman' and 'Judeo-Christian' material from academic curricula and educational manuals and b) substitution of the past documentation with major specimens of Asiatic and African Art, which bear witness to the historical interaction of the world's major civilizations. Example: back panels from the couch found in the tomb of the Sogdian merchant and nobleman An Jia (安伽), who was buried in Chang'an (長安), today's Xi'an (西安市), great Chinese capital, in 579 CE, founding year of the Daxiang (大象) era, during the reign of Emperor Jing; currently in the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology; the representations of few significant moments of the deceased nobleman's life involve scenes of cult, meetings with nomad leaders, and conclusion of agreements.



I. Colonization: worldwide imposition of the inhuman Western European 'civilizational' model

II. The Western world: an abnormal self-denial and a terrorist rebuff of the History of mankind

III. The interminable internecine wars of the West, its composite nature, and the ensuing concerns for the rest of the world

IV. Westernization is not 'à la carte'

V. Westernization is part of eschatological agendas


In a previous article published few days ago under the title "World Politics as Black & White: Iran and Israel or how people fall victims of delusions intentionally projected on them", I made it clear that every sectarian thought does not only constitute a sin, but it also leads to misunderstanding, ultimately plunging the foolish guy, who thinks in this manner, into a delusion. From such traps there is usually no comeback.


Simple people and world-known statesmen are equally concerned in this regard, but the latter may destroy their respective countries in the process. You can read the article here:


There are many foolish guys worldwide, who persistently do not see the historical truth in Palestine; they believe a genocide that they never saw and they don’t believe a genocide that they see with their own eyes. And there are numerous inane people, who imagine that the ongoing war in Ukraine has -practically speaking- ended with the victory of Russia. More advanced daydreamers are convinced that the "collective West" has collapsed and that the BRICS+ are about to establish a new world order – or, if this expression embarrasses you, a multipolar world community. There is nothing more delusional than this.


The stupidity of the so-called 'multipolar world order' can bring down great states in our days. This is so because the defenders of this silly concept do not have a clue of History, but thoughtlessly learned as 'History' the false Eurocentric doctrine which was purposefully fabricated in Western universities in order to impose unipolar hegemony. Picture: 'The Nation-State and the Multipolar World' by Alexander Dugin (27 March 2016);

I must however admit that a large part of my readers have been accustomed (and pleased) to reading my devastating attacks, denunciations and rejections of the colonial deeds of the maritime kingdoms which are -exclusively- responsible for every single problem that occurs in the world nowadays. But …….


Because I totally, overwhelmingly and comprehensively decry the evildoing of the colonial powers across the Earth, this does not mean that I expect their opponents to prevail anytime soon. Not at all! At least, not without major changes coming from the side of the BRICS+!



Actually, my personal evaluation of the current situation is very negative; I am convinced that the world affairs are very ambiguous, very grim and very ominous, because the major continental states, their elites, and their governments are unable to accurately assess where the overall problem lies and to subsequently find the correct remedy.


It is correct to conclude nowadays that the "collective West" is in disarray, discord, disorder and decay. But so they were in 1492, in 1520, and in 1532, when they sailed to the so-called 'New World' (which was already known for thousands of years to ancient Oriental nations) and, in the name of the Satanic Anti-Christ of the Catholic Church, they intentionally performed the first two of a really long series of abhorrent genocides against the highly civilized Aztecs and Incas, also enslaving numerous other nations and ethnic-religious groups in the process.


A critical moment of the Inca genocide perpetrated by the Anti-Christian Spaniard conquistadors: the Capture of the Inca Emperor Atahualpa (1497-1533) during the Battle of Cajamarca; painting by Juan Lepiani (1920-1927)

All the same; this has always been the fate of the 'West', which consists in an abysmal anomaly in the History of Mankind. The barbarians of Western Europe always exported their problems to the rest of the world in order to survive. As a matter of fact, the Western elites accept as 'civilized nations' only the slaves of their fabrication, i.e. the so-called 'Western Civilization'.


When it comes to the non-Western world, the perverse idiots, who believe in the existence of a so-called Western Civilization, are the worst enemies of mankind and the most unrepentant traitors of their nations.


All the same, the so-called 'Western Civilization' is a villainous fabrication of the Western European barbarians, which was incessantly propagated, tyrannically imposed, preached as the 'sole civilization', praised as an all-human acquisition, declared as 'universal', and therefore meant (or hinted) as 'compulsory for every civilized human being'. This is of course entirely racist, but this is still a minor issue.


In fact, if the fabrication 'Western Civilization' stayed only within the circumference of the 15th–16th c. Western European states, it would never become a worldwide problem and, even more happily for the rest of the world, it would soon disintegrate, driving the Western European nations to extinction. When it comes to the vicious and premeditated propagation, imposition and acclamation of this construct, people all over the world must take into account the following five crucial aspects of the phenomenon:

a. Colonization is tantamount to Westernization;

b. The 'Western world' is first, an abnormal self-denial and second, a terrorist rebuff of the historical evolution of mankind;

c. The permanent internecine wars of the West demonstrate its composite nature;  

d. Westernization cannot be 'à la carte' for anyone anytime anywhere and under any circumstances whatsoever; and

e. Westernization is part of eschatological agendas - not an intellectual caprice, an academic arrogance, a moral deviation or a mental degeneration 


Historical artwork from the Padmanabhapuram Palace (also known as Kalkulam Palace) in Kerala, Deccan; Eustachius De Lannoy of the Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) surrenders to Maharaja Marthanda Varma of the Indian Kingdom of Travancore after the Battle of Colachel (1741); Western colonialism was endless bloodshed.

