What follows is an
extensive response that I sent to a Somali friend in Mogadishu, who asked my
opinion about a video uploaded by an Iranian (Tajik, Dari-speaking) Afghani
currently based in the US. The video concerns one of Afghanistan's ethnic
groups, namely the Pashtuns. The title of the video is 'Pashtuns
are Jews'; you can find
it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbpevAuZlbc
1- Today’s Idiotic Humans fully justify Every Evil Plan Providing for World Depopulation
2- Basics on Afghanistan, Tajik (or Dari) and the Pashtuns
A- Afghanistan: a Fake Country
B- Pashtuns, a Fake Nation, and the Anglo-Saxon Colonial Fabrication
3- Specific Comments about Hamed Qaderi and 'his' Videos
4- Simcha Jacobovici, and his Fraudulent Cinematographic Productions
5- The Assyriologist Hayim Tadmor, Simcha Jacobovici, the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, the Jews, and the Misunderstanding of Hamed Qaderi
A- Hayim Tadmor, a Leading Assyriologist
B- Hamed Qaderi's Misunderstanding of Simcha Jacobovici's Documentary
C- Simcha Jacobovici's Documentaries: Truth, Lies and Distortions
6- The Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel, the (Sephardic) Jews, and the non-Jewish Ashkenazi Khazarians
A- The Ancient Israelites taken in Captivity in Assyria and lost
B- Modern Times' German Assyrianism and British Israelism
C- Sephardic Jews
D- Ashkenazi Fake Jewish Khazarian Zionists
7- The Pashtuns are unrelated to the Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel, the Sephardic Jews, and the Ashkenazi Fake Jewish Khazarian Zionists
8- Why Khazaria (Fake Israel) is in war with England about the Pashtun?
A- Jesuits and the Return of the Ten Lost Tribes
B- Freemasons and the Return of the Ten Lost Tribes
C- Zionists and the Return of the Ten Lost Tribes
D- The Eschatological Use of the Pashtuns and the Zionist Project
Dear B.,
Thank you for your
question as regards that video about the Pashtuns and the theory that they
are Jews!
Since the video was a
quite strange, composite fabrication (or forgery), I had to consider first
how many people (or groups, intelligence services and countries) would
benefit from a video like that.
Today’s Idiotic Humans fully justify Every Evil Plan Providing for World Depopulation
However, and before responding
about the topic, the case of that video is quite useful for anyone, who wants
to understand why the world will soon be destroyed and many billions of
people will be erased from the surface of the Earth in almost no time by means
of nuclear conflagration.
You certainly know
about the existing plans for reduction of the world population or world depopulation.
You may also know the 'Georgia Guidestones' as per which humanity must be
maintained under 500000000 people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones#Inscriptions
Many idiots speak
against these evident plans that seem to have become the main concern of
several secret societies that rule the world, while they implement their
agendas that are in conflict with one another.
But what better
proof (about
the fact that the humanity must be depopulated) can we find other than the conditions
of life, the mindset, the lifestyle, the mentality and the behavior of the
average people of our days?
This useless and
stupid mankind must be destroyed.
In other words, the
average people by themselves -with their stupidity- fully justify the plans
providing for their elimination. Even worse, the world's hidden rulers produced
several sophisticated deceptions and delusions, as per which even those, who
reject the present system, become -unwillingly and unconsciously- its servants
and slaves.
A stupid, mentally
defective, confused, disoriented mankind that abandoned its diverse, local
roots, heritage, culture, moral, integrity and identity certainly cannot
survive. Even worse, it must not survive because this sort of altered mankind
is degenerate and rotten.
If people became so
stupid as to believe that they will learn the truth in the YouTube and the
Facebook, then certainly all these people must get lost in a
nuclear conflagration as soon as possible.
Many people ask me
daily to offer interviews, to upload podcasts, and to organize online seminars.
I always reject.
There is nothing that
can be done in the YouTube.
The YT destroys people
by confusing them due to tons of useless information.
Thinking that, even
if you know the truth about a topic, you can say it on the YouTube is
tantamount to desecrating the Truth and self-ridiculing.
You cannot
possibly diffuse the correct, the right, the just and the truthful via a
filthy, vicious and distorting means. And this is exactly what the YouTube
is (and the same is valid for many other sites).
It spreads paranoia,
dementia, corruption, moral depravity, and destruction of the sound character
of most individuals who spend time on that.
Every filthy
liar working for a secret service, a propagandist organization or a
criminal state can upload his filthy material to diffuse lies and distortions
with a video.
You cannot possibly
imagine that 10 correct videos uploaded by some rightful persons can
counterweigh the millions of videos uploaded daily on the YouTube by besotted
fools, paranoid liars and vicious propagandists.
And it is not only a
matter with the YouTube and some other sites; it is a matter with the
The Internet is not
something good, but something inherently bad and evil.
It was invented only to
destroy the Mankind. The Internet and Mobile Telephony are far worse than
the pandemic. The Internet of Things, Metaverse, Virtual Reality,
Artificial Intelligence, and Transhumanism are the gates of the extinction.
The pandemic killed
only people. The Internet kills souls.
What is the definition
of Transhumanism?
"Research and
development of robust human-enhancement technologies"!
Well, there is no
technology needed for human-enhancement; that's an evil, Satanic thought.
People with this thought should be killed at once as enemies of the mankind, if
the mankind were to survive. But people became so passive and so useless that
they don't react vehemently, violently and flagrantly.
If people do not use
uniquely unprecedented violence to annihilate to turn all centers of the
present world to ashes, the criminal enemies of the mankind will pursue their
evil plans. Then, the Almighty will administer the solution that made the
filthy and rotten people of Sodom and Gomorrah to disappear.
What really human,
morally integer, and spiritually conscious people nowadays can do in this
regard is to stay away and to live a normal life far from modern urban
centers and advanced technology in small towns and villages close to the
The underdeveloped
countries are the luckiest.
In fact, the myth of
the development was invented in order to destroy the largest part of the
mankind, by attracting them to the corrupt and devious Western mentality,
behavior and lifestyle.
The day the electricity
will be cut off, the entire world of the mobile phones, the computers, the
laptops, the Internet, and the evil laboratories of today's bogus-scientists
will disappear — like a bad nightmare, when we wake up.
That day is not
far. A small scale nuclear war is enough to make the electromagnetic waves
be disrupted forever.
Basics on Afghanistan, Tajik (or Dari) and the Pashtuns
As I already said, this
video is bizarre and fabricated. As you can see, it is uploaded by an Iranian,
who probably originates from Afghanistan.
His name is typically
Iranian (Hamed Qaderi) and so his face is.
So, I have first to
give you some basic data about the country and the so-called nation of the
Most people worldwide
are misinformed and fooled in this regard, confused by tons and tons of
multilayered (academic, journalistic, political) Western colonial propaganda.
A- Afghanistan:
a Fake Country
Afghanistan is an
entirely fake country; it was made out of thin air.
There is no Afghan
nation. And there is no Afghan language.
The people of
Afghanistan belong to the following nations: Tajik (Dari-speaking), Uzbek,
Hazara (Turanians), Aimaq (Iranians) Turkmen, Baluch and Pashtun. The
numbers and the maps published here are all lies:
The reality is very
different, but this is not the essential point now.
