Monday, February 6, 2023

Russia, China, the Decayed Muslim World, and the Crumbling, Savage Western World - I

By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis



Table of Contents


I. Fake states of fake Arabs and fake Muslims

II. Turkey and Iran: the two exceptions

III. Unsophisticated, gullible and ignorant sheikhs and theologians

IV. How Turkey's and Iran's paranoid Islamists are manipulated by Western colonials

V. Russia, China, and the Utilization of the Muslim World by the Western Colonials

VI. What Russia and China must do



Fourteen years ago, on 4th December 2007, I published an article under title 'Russia, Islam, and the West', which -within few days- was officially (ИноСМИ / Inosmi) translated into Russian (' Россия, ислам и Запад'). I wanted to briefly elaborate on how things would develop and to also identify possible allies for Russia within the so-called 'Islamic World'.


As the translated version of the article was extensively reproduced, I noticed that it was also well understood. Example: the great portal Centrasia (, while republishing the Russian translation, added an over-title for the use of its readers to state the following: "Экспансия западного мира не столько решала проблемы, сколько распространяла их вширь" (The expansion of the Western world did not so much solve problems as spread them in breadth). Indeed, there could not be better summary of my article's contents. The over-title was indeed an excellent reflection of my original perception and ultimate conviction, namely that the West wanted to use the senseless Islamic World against Russia.

Here you have the links:


In that article's last part, I put a title that appeared very odd, even to several Egyptian and other African friends of mine (at the time, I was living in Cairo): "Islam is Turkey and Iran". In that part, I explained why only these two countries could possibly be Russia's allies against the Western colonial contamination that threatens the entire world. The reason for this statement is that only these two countries had maintained until that time a correct sense of historical-cultural identity and an imperial-level establishment and diplomacy. As a matter of fact, the rest of the so-called Islamic world is constituted by fake states-puppets of the colonial powers (from Morocco and Nigeria to Egypt, Pakistan and Indonesia); unfortunately, the uneducated, ignorant, and idiotic elites of these neo-colonial structures never realized what 'national integrity' means.




Continue reading and download the article here:

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