I. Colonization: worldwide imposition of the inhuman Western European 'civilizational' model

Extensively but deliberately propagated as an economic affair, colonization is basically the premeditated exportation and the brutal imposition of the inhuman Western European civilizational model on the rest of the world. As a matter of fact, Colonization is Westernization. The first crucial aspect of the nefarious phenomenon is that, by means of military, political, economic, educational, religious, spiritual, intellectual, academic, scientific, cultural, technological, socio-behavioral and mental colonization, the aforementioned construct was repressively imposed worldwide.


After five centuries of persistent, mendacious, and oppressive effort, Westernization became finally inherent (in different degree) to everyone - with the only exception of the blessed people who happened to live in remote areas and remained unaffected from or immune to it.


The calamitous process started in Western Europe (namely the territories of today's Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Belgium, England, Scotland, and Ireland) and then it was transferred / relocated to the Occupied Territories which conventionally are now called 'USA', 'Canada' and 'Australia'; for this reason, all these lands (along with French Polynesia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, etc.) are called the 'Collective West'. It was from those lands that emanated the multifaceted and multilayered colonization process that can also be called 'Westernization'.


Quite contrarily, Latin America -from Mexico to Argentina and Chile- is not part of the 'Collective West', although undoubtedly many Western Europeans settled there. The continent where the great civilizations of the Mayas, the Aztecs and the Incas had grown is a colonized continent, and the indigenous populations which de facto constitute the majority of the people must take their land back, impose their culture, religions and values, and terminate the colonial shame that started before 500 years.

Decolonization-de-Westernization is necessary to Latin America too.


Battle of Vienna (September 1683), monumental artwork by an anonymous, contemporary painter; Military History Museum Vienna

Similarly and more critically, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Central Europe, the Balkan Peninsula, and the Scandinavian Peninsula do not truly constitute part of the 'Collective West; it is well-known that Austria-Hungary was aptly dragged by the Catholic Church into interminable wars against the Ottoman Empire, but this fact was the mistake of both imperial administrations which failed to assess the ignominious plans elaborated by the Anti-Christian Church of Rome against Constantinople and Vienna at the same time.


Later, Imperial Germany became also the victim of the papal plots, entering into academic, intellectual, economic and military competition with the then 'Collective West'; but this was exactly the trap! Attempting to acquire material gains against the English and the French, Germany started becoming part of the 'Club of the Evil', whereas it would be pertinent for the interests of the German Nation to fully oppose it. As a matter of fact, by competing with the Westerners in any sense, you simply get westernized, i.e. colonized – without even understanding it. Clearly, decolonization-de-Westernization is necessary to those parts of Europe too.


For the above reasons and due to many other parameters, it is safe to claim that every discussion about the 'economic motives' and the 'political predominance' of the colonial powers is merely a smokescreen. The same is valid for the often evoked 'missionary work'; it was only the camouflage. In fact, the Western countries invaded most of the other nations, lands and continents only to impose their construct, namely the inhuman Western European civilizational model.


Establishing an oligarchical economic system of social exploitation and arbitrarily imposing a parliamentary system of social deception in one colonized land are not enough for the devilish and criminal elites of the 'Collective West'! The colonized countries must always be in phase with the Western metropolises, when it comes to educational, religious, spiritual, intellectual, academic, scientific, cultural, technological, socio-behavioral matters.    


II. The Western world: an abnormal self-denial and a terrorist rebuff of the History of mankind

The second crucial aspect concerns the formation of the West itself. This is a most concealed topic, as a systematic, comprehensive and monstrous misinterpretation of the historical facts was composed and propagated to compactly confuse people in the West and in the rest of the world. Because Western universities and museums, libraries, mass media, intellectuals and governments gave to the 'Collective West' a fallacious historicity, numerous explorers, investigators, commentators and historians were driven to the confusion that the divide between East and West existed always. This is entirely wrong.


The appellation "Ancient Oriental Empires" is the beginning of the historical fallacy. The great civilizations of Mesopotamia (Sumer, Elam, Akkad, Assyria, Babylonia, Hurrians, Aramaeans, etc.), the Nile Valley (Egypt/Kemet, Cush/Sudan), Anatolia (Hittites, Hatti, Luwians, etc.), Syria-Palestine (Canaanites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Hebrews, etc.), the Iranian plateau, the Caucasus region, Central Asia, Siberia and Mongolia, the African Atlas (Berbers, Carthaginians, etc.), India, Bengal, the Deccan, and China were all "central to the world", according to their own standards, sources and world conceptualization.