The entire fake state
of Afghanistan was fabricated by the English colonials soon after they set foot
in India (with the formation of the East India Company).
From the early days of
their colonial settlement in parts of the coasts of the great Mughal Empire
(when they cheated the local authorities to obtain permission), the filthy and
incestuous English criminals started plotting against the Mughal Emperor, the
Safavid Shah of Iran, and of course the Sultan at Constantinople. The English
plots extended also in Central Asia. By fabricating an independent
pseudo-kingdom in the mountains of Eastern Iran, they would only weaken Iran
considerably. And this is what they did.
The fake names «Afghan»
and «Afghanistan» have no historical foundation. They are a forgery. You cannot
find the word «Afghan» in any historical text written in any language before
the year 1600.
Everything that
you can read here is typical Anglo-Saxon pseudo-academic rubbish and
preposterous aberrations geared only to support the crimes of England: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghan_(ethnonym)
Simple and schematic map of Afghanistan, but correct; English colonial bogus-academics systematically produce fake maps to promote their criminal schemes. In fake maps of Afghanistan that are prepared by academic outfits of the English intelligence services, the Pashtun (criminally and disastrously -for the world peace- supported by the English colonials) appear to be settled in larger parts of Afghanistan. Fake maps are the basics of all types of colonial propaganda and of every UK-US promoted historical forgery carried out for colonial profit; example: https://www.academia.edu/26130011/Islam_Makuria_Sudan_Ethiopia_and_Abyssinia_Map_Forgery_and_Historical_Falsification_at_Berkeley
The Tajik language is
exactly the same as Dari; in fact, it is an Eastern Iranian version of Farsi
The use of these fake
terms was entirely of English colonial invention. This happens always, when the
Anglo-Saxon and the French gangsters attempt to divide local populations and
turn them against one another: they launch different terms, label each group
they want according to the plan, and then describe them as ‘opposite’ or
‘rival’ to one another. False History is immediately written by the criminal
colonial academics and diffused locally in order to further foment discord and
interminable wars.
The correction of the
problem is simple: all Afghanis must reject their fake identity and achieve the
proper expression of their nationhood.
The Uzbeks must unite
with Uzbekistan.
A Turkmen enclave must
be established and then unite with Turkmenistan.
Baluch must form a new
country with the Baluch of Iran and Pakistan.
Hazaras must form an
independent nation with a seat in the UN General Assembly – just like the
In fact, the entire
nation of Tajikistan and a very large part of Afghanistan must unite with Iran,
because all these lands constitute the oriental periphery of the historical
B- Pashtuns,
a Fake Nation, and the Anglo-Saxon Colonial Fabrication
What will be left after
the aforementioned developments take place?
The Pashtuns!
The Pashtuns are a fake
nation, also fabricated by the English colonials in the early 18th c. In fact,
the names «Pashtun» and «Pashto» are an English colonial forgery. They did not
exist in any historical text before the 17th c.
The fake name and
nation «Pashtun», as an English colonial invention, were geared only for the
needs of the fabrication of the fake state of Afghanistan.
I will now explain why
the evil English did not create a fake country named «Pashtunistan», but
Forged map of Afghanistan with the Pashtun zone extraordinarily enlarged
In fact, what the
Anglo-Saxon criminals did was this:
1- They did not
fabricate a term «Pashtunistan», as it would be «normal» after the fabrication
of the Pashtun bogus-nation.
2- They fabricated the
term «Afghanistan» as a wider concept, so that the Pashtuns ultimately control
a wider area and populations, which belong to other nations, i.e. not only the
land where the so-called «Pashtun» lived.
3- They imposed a
Pashtun cannibal as bogus-king (Ahmed Durrani) on Afghanistan to rule over a) the
fake «Pashtun» nation and b) numerous populations that belonged to other
4- Thus, they made
of the fake nation of «Pashtun» the ruling class of a far larger realm,
which contained more Iranian and Turanian lands. By strengthening the fake
state of Afghanistan, they gravely diminished and weakened the Safavid Empire
of Iran.
All this happened in
the 18th c., and the subsequent colonial use of the fake country «Afghanistan» was
very important for the colonial plans of England during the 19th, 20th, and
21st centuries down to our days.
You may wish to ask
about the different tribes and peoples that existed in the area, which the 18th
c. English colonials started describing as «lands of the Pashtun» and
Well, there lived at
the time (and still live today) ca. 400 different tribes, which were not united
and each of them had a limited scope and control area. In every valley of the Hindu
Kush, there was a different tribe. Among them, they had several different
dialects and many of them, although they were/are Muslims, had/have bizarre
habits and traditions that cannot be accepted in Islam.
All the above mentioned
points are the basic historical facts about the reality of the Pashtun and
Afghanistan — a fake nation and a false country envisioned, fabricated,
supported, manipulated and utilized by the English.
To make you understand
with a Horn region parallel, I can say the following:
Fake Afghanistan in Central Asia is what Fake
Ethiopia is in the Horn of Africa.
Afghanistan's Dari-speaking
Tajiks are what Ogadenis are in Fake Ethiopia.
Afghanistan's Hazaras
are what Oromos are in Fake Ethiopia.
Afghanistan's Uzbeks
are what Afars are in Fake Ethiopia.
Last, Afghanistan's evil
Pashtuns are what evil Amhara are in Fake Ethiopia.
And similarly,
Afghanistan's Pashtuns are what Kikuyu are in
Of course, all the
Iranians and all the Tajiks know what I said before.
If the rest of the
world does not know that, this is due to the colonial structure of today’s
world and to the stupidity of average people worldwide.
Why as that?
Viciously distorted map of Afghanistan prepared only to give viewers the impression that the Pashtun control more than half of the fake country's territory. Seeing maps like that, one shrewd observer can automatically understand that the Mankind hasn't seen it all in Afghanistan and that the criminal English colonials intend to produce further bloodshed through use of their tool, namely the fake nation of the Pashtuns.
Because only if an
average Moroccan, Spaniard or Italian is totally stupid, he can
believe that to get access to authentic information about Abyssinia, Yemen,
Pakistan and Tajikistan, he must read any of the major international
If an average
Moroccan, Spaniard or Italian wants to get access to authentic
information about Abyssinia, Yemen, Pakistan and Tajikistan, the
only correct and intelligent way to acquire that data is
through local, indigenous newspapers, TV stations, sites, portals blogs and
social media of those countries.
Specific Comments about Hamed Qaderi and 'his' Videos
The video (Pashtuns
are Jews/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbpevAuZlbc) was apparently prepared by someone,
who wanted to cut different clips from another video and mix them at will. However, the video was uploaded before approximately one year.
I already made it clear
that the guy, who uploaded the video, is an Iranian (Tajik) originating from
Afghanistan. Even the description of the video that you sent me is in Farsi (پشتون ها یهود هستند); it is the same as the title. From his
own work, we can get a better idea. Example: in a video uploaded on 11th
November 2020, he spent one hour talking and offering space to others in order to
comprehensively reject and denounce the Karzai and Ghani gang crime (برنامه 175 در ارتباط سینمای
پارک و جنایت باند کرزی و غنی/
He is very right in doing this, because these criminal Pashtun pseudo-Muslim
crooks and gangsters were puppets of the English and the Americans, and it is
only thanks to them that the Americans left Afghanistan after making sure that
their top puppets, i.e. the Taliban terrorists, were able to take full control
of that cursed and wretched land.
So, automatically you
can understand the need of this Iranian TV presenter to denounce and denigrate
the devious Pashtun whose docility and servility toward the English (and more
recently the Americans) destroyed Iran and Islam, while serving the evil
colonial gangsters over the past 300 years. In other words, whatever was said
in this video was already considered by the YT channel user as deprecatory and
detrimental against the Pashtun. He then thought that he had good reason to
upload this.
Hamed Qaderi launched Khorasan
TV Farsi Chanel in 2002 and he seems to be safely based in Los Angeles (https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamed-qaderi-20929325/).
I bet that in Afghanistan the local Pashtun cannibals would eat him up either
roasted or boiled, as soon as he released this video. However, this video is an
exception in many ways.
First of all, in almost
all of his videos, Hamed Qaderi presents a program personally; but this video
appears to have been made as a documentary, and not as a typical TV program.
Second, as documentary,
this video is not the personal work of Hamed Qaderi, but of someone else. He
does not appear and he does not speak at all in this video; in addition, it is
clear that the technology involved dates back to the 1990s.
Third, most of his
other videos have very limited audience (sometimes less than 10 views); but this
video (as of today, 10th May 2022) has gone beyond 91000 views! You can find
all the details and his videos here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2eo4pbggfHyxSvjfX9is1Q/videos
Fourth, little time
after Hamed Qaderi uploaded the video that you sent me (which has a duration of
18:44 minutes), he uploaded another shorter (4:24 minutes) under the Farsi
title ' فیلم پشتون و یهودی بودن' (The film 'Pashtuns are Jews'). Here is
the link:
The very interesting
thing is that this shorter video seems to be the continuation the clips taken
from the same documentary from which clips were taken for the longer video that
Hamed Qaderi uploaded (and which you sent me); this is bizarre. Why didn't he
make one video out of all the clips that he cut? Why didn't he arrange a
bilingual title since this possible and in any case the titles are brief (just
three words each)?
This original
documentary was evidently shot partly in Afghanistan and in Pakistan and partly
in an undisclosed location, somewhere in an English-speaking country; this was
apparently the venue where someone gave an open (?) lecture. Both the speaker
and the audience are repeatedly shown in the original documentary and also in
the clips cut by Hamed Qaderi for his two YT videos.
I happen to know by
name the person, who gave the lecture (or rather the lectures) included in the original
documentary. In the video that you sent me, one can see this person in several
points, namely 2:35, 4:54, 6:43, 7:25, 9:16, 11:33, and 13:15. In the shorter
video, you can see this lecturer in the following points: 1:12, 1:45, 2:11,
2:27 and 4:15. It is clear that the producer of the original documentary got
several shots from different lectures given by that person, because he appears
to wear different types of clothes every now and then.
4- Simcha Jacobovici, and his
Fraudulent Cinematographic Productions
This person is a world-famous
crook, a villainous impostor, a ridiculous rascal, a low level propagandist, a
filthy fraudster, a criminal liar, and -like all the Ashkenazi Khazarian
pseudo-Jewish Zionist Israelis- a bastard. His degrees, certificates and
diplomas are merely toilet paper used and disposed of. He is though very good
in his job of professional hoaxer. His name is Simcha Jacobovici, and he is nowadays in his late 60s.
About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simcha_Jacobovici#Film_career
His YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/SimchaJacoboviciTV/videos
It is noteworthy that
several other Zionist and Israeli outfits and bogus-YT channels (in fact these
are parts of the Mossad front office) repost and re-upload his stupid
documentaries. Examples:
Here you have some
samples of his documentaries that are reposted by others:
The Secret Voyage Of Jesus - Secrets Of Christianity 104 - The Lost
Voyage Of Jesus
Was Saint Paul A Secret Agent? - The Naked Archaeologist 311 - Queen
Esther And Purim
And this is a
documentary that he wrote, directed and produced about the Ten Lost Tribes of
the Ancient Israel, which are totally unrelated either to either today's
(Sephardi) Jews or the non-Jewish Ashkenazi Khazarian Zionists. The film was
released in 1998: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quest_for_the_Lost_Tribes
You can watch it
(duration: 1:30:29) here:
Quest for the Lost (10)
Tribes of Israel - Documentary [Full]
It is from this
documentary that Hamed Qaderi cut several clips and fabricated his two videos,
namely the longer (that you sent me) and the shorter (that I mentioned
Of course, Simcha Jacobovici's
bogus-productions constitute criminal Israeli governmental propaganda, as he is
an identified mouthpiece of the Mossad, but the topic itself (the theory that
the Pashtun are the descendants of one or more tribes of the Ancient Israel)
has already been examined and discussed by many. The following video is an
Pashtuns and The Lost Tribe of Bani Israel | History of Pathans | پٹھان قوم کی تاریخ
(from Rah e Hidayat TV's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCugTl2mKX5jrZtLxFVqDPRw)
As you can easily, safely and accurately assume, Simcha Jacobovici's
audience is not academic or intellectual. He attracts educationally low level people,
who happen to be interested in mysteries, plots, unknown moments of History,
ignored aspects of religions, legends, misinterpreted texts, unpublished
manuscripts, unexplored topics, alternative interpretations, etc. This audience
exists in big numbers throughout the developed countries, and this is the
consequence of the wrong educational and academic systems of the Western or
Westernized countries, which force people to excessively specialize on a topic
in order to achieve a successful career, while however remaining in mysteries
about a great number of topics, which were considered in the past as absolutely
necessary educational foundations.
The main trait, which
is omnipresent in all of Simcha Jacobovici's videos (not only those that I
examined closely in order to understand his intentions!), is the following:
there is always an obscure point that he wants to personally unveil for his
readers. Deliberately, there is a great dose of cinematographic charlatanism in
all of his documentaries, because he ceaselessly tries to posture as sort of
clownish 'Indiana Jones' (in search of valuable remnants, incredible stories,
hidden treasures, unknown truths, and outstanding monuments). If you know
nothing about the ridiculous cinematographic character 'Indiana Jones', you
don't miss anything. Here you can get some clues:
As character, 'Indiana
Jones' is a lowly, hideous, vulgar, and extremely offensive Americanization of
some of the 19th century's leading Orientalists, Africanists and other
explorers; as a matter of fact, this cinematographic character consists in a
meaningless, preposterous and surely 'ahistorical' transplantation of 19th c.
archaeological pioneers in the late 20th and early 21st c. There is nothing to
admire there, except American ignorance and utter degradation of the man's
mental conditions and intellectual aptitudes.
There is not one
Israeli historian, philologist, ethnographer, historian of religions, archaeologist
or linguist who would spend one minute on Simcha Jacobovici's fraudulent and nonsensical videos;
but on the other hand, you should not expect an explicit denunciation of his fraud
either! The reason for this is that they all know that he is the propaganda arm
of the Mossad and he merely does his job, carrying out his assigned tasks; so,
his rubbish is not addressed to academics and researchers, but to average
public either in Israel or throughout the English-speaking world (I have not
noticed any version of video in other languages).