Designating these civilizations, peoples and empires as "Oriental" necessitates the preposterous anticipation that the center of the world was situated elsewhere and these entities were located east of the center. Limiting considerations at the purely natural and geographical level is certainly normal, and it was done by all in the Antiquity. But extending the geographical notion to the cultural-civilizational level constitutes an absurd categorization and a discriminatory distinction. And on this racist foundation has been built the pseudo-historical dogma of the 'Collective West'. But in order to be close to factual data, I have to continue. 


The Walls of Nineveh, one of the capital cities of the Assyrian Empire; Assyria was not an Oriental monarchy, because it was located east of Hittite Anatolia and Egypt, but west of Elam and China. The Western term "Oriental civilizations" consists in a monumental fallacy; what is called as 'Oriental" is the common historical heritage of the entire mankind.

What is now called 'Ancient Greece' was an unimportant, marginal and mostly uncivilized circumference to the Ancient so-called 'Oriental' world; the distinctive tribes that are now conventionally called 'Ancient Greeks' failed to establish an empire of universal vocation. Culturally, morally and spiritually different from them, Alexander the Great of Macedonia invaded part of Greece and forced some of the local worthless states to contribute to the exploit of substituting the ailing Achaemenid Iran with a more genuine universal empire.


Ancient Rome was also a peripheral and insignificant city that was transformed from kingdom to 'res publica' and later to empire; the Roman expansion was mainly due to the rivalry with Carthage, which was the ancient world's most democratic and most republican state. However, after the disintegration of the shameful 'res publica', the Romans failed to build a genuine and universal empire after the example of Egypt, Babylonia or Assyria, despite Rome's unprecedented contest and endless wars with the Arsacid and the Sassanid empires of Iran. These wars lasted almost 700 years (54 BCE – 628 CE), but their echo lasted until 1453, as Mehmet II the Conqueror viewed in himself an Iranian vanquisher of the Romans.


The Christianization of the Roman Empire demonstrated its limits; in fact, despite of a very sophisticated administrative-military organization, the state could not hold together. The main reason for this situation was the fact that no empire can possibly be created around a sea; there was never an empire around the Black Sea or the Caspian Sea. And when all the coastlands of the Red Sea belonged to the Islamic Caliphates, the gravitational center of all these different states (Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid, Mamluk, and Ottoman) was not situated in the Red Sea region. 


However, due to the universal or ecumenical vocation of the Christian faith as per the Fathers of the Christian Church, following the division of the Christian Roman Empire (395 CE), the Eastern Roman Empire developed an ecumenical character that it retained for several centuries. But the terms used for the division of the Roman Empire were purely geographical, having no cultural-civilizational meaning. The same was also valid after the schisms (Photian: 863-867; final: 1054); the differences between the Eastern Roman Empire (Orthodox Christianity) and the Catholic Church were only religious, canonical and imperial, because the Roman pope interfered in the various states of Western Europe in order to generate opponents to the Eastern Roman Emperor. And it so continued until the Fall of Constantinople (1453) to the Ottomans.


The enthronement of Patriarch Michael Keroularios, who excommunicated pope Leo IX; from the 13th c. manuscript of the History by John Skylitzes (also known as Skyllitzes Matritensis; currently in Biblioteca Nacional de España, fol. 225r)

In other words, prior to the Renaissance, there was never a cultural-civilizational differentiation between 'East' and 'West', because the Western Europeans, like all the civilized humans across the Earth, viewed the world civilizations across the Earth as a unitary phenomenon.  


It is the entire Renaissance phenomenon that changed the Western Europeans, but as such, it first led them to an absurd self-denial. In its nucleus, Renaissance is an arbitrary approach to the Western Europeans' pre-Christian past, involving a deliberate idealization of the daily life and the activities of the pagan ancestors of the 14th, 15th and 16th c. Western Europeans. In real terms, it is an illusion that they produced and believed, before exporting it to the unfortunate others. But this totally ahistorical illusion was at the same time a full and complete rejection of the Western Europeans themselves, i.e. of their own Christian identity.


Commissioned by pope Julius II to decorate the rooms of the Vatican palace, and painted between 1509 and 1511, the famous fresco 'The School of Athens' ('Scuola di Atene') by Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino) is a typical specimen of the Anti-Christian art of Renaissance. The ahistorical painting features wise scholars, thinkers and philosophers who were not Greek and, in addition, had no relationship with Athens. Even Zoroaster, the founder of the Ancient Iranian religion, is depicted in the absurd fallacy, which consists in a blasphemy against Christianity. If the Eastern Roman Empire had existed and had been powerful at the time, the repugnant shame would have not been tolerated and the infamous palace demolished. By idealizing the tiny state of Ancient Athens and by attributing to it persons, concepts, deeds and works that are totally irrelevant, the painter contributed to the prodigious fabrication of an illusion that was later believed as real. This illusion terminated the historical evolution that had taken place until then and gradually but irreversibly eradicated Christianity and faith in general.

The progressive imposition of the illusory Antiquity on the 14th, 15th and 16th c. Western Europeans was carried out by different mystical, religious, intellectual and academic elites in a way that worsened the trouble caused because of the apparent detachment from reality. Rejecting their true, Christian identity and adopting an unreal ideal, the Renaissance elites went from disbelief to degeneracy, from deviation to corruption, from paranoia to madness, from delusion to disorder, and from being to non-being. Viewed in terms of massive social phenomenon, Renaissance is the only true Holocaust in the History of Mankind. It consists in a most comprehensive spiritual genocide that the then Western European ruling classes performed against themselves and their own peoples.


Being cut off from their identity and recent past which they 'excommunicated', the sick elites of Western European Renaissance were left with only one option: they had to

a) unquestionably, inevitably, and unrepentantly conquer and massacre the others,

b) forcefully change the identity of the survivors (: make them look like 'copies' of Western Europeans), and

c) flee ahead to even more unreal, more inhuman, and more absurd notions.

This means that they subsequently produced even more unrealistic schemes, lunatic concepts, illusory descriptions, and delusional suggestions, which ultimately led to worse types of colonization, repression, bloodshed, cruelty, and wars.


It goes without saying that these elites will inevitably resort to nuclear conflagration and total annihilation of mankind if they fail to materialize the incessantly more unrealistic projects, which are mere paragraphs of their ominous agendas.


We can therefore easily understand that the East-West (Orient vs. Occident) dilemma is a forgery; in fact, what we call nowadays the 'Collective West' consists in

1) the corruption of a part of the Mankind (namely the Western Europe),

2) the subsequent secession of that part of the world from the rest, and

3) the opposition to, and denial of, the rest of mankind, which is indiscriminately and pejoratively labeled as 'Orient'.


III. The interminable internecine wars of the West, its composite nature, and the ensuing concerns for the rest of the world

Many people are nowadays impressed because of the collapse of the so-called Franco-German axis within European Union (EU); but what is there to be possibly impressed with? Personally, I rather tend to believe that the so-called Berlin-Paris axis lasted for long. Taking into consideration the past that Western Europe has had after the Christianization of the Roman Empire (313-380 CE) and its final division into two parts (395 CE), we have to find the present divisions within EU as quite normal.


Contrarily to what happened in the Eastern Roman Empire with the prevailing Caesaropapism (which is tantamount to absolute prevalence of the emperor over the patriarch), in the ill-fated and short-lived Western Roman Empire, the pope of Rome prevailed over the local emperor by means of a well-orchestrated deception (and this is called Papo-Caesarism). Even worse, the papal authority devised an ignominious plan as per which barbarian 'kingdoms' ruled by idiotic thugs would supplant the Western Roman Empire as an imperial institution, thus leaving the pope as the sole ruler of Western Europe.


By ceaselessly pursuing divisive tactics and by keeping a balance among the barbarian rulers, the counterfeit administration of Anti-Christian Rome, while fervently fighting against the Eastern Roman Empire, implemented systematically a devilish policy of acculturation during the long process of Christianization of the uncivilized migrant tribes in the lands of today's Northern Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, England and Ireland. This means that in fact all these populations never became truly Christian, but believed that they were Christian while remaining pagan, cruel and incestuous.


Quite contrarily, in the truly Christian Eastern Roman Empire, the emperor and the patriarch implemented methodically different approaches to the successive waves of migrating nations, i.e. religious integration, cultural assimilation and administrative incorporation. The alternative solution was always military victory, expulsion and dispersion of the enemy. For this reason, in the Eastern Roman Empire there were few religious quarrels and conflicts, whereas in Western Europe there were endless tribal, feudal and later monarchical hostilities, which were always wars of plunder.


Consequently, spiritual, religious, doctrinal and theological opposition went extinct in the Eastern Roman Empire after the 9th c., but across Western Europe, numerous groups survived in clandestine form from the times of Late Antiquity until the 15th c. The Eastern Roman Emperors never faced an opponent like the Knights Templar; but the papal power, which was never counterbalanced by any royal (and the exceptions only confirm the rule), was unable to uproot secret movements and doctrinal factions that challenged its authority in later periods, because they had aptly managed to penetrate several religious orders and the papal hierarchy.


The façade of the 12th c. Templar Castle in Ponferrada, in the Province of León, NW Spain; however, when it comes to land controlled by the Eastern Roman Empire, no major monuments of the Paulicians or the Iconoclasts (8th–9th c.) survived down to our times.

With the gradual arrival of Ashkenazi 'Jews' in Northern and Central Europe (9th–10th c.), the admixture (or if you prefer the circulation) of elites that formed the modern Western world (also known as the 'Collective West') was ready. Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) understood it quite well. Consequently, it was only normal for Western Europeans to experience interminable internecine wars, while expanding colonially. This fact only reveals the composite nature of Western Europe; it also explains the present conjuncture.