5- The Assyriologist Hayim Tadmor, Simcha
the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, the Jews, and the Misunderstanding of Hamed
Simcha Jacobovici's method is an academic fraud. One
can attest the same type of iniquity among other historical fraudsters everywhere;
their method is invariably the same. They find well known and widely acclaimed
scholars specializing in a field; they interview them for 30, 60 or 90 seconds
about few details that concern their field but, at the same time, are related
to some extent with the main topic/theme of the documentary under preparation;
thus, they 'extract' undeniable academic credibility and present their premeditated,
deviate and obnoxious 'research' as possibly based on authoritative scholars.
However, their claim to
scholarly trustworthiness is trashy, because if after the release of the
documentary, you present the entire film to the interviewed scholar, he will
straightforwardly reject it and he will say that he bears responsibility only
for the brief interview that he accorded to the producer; and of course, no
other scholars will support any of the absurd (but eventually useful at the level
of politics, worldwide infiltration, and intelligence services) claim made or
conclusion drawn in the execrable 'documentary'.
A- Hayim
Tadmor, a Leading Assyriologist
As a matter of fact, the
video that you sent me initially shocked me! In the very first minute! The
reason for this is that, as soon as it started, I noticed that the producer(s) included
an interview with a highly reputable and acclaimed scholar, namely the leading
Israeli Assyriologist Hayim Tadmor (1923-2005), who was my professor in Jerusalem
Mount Scopus University back in 1984. I was many times in the salon of his
house and I remember with some nostalgia the noble way he treated me and the wisdom
of his responses. But all of our discussions revolved around the Neo-Assyrian
Empire (1200-609 BCE) and the Sargonid dynasty (722-609 BCE), which was the
culmination point of the Pre-Islamic world and the permanent model for the
Achaemenid Iranian, the Seleucid, and the Roman Empires.
Hayim Tadmor was
acknowledged for his major contribution, namely the publication of the Annals
of Tiglath-pileser III (745-727 BCE), Emperor of Assyria and Emperor of the
And here you can find
many scholarly articles published by Hayim Tadmor (search: Tadmor, H.):
But I know very well
that Hayim Tadmor (born in Harbin/Харбин/哈尔滨市,
today's Manchuria in NE China, at the time of Russian control: 1898-1932) never
studied anything about the Pashtun and did not have a clue about Afghanistan –
except of course general encyclopedic knowledge.
I therefore observed
carefully and noticed that, in that clip, Hayim Tadmor speaks only about the
Ancient Israelites (who are very different from either the Sephardic Jews or
the Ashkenazim fake-Jewish Khazarians) and about some of the locations where
they have been attested (on the basis of excavated cuneiform textual evidence)
more than a century after they had been besieged, taken captive, and
subsequently transported to NE Assyrian provinces (722-719 BCE). What Hayim
Tadmor said is accurate: there are Babylonian texts of the early 6th c. BCE
mentioning Ancient Israelite names of individuals in NE Mesopotamia.
But at the same time, I
could not understand why this clip with Hayim Tadmor was necessary in a
documentary about the Pashtuns being Jews. Later, I realized that the creator
of that video (the Afghani Iranian expatriate Hamed Qaderi) did not cut only
one part of Simcha Jacobovici's documentary, but many small parts
that he mixed together in the video he prepared and uploaded.
When I discovered Simcha
Jacobovici's documentary, I realized why Hayim Tadmor was necessary to the Israeli
cinematographic fraudster; his documentary (see above) was not about the Jews
(!!!), but about the Ten Lost Tribes of the Ancient Israelites, who are very
different from the Jews as I already said. Look at the title:
Quest for the Lost (10)
Tribes of Israel - Documentary [Full]
B- Hamed
Qaderi's Misunderstanding of Simcha
Jacobovici's Documentary
Then, the entire
problem at this level was the fact that Hamed Qaderi simply was never a historian;
he did not study Ancient History of Assyria, Babylonia, Israel and Judah, and in
addition, he misunderstood the entire video that he cut into small clips to
create his own. In fact, Hamed Qaderi mistook the 'Ancient Israelites' (or 'Ten
Lost Tribes of Israel') for …. Jews!
So, the title of the
video that you sent me is totally wrong and misleading; the poor Afghani
Iranian expatriate, out of his hatred of the Pashtun (which I can accept and
tolerate) and in his effort to defame them as 'Jews', did not understand that
the original video that he watched (that of Simcha Jacobovici) has nothing to do with Jews, but it concerns with the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel whom the
Ashkenazi Khazarian fake Jewish Modern Israeli Zionist fraudster tries to
identify here and there, in Asia and in Africa.
Consequently, the
correct title for the video that you sent me would have been (had ever the
unfortunate Mr. Hamed Qaderi understood it properly): "Pashtuns are
descendants of the Ancient Israelites". And this is actually what Simcha
Jacobovici tries to do
in his documentary: he attempts to identify
a) names of Ancient
Israelite (attention: not 'Jewish') tribes with names of the Pashtun tribes,
b) names of locations
(mountains, rivers, etc.) where the Ancient Israelites have been exiled by
Sargon II of Assyria (722-705 BCE) in NE Assyria with toponyms from the regions
presently inhabited by Pashtun.
c) names of locations
(mountains, rivers, etc.) where the Ancient Israelites have been attested later
(during the times of Nabonid Babylonia (625-539 BCE) with toponyms from the
regions presently inhabited by Pashtun.
Mr. Hamed Qaderi's
misunderstanding and confusion may to some extent be justified (as I said),
because he did not study Ancient History, Assyriology, and Biblical Studies.
All the same, for a Muslim this mistake is not permissible. Why?
Well, for the very
simple reason that the Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel are named Banu Isra'il
إسرائيل) in the
Quran, whereas the Jews -who are unrelated to the Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient
Israel - are called Yahud (يهود).
This means that the colossal difference between the two ethnic groups is part
of an average Muslim's culture. In other words, a Muslim does not need to study
History of the Ancient Orient in order to know the Ancient Israelites are very
different (and viewed by Allah as such) from the (ancient or modern) Jews.
In this regard, look at
the enormous difference that exists between the Russian Wikipedia and the
English Wikipedia; it testifies to the 'bras-de-fer' between different secret
organizations that promote different versions of World History.
This is correct: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Бану_Исраил
This is totally false: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bani_Isra%27il
Jews or 'Jewish people'
are NOT Banu Isra'il.
C- Simcha Jacobovici's Documentaries: Truth, Lies and
This said, I have now to persistently point out that one should not
reject Simcha Jacobovici's cinematographic production as entirely wrong.
There is no absolute lie and there is no absolute forgery. In many cases (I
speak about other documentaries), he presents plausible situations, possible
interpretations, eventual facts, and even correct approaches. But one finds
always (in Simcha Jacobovici's
documentaries) an exaggerated description, an unnecessary self-praise, and a
certain concealment of other scholars and authors who published already (and
sometimes much) about the topic of the documentary in question.