Originating from diverse religious societies of the Late Antiquity, the three main forces, which composed Modern Europe and controlled the world by means of colonization, always managed to make compromises for their reciprocal interests in spite of the enormous differences that their eschatological agendas comprise. The three most influential groups (or 'nebulae' if you prefer) are the following: the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Zionists. About their agendas and remote antiquity, you can find general information in my earlier publications:                                                                                         



Quite interestingly, I read only recently a compelling article about the intentions toward Russia that three major groups of the Collective West have; it was first published before one year (8 May 2023). Titled Шахматы войны (Chess of War), the article was authored by the world-known Russian intellectual Alexander Dugin ( For an English translation (by Lorenzo Maria Pacini):


The article was written after a chess-like style and that is why the 'Collective West' is designated as "Black", meaning a black set of chess. In his second part (Black's centers), A. Dugin makes the following distinction:


«With Black we can distinguish three main macro-figures, which are not symmetrical with each other, but each of them has a sufficient degree of sovereignty to actively influence the course of the entire confrontation. We have named them as follows:

The party of complete and immediate victory over Russia

The party of delayed victory over Russia

The party of indifference to Russia».


In fact, the first 'party' represents the Zionists; the second 'party' corresponds fully to the Jesuits, their world conceptualization, mentality, attitude, and agenda. And the third 'party' can clearly be identified with some leading Freemasonic lodges (at this point, I have to clarify that there is an ongoing fierce dispute among several apostate lodges). 


Further expanding upon "the party of total and immediate victory over Russia", Alexander Dugin identifies it as the "most radical part of the globalists", stating more specifically that it consists of "the British secret services, which act in close connection with certain US neo-conservative centers (Kagan, Nuland, Kristol) and with the Pentagon and CIA circles close to them".


Focusing on "the party of delayed victory over Russia" (i.e. the second of the three groups), A. Dugin exemplifies the group with the Roman Catholic General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Armed Forces, a ferocious enemy of former US President Donald Trump. While explaining the geopolitical positions of this group, the Russian intellectual adds current US President Biden in the picture: "This is the position of Biden himself and most of his administration".


When it comes to the third party (or "The indifference’s party"), A. Dugin draws the political portrait of Donald Trump: "the position of those American political forces that do not identify US interests with globalism, do not rely on the rules of Atlanticist geopolitics (where the main goal of the Anglo-Saxon civilisation of the sea is an overwhelming victory over the Eurasian civilisation of the land, i.e. sovereign Russia), and are therefore indifferent to Russia, which, on a soberly pragmatic analysis, does not threaten US national interests - neither in the military nor in the economic field - in general". He then epitomizes it by adding that "this is exactly the position expressed by former US President Donald Trump. His claims, that if he becomes US President again the conflict in Ukraine will immediately cease, are not boastfulness, but pure realism".


The composite nature of the 'Collective West' and the total control that the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Zionists exercise over the governments and the societies of Western Europe and North America (and through them over the rest of the world) are indeed very preoccupying issues and quite determinant factors for the rest of the world. This is so for the following four reasons:

a) the inhuman Western European 'civilizational' model that Western European elites imposed first locally and then worldwide is similarly a composite corpus of notions; it contains gravely divergent concepts that were finally adopted after many gradual, trilateral compromises.

b) in the same manner, the bogus-historical dogma, which was elaborated by Western European academics and then colonially imposed worldwide, is also a composite patchwork. This can be attested in several terms, which are meaningless for the rest of the world, but in fact, they are the result of compromises. Examples:

'Greco-Roman world', 'Hellenistic and Roman' times, 'Judeo-Christian' culture, 'Helleno-Christian' civilization, 'Helleno-Orthodox' doctrine, etc.

c) at any given moment during the last 500 years, the flee ahead to even more unreal notions, ideas or theories led always to final compromises, modifications, and new composite constructs, which had Jesuit, Freemasonic and Zionist components and dimensions. The same is also valid for the conflicts ensued and the treaties signed at the end.  

d) even more importantly, the penetration of the Western elites into the rest of the world was also composite; this means that countries, parts and/or sectors of the non-Western world are controlled at all levels by representatives of the three groups of power. Due to this phenomenon, the internecine wars of the Western World have spread across the Earth, making of any potential disentanglement a very difficult and very dangerous option.


Two specimens of art are enough to prove the fallacy and the impossibility of the term "Judeo-Hellenic civilization", which is shamelessly propagated by -amongst others- the notorious Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR); above: Beit Alpha synagogue (in the northern slopes of the Gilboa mountains near Beit She'an, Israel) with a 6th c. CE mosaic representing the binding of Isaac and even featuring the 'hand of God'. Below: red-figure amphora with the representation of a satyr assaulting a maenad (6th c. BCE)

IV. Westernization is not 'à la carte'

Due to the situation described as per above, it is impossible for any non-Westerner to stand opposite to the 'Collective West', selecting only some of the theoretical systems, philosophical maxims, intellectual approaches, academic considerations, political ideologies, and governmental practices produced and implemented by the Western world. Although this attitude is not straightforwardly opposite to the Western world, it is considered as gravely inimical by the paranoid rulers of UK, US, EU, NATO and their satellites.


It is actually misplaced to attempt to view the modern Western world as a diachronic entity, because it was never such and it was not geared to be anything of the kind. You don't have the option to possibly accept 'this' and reject 'that'. It is true that, in every historical period after Renaissance, the Western elites came up with several theoretical options, governmental concepts, social ideals and philosophical concepts, which were entirely fallacious and still opposite to one another; at a later date, one of the conflicting poles may have subsided or eventually both were brought together, and a new -always delusional and inhuman- environment appeared. Many scholars described this type of developments as 'Hegelian', but in reality they were entirely Manichaean.


However, average people everywhere, either in the Western colonial metropolises or in the colonized peripheries, were always asked to promptly, duly and fully cope with the new environment. No feudal state was tolerated in the 19th c.; no imperial state was accepted in the 20th c.; and no Communist state is permitted in the 21st c. The 'logic' (truly speaking: the 'absurdity') of the conflicting Jesuit, Freemasonic and Zionist agendas that have formed the historical developments over the past 500 years is 'permanent update'. For this reason, the concept of 'evolution' (spread as delusion among people worldwide) was necessary to all major societies that rule the Western world: those who supported and promoted notions relating to Darwinism and those who opposed this theory.

Mannerism is a style of Western European art, which is good for the 16th c. until the emergence of Baroque, which replaced it. Above: the Pharos (Lighthouse of Alexandria) painting by the Dutch portrait and religious painter Maarten van Heemskerck (1498-1574); Below: engraving of the same painting by the Dutch publisher and engraver Philip Galle (1537-1612). The naked child next to the sitting king (possibly a Ptolemy) at the right bottom corner is a totally unacceptable element for every Christian adept, society, and art standards; but it constituted the beginning of a long series of stages that ends up with the legalization of pedophilia. Today, for the unrepresentative, sick and abnormal statesmen of the Collective West, it would be totally meaningless if an Asiatic, African, Latin American, East European or other head of state expressed admiration for Mannerism and the aforementioned Dutch artists; what matters for the paranoid dictators of the ailing Western world is that those statesmen facilitate the legalization process for society corruption and disintegration.

The 'permanent updates' to which all have to concur every now and then have been scaled over the past five centuries, because in reality every delusion made, every change occurred, every development introduced, and every scheme implemented were either a distinct paragraph of one of the aforementioned agendas or the ultimate compromise between the divergent paragraphs of two among them.


The Westernization project that was launched since the first days of the Renaissance is a compact eschatological program of which no one can possibly accept only a part without signing his death warrant. This is true for anyone anytime anywhere and under any circumstances whatsoever; for this reason, every selective approach to the inhuman scheme of worldwide Westernization would inevitably constitute a certain opposition to the provisions of one of the existing agendas.  


This fact is not understood by several statesmen, politicians, diplomats, academics, intellectuals and religious authorities in countries other than the 'Collective West'; similarly, average people, who live in the Western world but still value their own cultural heritage, ancestral traditions, faith, moral, and spirituality, fail to grasp the true nature of the inhuman Western European 'civilizational' model and the ensuing Westernization of the world. They mistakenly think that 'only now' or 'only recently' the Westerners started 'forgetting' their past and values. However, this approach is shortsighted, narrow-minded, and totally false.


The error is due to the fact that all those, who find the so-called 'woke culture' or 'cancel culture' as a drastically different from the earlier Western norms, values and standards, have beforehand developed a diachronic view of the modern Western world. But this is very wrong. Over the past 500 years, people in the West passed through several, different from one another, stages; every stage was diverse from the previous and constituted (for the Western elites) an 'advanced step' if compared with earlier conditions of life.


The so-called 'woke culture' or 'cancel culture' looks very different from the average culture of Westerners in either Western Europe of North America in the 1930s, and this is true. But if we add to the equation few turning points or moments of upheaval like the May 1968 protests, the 1969 Woodstock festival, the lawless legalization of the abortion (1975 in France / "la Loi Veil"), and the evil decriminalization of the adultery (1987 in Belgium; 2006 in Romania), we understand that nothing happened suddenly or abruptly. Every step of moral degradation and social corruption of the Western societies was small enough and it was made slowly enough in order to be accepted over a period of time that was accorded to it.


Consequently, to the eyes of today's Western statesmen, academics and intellectuals (i.e. the puppets of the devilish Western elites) it appears as 'hypocritical' or 'absurd' or 'crazy' that statesmen, who reject today's Collective West, like President Putin of Russia, refer to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, admire Peter the Great (who attempted to emphatically westernize Russia), state publicly that they were inspired by Catherine the Great (who opened Russia to Western philosophers), and expect their approach to possibly please their eventual Western interlocutors or disreputable haters or to create a feeling of cultural-historical familiarity. The following articles are only indicative in this regard:

Putin, Citing Roosevelt, Hints at a 3rd-Term Bid


Putin compares himself to Peter the Great in quest to take back Russian lands


How Catherine the Great may have inspired Putin’s Ukraine invasion


Vladimir Putin justifies his imperial aims in Tucker Carlson interview


The Inauguration of the Academy of Arts (Инаугурация Академии художеств 7 июля 1765 года), painting (1889) by the Russian painter Valery Yacobi (Валерий Иванович Якоби Якобий; 1834-1902); the masterpiece, which is currently in the Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts (Научно-исследовательский музей Российской Академии художеств), reflects the atmosphere that prevailed in the historic event, which was sponsored by Catherine the Great (reign: 762-1796). Although the Russian empress attempted clearly to westernize her country more than any other Russian, admiration for her is meaningless to the eyes of today's Western rulers because they view the Russian empress' tenure, world views, ideas and innovations good for her time only.