In fact, there is nothing new in what he says; all the topics that he
presents had already been visited and revisited by numerous scholars and
explorers who came up with fresh ideas and alternative interpretations. But the
fraudster tries to persistently usurp other persons' suggestions, ideas, and
thoughts. In fact, he merely popularizes already expressed interpretations,
trying always to extract undeserved credit and …. material benefit.
Simcha Jacobovici's way to reveal the truth by saying
many lies also involves an overdose of conspiracy theory and a disproportionate
effort to put the blame on others, who always happened to be enemies of the
Jews. To conclude the topic, I can say that it is really a pity that, by presenting
all these themes/subjects in the way he does, he discredits many correct
approaches to and interpretations of facts. This Mossad agent and fraudster
failed to grasp that the truth in each and every point (as in the
aforementioned case of 'the Secret Voyage of Jesus') does not have an 'enemy',
and it cannot be presented as 'opposite'
to eventual lies or textual changes and alterations. It is quite possible that
Jesus sailed to Western Mediterranean and to the Phoenician-Carthaginian city
of Cadiz (in today's Spain).
Cadiz (SW Spain): an ancient Phoenician and Carthaginian city initially named Gadir (i.e. 'Wall'), later known as Gadeira (Γάδειρα) in Ancient Greek and Gades in Latin
The fact that all mentions
to such a potential travel were erased from the Gospels is not a reason for us to
hate or revile Christianity and any Christian Church. Revealing the truth about
a text that may have been erased from the Gospels is not tantamount to
justification of the preposterous insults contained in the ignominious Talmud
against Jesus. But did the ignorant, uneducated, biased and treacherous Simcha
Jacobovici produce any video to reveal even one
of the fallacies and the monstrosities contained in the egregious and
abominable Talmud? No!
The partial impostor finds evildoing
and depravity only among his opponents!
6- The
Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel, the (Sephardic) Jews, and the non-Jewish
Ashkenazi Khazarians
I must now highlight to
you the eschatological / soteriological (or messianic) importance of the topic
of the Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel.
The Ancient Hebrew
tribal kingdom of Saul (Sha'ul/طالوت) and David (Daud/ داوود) did not last long. After the death of Solomon (Sulayman/ سليمان) at ca. 930 BCE, the Ancient Hebrews were
irrevocably divided and ever since organized in two different kingdoms:
a. the Northern Kingdom
of Israel, in which 10 out the 12 Hebrew tribes gathered
b. the Southern kingdom
of Judah, with the remaining 2 tribes.
Apparently, the Ancient
Kingdom of Israel was significantly bigger than the kingdom of Judah; Israel's
capital was Samaria (today's Nablus), whereas Judah's capitals was Jerusalem.
Around these two kingdoms, there were many other important kingdoms of those
i- Aram-Dimashq, the
largest and strongest Aramaean kingdom;
ii- several other
Aramaean kingdoms, like Bit Adini, Bit Zamani, etc., which occupied territories
of today's Syria and SE Turkey;
iii- several Phoenician
kingdoms, like Tyre, Byblus, Arad, Beirut, etc., which occupied territories of
today's Lebanon, the coastal part of Syria, and the offshore territories of
their colonies throughout the Mediterranean and across the Iberian and NW
African coasts (due to their navigational expertise and commercial dexterity,
the Phoenicians were extremely wealthy);
iv- several Neo-Hittite
kingdoms, like Tabal, Que, Gurgum, and Kummuh;
v- the Semitic kingdoms
of Ammon (around Amman), Moab and Edom (in today's Jordan); and
vi- the Philistines in
the southern part of the coast, around the cities Gaza, Ashkelon and Ashdod.
The Aramaean kingdom Aram-Dimashq (Damascus), the Semitic kingdoms Ammon, Moab and Edom, the Philistines, and the Hebrew kingdoms of Israel and Judah
A- The
Ancient Israelites taken in Captivity in Assyria and lost
All these small
kingdoms existed within a context of ever changing alliances and never ending wars;
in fact, their existence was extended only until the rise of Assyria to
prevalence. Gradually, all these states and many other even larger kingdoms,
like the Urartu (in today's Eastern Turkey), the Phrygians and the Lydians (in
today's Western Turkey),, the Mannai (Mannaea) and the Medes (in today's
Northwestern and Western Iran), and even great historical empires like Elam (in
today's SW Iran), Babylonia (Central and Southern Mesopotamia), and Egypt
become parts of Assyria, the world's first and foremost imperial, universalist
empire. In the process, Sargon of Assyria (also known as Sargon II) invaded the
Northern Kingdom of Israel (722 BCE), transported the totality of the Ancient
Israelites to the NE confines of his empire, and replaced them with Aramaeans
who were transported from Southern Mesopotamia and resettled in Samaria and
throughout the territory of the Ancient Israel.
Several Assyrian
cuneiform texts, dating back to the end of the 8th and the beginning of the 7th
c. BCE, mention names of Ancient Israelites transported and settled in
different locations throughout the NE Assyrian provinces. But after the end of
the long reign (669-625 BCE) of Ashurbanipal, Ancient Assyria's greatest
monarch, the vast empire seems to have come to an end, in spite of all the
incessant wars and astounding victories that the highly intellectual emperor
and high priest achieved until 640 BCE, erasing every opponent of Assyria. Few
years later, only around 614 BCE, Assyria seems to have been left with few
garrisons of almost empty cities, and in the span of 5 years (614-609 BCE) all
the major Assyrian cities and imperial capitals fell in the hands of the
Babylonians and the Medes. The bulk of the Assyrian population was not there;
the archaeological evidence demonstrates that mere skirmishes took then place
and few casualties were recorded from both sides. But there were no scribes
left to write Assyrian anymore; after 610 BCE, all the Mesopotamian cuneiform
texts that have been discovered were Babylonian.
Neither Assyrians nor
Israelites (transported to NE Assyria) have been found throughout the great
empire, which was easily divided between the Babylonians and the Medes.
Prophecies about their dispersion in various lands, their loss of identity,
faith and language, and their miraculous return at the End of Time have been
attested in Ancient Assyrian texts and in the Old Testament, whereas hints can
be found in the Gospels and the Quran. The topic preserved its importance throughout
the ages, and several Jews (Sephardi) expressed great interest in traveling to
remote lands only for the sake of possibly identifying the remnants of the 'Ten
Lost Tribes'. Benjamin of Tudela (1135-1178) wrote down his findings in his
Book of Travels, after traveling for many long years from Andalusia through the
Eastern Roman Empire to the Abbasid Caliphate, and further on to Arabia, Iran,
India, Yemen and Egypt. About:
B- Modern
Times' German Assyrianism and British Israelism
In modern times,
several Northern European scholars and intellectuals raised the topic of the
Ancient Assyrian origin of the Germans and of the Ancient Israelite origin of
the English and of several other Northern European nations. German Assyrianism
and British Israelism fascinated even leading mystics, artists and poets like
William Blake.
Many otherwise
inexplicable facts of Modern History can be illuminated due to these
approaches, which have not yet brought forth conclusive evidence in support of
the respective claims. All the same, this spiritual, academic and intellectual trend
generated tremendous reaction from Jesuits and Zionists. If the real Israelites
are the English and other Northern European nations, then the state of Israel
is clearly a fraud.