However, President Putin was undoubtedly responsible for the 'mistakes'; the reason for this conclusion is due to the fact that the Westerners do not view their modern world as a diachronic entity but as a series of successive stages through which they reached the present status. Consequently, to the Western elites of today, Reagan, Roosevelt, Clemenceau, Napoleon, Louis XIV, and Charles V, pretty much like Hegel, Kant, Rousseau, Voltaire, Pascal, Shakespeare, du Bellay, Rabelais, and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola had a certain value but only as fully functioning factors of their times – not diachronically. Their importance (as it is viewed by the present Western elites) is their contribution to the developments of their time, but Rabelais (or any other 16th c. Western European intellectual) had become obsolete and meaningless at the time of Karl Marx, and subsequently, the latter is -in turn- truly excoriated today. The same approach applies to music, literature, art, theater, law, science, and -last but not the least- the manner of living.


It is crystal clear that this situation causes terrible troubles to the rest of the world, i.e. the colonized periphery; this is so because of the complex manner through which the colonization / Westernization process was carried out. Different countries in Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Africa, and Latin America accepted diverse stages and aspects of the inhuman Western European 'civilizational' model in distinct moments and junctures. This automatically makes of them the disparate members of a group that exists only in one dimension: that of being irrelevant to 15th-16th c. Western Europe.


Then, the fact that notable historical persons or a restricted elite from the past of one non-Western country may have accepted in their time a certain stage or an aspect of the Westernization project (which was later widely propagated across the nation in question) makes today the de-Westernization effort a very strenuous task for the said country to undertake. But this is another issue, because it concerns the non-Western world. Example: Western Theater was alien to the average Russian society of the time of Ivan IV the Terrible (1530-1584; reign after 1547); however, it was initially supported by the 18th c. royal elite, and it became gradually accepted by more people (mainly the nobles and the then rising Russian bourgeoisie). The Bolshoi Theater was built in Moscow before two centuries (1825), but it is a monument of Russia's Westernization. Many Russians, Christian or Muslim, rejected the Western notion of Theater at the time as an Anti-Russian abomination. All the same, if today's Russians want to reach out to the spiritual concept and imperial ideal of Holy Rus (Святая Русь), they will certainly have to allow their de-Westernization effort to cover that sector too.


One day, the Russians will have to choose between Ivan the Terrible {in whose days St. Basil Cathedral was built (1555 and 1560) by Postnik Yakovlev and Ivan Barma} and Alexander I {in whose days the Bolshoi Theater was opened (18 January 1825)}. The choice is not either architectural or governmental, but it has cultural, moral and spiritual dimensions..

As a matter of fact, it is certainly noteworthy that across the Earth numerous aspects of Westernization were accepted subliminally, and this situation will apparently necessitate an enormous effort during the process of liberation (de-Westernization) that those countries have definitely to launch.


V. Westernization is part of eschatological agendas

For the leading internal forces of the West, Westernization is the process needed for the implementation of variant eschatological agendas; in other words, the inhuman Western European 'civilizational' model was not an intellectual caprice, an academic arrogance, a moral deviation or a mental degeneration. It was the basic means that these forces have used to fool, corrupt and enslave their populations and the rest of the world, and -more importantly- to impose on them their eschatological agendas.   


The sinister Renaissance -with all its attributes and paraphernalia- was evidently conceived as the foreclosure of History. I can only admit that it simply failed to fully impose its barbarous, inhuman and evil scope and to comprehensively enforce its blasphemous delusion across the Earth in only 500 years. But the abysmal attempt to terminate History does not start with the infinitesimal, petty propagandist Francis Fukuyama and his absurd and nonsensical book.


It started with the ominous specter that the devilish Western European monks, priests, mystics, academics, intellectuals, artists, and statesmen devised before 500-600 years; this is the true, atrocious face of Renaissance, which still threatens all historical nations with spiritual and material extinction, having the nuclear sword of Damocles hanging over the head of the entire mankind. Actually, the conflagration was envisioned by Mani, the Iranian founder of Manichaeism, before almost 1800 years as the right and proper eschatological end of mankind. Lenore Marshall's essay "The Nuclear Sword of Damocles" (1971) came only too late for readers interested to discover their fate (


The New Aeon and the Liberation of Light after the eschatological conflagration as preached by Mani; the Sun, the Moon and -between them- the Column of Glory in their respective mansions demonstrate that even for Mani the foundations of the Creation will remain intact after the soteriological upheaval. From a 13th-14th c. hanging scroll (paint and gold on silk) currently in a private collection in Japan.