Typical material of British
Israelism and German Assyrianism
In the following links,
you will get a general idea about these schools of historical interpretation:
C- Sephardic
When the Ancient
Israelites and the Jews lived in separate kingdoms for two centuries (930-722
BCE), they were often in conflict, as they were members of different alliances.
The fact that they had common ancestry and language did not play an important
role; I don't even mention the monotheistic religion that Moses, which had been
preached to their ancestors, because the kings of both Hebrew states, Israel
and Judah, wanted to imitate the polytheistic kings of the Phoenician and the
Aramaean states. Most of the Biblical prophets originated from Israel, and they
gravely criticized both kingdoms for their religious apostasy and heresy.
What is definitely
known and absolutely clear is the fact that the Sephardic Jews have nothing to
do with the Ten Lost Tribes of the Ancient Israelites, because the Jews were
never lost. After the Israelites were taken to NE Assyria, the tiny tributary
kingdom of Judah, headquartered in Jerusalem, continued existing under Assyrian
tutelage. After the end of the Assyrian Empire (609 BCE), the Babylonians
targeted and finally invaded Judah, holding the entire population captive (587
BCE). But the Jews, who were transported to Babylonia, were later liberated by
the Achaemenid Iranian Emperor Cyrus (Kurosh), when he invaded Babylonia (539
BCE). There is however a historical continuity of Jews from the Achaemenid
Iranian times (550-330 BCE) down to the times of Jesus and the Roman Empire.
Quite noticeably, the small kingdom that the Jews set up in Palestine at those
days was named Judah (Judaea in Latin), and not Israel, because it was clear
that the Jews had nothing to do with Ancient Israel.
It is also noteworthy
that the Aramaeans, who were transported by Sargon II from Southern Mesopotamia
and resettled in Samaria and throughout the territory of Ancient Israel, progressively
accepted Jewish religion (like the Samaritan woman with whom Jesus had a
critical conversation-proof of his overwhelming rejection of the then ethnic
Jews), but they were always ethnically distinct. In later periods (after the
4th c. BCE), all ethnic Jews became linguistically Aramaized, and they lost
their Ancient Hebrew language, which was then the religious language for both,
the religiously Jewish Aramaeans and the ethnically and religiously Jews.
After the Roman
Conquest of Jerusalem and its subsequent destruction (70 CE), the ethnic Jews
were dispersed throughout the Roman Empire and also in several other kingdoms
in Asia (Iran, Yemen, Arabia, India) and Africa (Axum). The rise of the Islamic
Caliphate guaranteed a period of commercial prosperity and intellectual
creativity for all the Jews of the Islamic realm. The remarkable position that
the Jews had in the Islamic Caliphate of Andalusia (Iberian Peninsula), the
Hebrew name for Spain (Sepharad) with the ensuing adjective (Sephardi), and the
expulsion of all the Jews from the victorious Christian kingdom of Castille and
Aragon (1492) are the reasons for which gradually all the Jews have been
collectively named Sephardic.
D- Ashkenazi
Fake Jewish Khazarian Zionists
Totally different and
unrelated from the Ten Lost Tribes of the Ancient Israelites (who cannot be
identified with any ethnic group until now) and from the (Sephardic) Jews are the
Ashkenazi Khazarians, who -settled in the northern coastland of the Caspian
Sea- decided to accept Judaism as their religion around the year 800 CE. They
are widely known thanks to their interaction with the Abbasid Caliphate, early
and later Turanian Khanates, later Islamic Sultanates, the Eastern Roman
Empire, and Christian European kingdoms. In Farsi and in several other
languages, the Caspian Sea is called 'The Sea of the Khazars' (Darya-ye
At this point, it is
essential to underscore the fact that the Khazars were not the first nation or
ethnic group that accepted Judaism as religion. I already stated that the
Aramaeans, who were transported from Southern Mesopotamia to the territory of
Ancient Israel after the Israelite Captivity to Assyria (722-719 BCE), gradually
accepted Judaism.
Also the small Aramaean
kingdom of Adiabene (Hadyab in Syriac Aramaic) in Northeastern Mesopotamia and Northern
Transtigritane (the land beyond Tigris River) accepted Judaism in the 1st c.
CE. The small Aramaean kingdom had Arbil as capital, and it was at times
tributary to the Arsacid Parthian, Roman, and Sassanid Iranian empires. The
kingdom survived from the middle of 2nd c. BCE until the end of the 4th c. CE
when it was irrevocably incorporated (379) in the Sassanid Empire. Although the
religiously Jewish Aramaean Queen Helena of Adiabene was known to have made
donations to the temple of Jerusalem, the people and the rulers of Adiabene
never claimed any right to the 'Promised Land' in the face of their conversion
to Judaism.
Contrarily to this
tradition, after the Khazars accepted Judaism, they started naming themselves
'Ashkenazi', which is a Biblical term for the ancient nation of Scythians; by identifying
themselves with the Ancient Scythians, they thought that they could acquire
credentials of historicity and by believing (or showing publicly that they do)
in Judaism, they laid claim to the 'Promised Land'. They early established
contacts with the Sephardi Jews in Western Europe (10th-11th c.) and attempted
to arrange mixed marriages only to strengthen their claim and to posture as
ethnically Jewish, whereas they are not.
The identification of
the Khazars with the ancestors of all those who today claim to belong to the
so-called 'Ashkenazi Judaism' (a highly controversial term due to the rise of
the forged 'Reform Judaism' and other utterly non-Jewish or un-Jewish or even
anti-Jewish movements among the supposedly Jewish Ashkenazi) is not only a
modern scholarly conclusion (as in the case of the illustrious 19th-20th
Talmudic scholar Samuel Krauss), but also the common practice and absolute
conviction of many 11th c. Ashkenazi Talmudic commentators like Shlomo
Yitzchaki (1040-1105; also known as Rashi). Only with the rise of Zionism at
the end of the 19th c., these commonly known and widely accepted even among
Ashkenazi Khazarians- truths became 'conspiracy theories' and 'unfounded
7- The
Pashtuns are unrelated to the Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel, the Sephardic
Jews, and the Ashkenazi Fake Jewish Khazarian Zionists
The Pashtuns, as you
may have already understood, do not constitute a historical nation; the modern
scholars, who try to falsify World History and hypothesize about the
relationship of the fake national name of the Pashtuns with selected words from
ancient languages, execute disreputable orders of their colonial masters and do
not work in order to explore the historical truth. They intend merely to serve
the criminal and evil choices of the world's most inhuman colonial forces, i.e.
England and the US. All these idiotic pseudo-scholars, who desperately search
in Achaemenid Iranian, Middle Persian, Sogdian, Pahlavi, Sanskrit, Prakrit,
Aramaean, Syriac Aramaic, Arabic, Farsi, etc. texts in order to find words that
sound like 'Pashtun', know very well that they are impostors and that whatever
they pretend and publish in this regard is nonsensical.
There has never been
any ethnonym in any language to have an affinity with the fabricated term
'Pashtun'. Even worse, there is no continuity between any proposed (by modern
scholars) name taken from any ancient language and the name of the modern
pseudo-nation of the Pashtuns.
Pretty much like the
Pashtuns are not one nation but an assemblage of ca. 400 tribes, Pashto is not
a language but a collection of dialects. The existence of these dialects is due
to an enormous amalgamation made between descendants of ancient indigenous
nations (mainly of Eastern Iranian substrate) and the numerous nomadic nations and
/ or armies that crossed the mountainous regions of today's Eastern Afghanistan
and NW Pakistan in order to reach the Indus Valley.
As a matter of fact,
the territories currently inhabited by the so-called 'Pashtun' (i. e. the
central part of the current Pakistan-Afghanistan borderline and all the adjacent
lands) had always been the main passageway from Central Asia, Siberia and NE
Asia to the Indus Valley and, in general, the subcontinent. This region was
also preferable to cross even for armies and/or nomads coming from the Iranian
plateau with the intention to reach the Indus Valley. This critical fact, which
determined all major historical developments in the wider region, is entirely due
to the geomorphological condition of the wider region of Baluchistan, which
lies south of the mountainous territories inhabited by the Pashtuns.
Baluchistan comprises
vast swathes of land in SE Iran, SW Pakistan, and Southern Afghanistan. Arid
mountains, deserts and swamps along with high temperatures make of this
territory an inhospitable land almost impossible for armies or nomads to cross.
Contrarily to these geomorphological traits, the narrow valleys of Hindu Kush,
generously fertilized by rivers, make a far preferable territory for all types
of migrants to traverse.
That is why the region,
which is currently inhabited by Pashtuns, was crossed by many ethnic groups and
nations migrating to the subcontinent either during the Antiquity or after the
early expansion of Islam. Furthermore, it was endlessly crossed by caravans
moving for two millennia (500 BCE – 1500 CE) on the silk-, spice-, and
incense-routes. The Pakistani province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa corresponds to the
Achaemenid satrapy of Thatagush (Sattagydia); borderlines among kingdoms and
tribal confederacies were drawn there more often than in any other part of
Iran, India and Central Asia. Surviving descendants of ancient indigenous
nations amalgamated with every new wave of shelters and migrants, and this fact
produced the incredibly high number of tribes that the English colonials put
together in order to fabricate a fake nation-tool of their disastrous policies.
The Achaemenid Empire of Iran
Quite noticeably, with
the arrival of the Western colonials in Eastern Africa and South Asia (around ca.
1500 CE), the silk-, spice-, and incense-routes ceased to function, nomadic
movements became scarce, and after the last crossing of the region, i. e. Nader
Shah's invasion of India (1739), the English came up with their colonial
scheme, namely the 'Pashtun' nation and the fake country named 'Afghanistan'.
On the basis of the
aforementioned, it becomes clear that there cannot be any connection between
any of the tribes that the English baptized as Pashtun and any of the earlier
discussed historical nations, namely the Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel, the
Sephardic Jews, and the Ashkenazi Fake Jewish Khazarian Zionists. About:
Turkish & Mongolic
Words and Turkish Lexical Elements in Pashto
Peştucada Türkçe/Moğolca
Kelimeler ve Türkçe Di̇l Unsurlari
You may now wish to
know how the Pashtun proved to be useful to their English and American masters
over the past 40 years. This is very simple; there is a word, a name, which is
widely known worldwide. But this name is in fact a fraudulent deception. The
reality hidden behind this deception would shake the world, if it became known.
You certainly heard about the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Well, there
are no Taliban. All Taliban are Pashtun; there are no Taliban except the
Pashtun puppets of the English and the Americans.
One may still identify
a few groups of Taliban of Tajik origin (like that of the deliberately
assassinated Ahmad Shah Massoud); these groups are a professional reaction to
the original fact, namely the organization of the evil pseudo-Muslim force of
the Taliban by the British Intelligence, the CIA, and their silly and corrupt
Pashtun puppets. When such developments take place, it is necessary for other
nations (Tajik, Uzbek, etc.) and also for other forces (France, Russia, China,
Germany) and countries (secret services) involved to organize parallel
structures (other 'Taliban' groups) in order to mainly monitor and contain the
early established group through them.
There is nothing
Islamic in post-Soviet Afghanistan; it is a new form of colonization that
destroys the land and all the other nations, which have been imprisoned in that
pseudo-state. All fake Muslim Pashtuns carry out colonial orders, which serve
only the Anglo-Saxon agenda. There is no Talibanization of Afghanistan; it is merely
a Pashtunization.
8- Why
Khazaria (Fake Israel) is in war with England about the Pashtun?
You may finally wish to
ask why this topic may offer the fake state of Israel an opportunity to be
involved and why such documentaries are supported by Israeli and Zionist
cinematographers, and by their financiers.
The topic of the Ten
Lost Tribes of the Ancient Israelites and the Assyrians is at the epicenter of
the eschatological beliefs and agendas of all the major secret societies of
today's world, namely the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Zionists.
In fact, everything
undertaken and done by the Western Europeans after the Fall of Constantinople
(1453) was only the implementation of eschatological plans and agendas. In
other words, different powerful organizations diffused tons of lies, forgeries
and fake sciences in order to acquire wealth, obtain material force, and mainly
achieve prevalence over the then existing empires (Ming - Qing China, Mughal
Empire/Hindustan, Safavid/Afshar/Qajar Empire of Iran, the Ottoman Empire, the
Aztecs and the Incas). Deliberately, they reduced the rest of the world into
abject poverty and utmost misery in order to carry out their soteriological / messianic
plans and schemes.
In this manner, they
would impose their order worldwide and usher the entire mankind into a fake End
of Times (al Yom al Akhar / اليوم الآخر or Akhir uz-zaman/ آخر الزمان) with their, fake, Messiah at the end. And this is what they
exactly did, without anyone noticing it at some early moment. However, these
forces, which attempted and achieved these developments, were in open conflict
with one another, having opposite agendas, conflicting stories, and divergent
interpretations of the Biblical (Ancient Hebrew) and Christian prophecies.
Spanish and Portuguese
colonialism reflected the agenda of the Jesuits.
Dutch, French and
English colonialism reflected the agenda of the Freemasons.
Ashkenazi fake-Jewish
Khazarian colonialism reflected the agenda of the Zionists.
After WWI and WWII,
these secret societies penetrated one another and managed to infiltrate the
opposite society's 'territory'; this means that, in great contrast with what happened
in the past, now all three organizations are powerful almost everywhere within
the Western world, and at the same time, they are in contrast with one another
everywhere (whereas Imperial Germany was at the hands of the Jesuits, whereas
Freemasonry totally controlled France and England in 1914).
Freemasons and Zionists
are now powerful in Spain whereas this would be totally inconceivable before
100 or 400 years; similarly, Jesuits are very influential in France and
England, whereas this would be unbelievable before 100 or 200 years. This new situation
forces all these three societies to use proxies for their wars – something that
did not happen in the past.
Why is the topic of the
Ten Lost Tribes of the Ancient Israelites and the Assyrians at the epicenter of
the eschatological beliefs and agendas of these three powerful secret
This is very simple to
answer: it is so, because for the Biblical and the Christian prophecies, the
End of Time is the period during which, after unprecedented wars, destructions,
famines, natural disasters, and diseases, the Messiah will identify the Ten
Lost Tribes of the Ancient Israelites and the Assyrians, and then, in a
miraculous manner, he will bring them back to their respective lands of origin,
i.e. in Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia. The texts are very clear on this
topic, and at times they offer indeed fascinating descriptions. There are no
messianic times without a 'return'!