It is really foolish for theoreticians like Miriam Leonard to come to the conclusion that «Heidegger and Loraux articulate how the historical can and should act to disrupt the "final repression" of history. If difference "alone is historical through and through and from the start" it is also crucially able to resist the foreclosure of history». {The Uses of Reception Derrida and the Historical Imperative, p. 116-136 (see the last page); in: Classics and the Uses of Reception, Editor(s): Charles Martindale, Richard F. Thomas, 1 January 2006, Blackwell Publishing Ltd (}


This is so because the concept of 'classics' is fallacious, ahistorical and intentionally delusional, whereas Western Europeans first and their colonized victims (starting from later dates) have already lived «the "final repression" of history» in the lapse of time between the diffusion of the Renaissance concepts and notions among them and the present moment. The atemporal period in which post-Renaissance people live is the disruption of history of which today's theoreticians are purposelessly afraid of; this is actually the final deception which was inevitably stated in the New Testament (2 Thessalonians 2:11/ κα δι τοτο πέμψει ατος Θες νέργειαν πλάνης ες τ πιστεσαι ατος τ ψεύδει,/ Ideo mittet illis Deus operationem erroris ut credant mendacio,/For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.). 


With the Cappella Sistina (Sistine Chapel), painted by Michelangelo in the period 1508-1512, enters into effect the prophecy attested in the New Testament as regards the final deception (2 Thessalonians 2:11).

The elaboration of eschatological agendas by the 'venerable elders' of the hierarchical societies that constitute the ruling elites of our world is something natural, normal and even intrinsic; average people today find it difficult to believe but it is not. One must never forget that these groups originate from diverse religious societies of the Late Antiquity. There is no religion without a version of Cosmogony, a description of Cosmology, and a salvatory narrative of Eschatology, i.e. 'Soteriology'. In fact, the secular appearance of those societies in our times constitutes only their smokescreen; but their members are in reality 'priests'.


Even more importantly, I have to point out here that several theories, philosophical systems, and ideologies conceived and propagated by members of the said societies are purely of eschatological content, although this is somewhat dissimulated. In fact, modern sciences, academic theories, philosophical systems, political ideologies, and even art movements are in reality dissimulated forms of eschatology. And there is no Cosmogony, Cosmology and Eschatology without an underlying notion of religion and spirituality.


That is why the Collective West and the colonized world have been submerged over the past 200 years in particular with (unidentified as such) eschatological narratives and systems. Utopian Socialism, Marxism-Leninism, Darwinism, Impressionism, Monism, Anarchism, Atheism, Fascism, Nazism, Materialism, Eugenics & Scientific Racism, Abstract Art, Robotism, Islamism, Christian Zionism, Liberalism, Leftism, Consumerism, and a multitude of other similar systems or subsystems are in reality Westernization-promoting parts of the eschatological agendas of the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Zionists.    


If the evangelized societies and the salutatory orations appear to be so distressing, gloomy and calamitous, and if many people across the Earth start discovering that these promises are totally dystopian and hellish, this is due to the totally evil nature of the ruling societies and the world elites. Not only are the initiated members of those organizations degenerate enough to see the Hell as an optimal choice, but their secret spiritual doctrines are counterfeit versions of religions.


To many it may appear odd that atheism, materialism and consumerism can be considered as forms of eschatology, but this is only the result of the deception carried out. People have been fooled up to the point of being unable to understand that, even if someone expresses the idea that the present society is perfect and makes the wish that it always stays the same, this is already a form of eschatology.


However, the inevitability of the final conflagration is only underscored by the fact that every eschatological narrative includes an unprecedented clash. And this is something that the evil high priests of these societies intend to bring about anytime soon. For this reason, it is foolish to take their supposed rationalism for granted.


Reason, reasoning and rationality have been propagated only to fool, distract and divert the rest: the Russians, the Indians, the Africans, the Latin Americans, the Chinese, and the Muslims. But only insanity, lunacy, paranoia and chaos prevail in the backside of the evil minds and the dark bottom of the venomous hearts of the ruling Western elites.  


The advantage of the first (nuclear) strike is the 'privilege' that the inhuman rulers of the Western world reserve for themselves; that's why they must be stripped of this prerogative. For this reason, it will be totally disastrous for the rest of the world not to isolate the Collective West. Instead of the nuclear conflagration that the evil elites of the West intend to cause in order to materialize their nauseating wickedness, a domestic implosion, a social explosion, and a final disintegration must be forcefully adjusted to European Union, UK, Canada, Australia, and the US.


Quantitative approaches, enthusiastic promises, and unnecessary comparisons; if the member states of BRICS+ fail to find common ground in de-Westernization processes and to isolate EU, NATO, US, UK and G7, the world perspectives will be very dark indeed.

Even if they manage to avoid a nuclear war and to isolate the Western countries, the leading non-Western nations, without a comprehensive de-Westernization process, will soon find themselves in a situation similar to what existed on the eve of WW I in 1914.

All the same, de-Westernization is imperative and inevitable to all; otherwise, even if the Collective West disappears supernaturally, the non-de-Westernized states of BRICS+ will only function like Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, the Ottoman Empire, France, Italy, England, America and Japan on the eve of WWI. Then, the same cycle of wars and bloodshed will be lamentably repeated, the empires will be merely substituted by others, and the humans will be taken in the maelstrom of Tiamat.



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