Where do these three
organizations stand as regards the eschatological excerpts of the Old and New
Testaments that concern the 'Return of the Ten Lost Tribes'? Well, before
replying briefly, I would suggest you to make your own research, starting with
"Return of the Ten Lost Tribes" (all the words within brackets) in a
search engine!
A- Jesuits
and the Return of the Ten Lost Tribes
The Jesuits, who persistently
try nowadays to unify all branches and churches of today's destitute
Christianity under their own, diabolical, auspices, fully reject the topic
because they view this development (or eventuality) as fully opposed and
detrimental to Christianity (that they pretend to represent).
To the Jesuits, an
eventual "Return of the Ten Lost Tribes" would automatically turn
Jesus into anything else except the Messiah or Christ, which -as belief-
consists in the foundation stone of Christianity. You may then wish to ask me
why the Jesuits do not fabricate their own fake 'Ten Lost Tribes' so that
eventually their (currently under preparation) false Messiah takes them back to
the 'Promised Land'. This question is easy to respond.
The Jesuits (and their
spiritual, sacerdotal and theological predecessors) never believed a word of
the Old Testament. By the way, they didn't believe a word of the New Testament
either; they only managed to seize the Roman sacerdotal hierarchy of
Christianity and to progressively hijack through infiltration all the other
Christian churches. In fact, the Jesuits deeply revile the Ancient Hebrews (the
united kingdom of 12 tribes), the Ancient Israelites (the Ten Lost Tribes), the
(Sephardic) Jews, and the Ashkenazi fake-Jewish Khazarians. Useless to add that
the Jesuits deeply hate all the prophets, Jesus, and -last but not least-
prophet Muhammad!
In reality, the Jesuits constitute a
heliocentric Roman priesthood which transferred within Christianity all the
major cults and narratives of Mithraism, an ancient Iranian religion, which
spread throughout Europe and the Roman Empire before Christianity.
Solar cult is omnipresent in the
pseudo-Christian order of the Jesuits.
Freemasons and the Return of the Ten Lost Tribes
The Freemasons (and
their spiritual, sacerdotal and theological predecessors) were terribly persecuted
in Western Europe during the Christian times, but they managed to survive
mainly in England, an island that the Catholic Church never achieved to fully put
under control. Originating from Isiac (Ancient Egyptian cults diffused and
practiced in Greece, Rome and throughout the Roman Empire), Gnostic, Hermetic,
and Arian Christian backgrounds, the spiritual, sacerdotal and theological
ancestors of modern Freemasons went extinct in the powerful Eastern Roman
All the same, they were
widely present in Abbasid Baghdad and in Umayyad Andalusia. The Brethren of
Purity (إخوان
الصفا) demonstrate
that the concept of Universal Man survived from Sargonid Assyria through
Achaemenid Iran, Ptolemaic Egypt, Imperial Rome, and Sassanid Iran down to the
golden era of Islamic civilization. When, at the times of the Crusades, the
Knights Templar (an ancestral stage of the modern Freemasons) contacted the
Isma'iliyah in various parts of the Orient, their spiritual purity had already been
conditioned because of their interconnection with several Frankish tribes and
more notably the Merovingian dynasty. Muslim mystics of those days were in a
position to understand this situation; since that time, it should have been
clear to Muslim erudite scholars and spiritual masters that nothing from the
Genius of the Orient could remain intact in the irrevocably corrupted West. If
the then Muslims did not realize this troublesome condition of the
pseudo-Christian, rotten Western Europe, they certainly caused a tremendous
collateral damage to the Islamic world (but this is another topic).

The Lia Fail stone ('stone of destiny'), which is inserted in the English coronation throne, is a focal point of British Israelism and of the true speculative Freemasons.

Associated with several
anti-Christian or anti-papal groups (the Cathars, the Knights Templar, the
Illuminati, etc.), the modern Freemasons have been infiltrated by the Jesuits,
split, engaged in fratricidal conflicts, and spiritually contaminated with the
exception of only few lodges. The spiritual contamination of today's fake (or
rather Apostate) Freemasons relates to the preposterous and blasphemous
narrative as per which Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had an
offspring that happens to be the ancestor of the Merovingians.
The Return of the Ten
Lost Tribes has always been a most cherished belief among Freemasons; it was
viewed in purely material terms as the "return" (and salvation) of the
Northern European elites (Dutch, Belgians, Northern French, English, Irish,
Scots and Scandinavians) and the pro-European part of the American elite in the
wider region of Mashreq (SE Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and
Iraq), following cataclysmic human-made destructions that would be inflicted in
the vast area in question by means of advanced technology, therefore involving the extermination of the outright
majority of the present inhabitants. You may eventually think that what I am
narrating now is a replica of the 'Greater Israel Project', but this is in fact
wrong! It is the other way round! The 'Greater Israel Project' is a counterfeit
Zionist project at the very antipodes of the Freemasonic agenda for the Orient
(see also below!). Both projects are evil indeed, but they stand in direct
conflict with one another.
British Israelism and
German Assyrianism are only some of the indications about Freemasons'
particular interest in the topic. English colonialism seemed to work for the
interests of the English and French Freemasonic lodges in the 19th c., but the
rise of the Zionist movement generated a problem. Instead of preparing the path
for an English and West European return to the 'Promised Land', the calamitous
labyrinth of the English political system turned against the interests of the
English elites and favored the Zionist project. Dates like 1948 and 1956 turned
the Freemasonic dream of 'British Palestine' into a nightmare. In fact and
despite all appearances, after 1956, the world's most opposite forces and most inimical
states are England (UK) and 'Israel'. It is not a mere coincidence that Queen
Elizabeth II, who traveled almost in every country in the world, never visited
Every anti-Israeli
Iranian (Ayatollah) rhetoric and policy is merely English Freemasonic
anti-Zionist inducement and incitement. That little, smiley and asinine
caricature of Mohammad Javad Zarif (Iran's former -thank God!- Foreign
Minister) confused many people worldwide; they did not know whether he
functioned as the official representative of Iran or the UK!
Zionists and the Return of the Ten Lost Tribes
The slow rise of the
Ashkenazi fake Jewish Khazarian elite to world prominence brought the Zionist
concepts to the forefront. As per the Zionist narrative, there isn't going to
be any Messiah to come to this world as a human being. For the Zionists, who hate
the Sephardic Jews and the Biblical tradition more than anyone else in the
world, the only 'true' Messiah of the Biblical prophecies is … 'Eretz Israel'
(the state of Israel) itself. Zionists interpret the Biblical prophecies about
the 'Messianic era' as referring to (and being fulfilled in) the modern times, and
more specifically in the period after the inception of their fake Israel in
According to the
Zionist story, there is nothing to wait anymore from the Biblical prophecies.
It goes without saying that the majority of the Sephardic Jews, who live in
fake Israel as truly second class citizens, and all the religious 'Orthodox' (who
are also known as Haredi) Ashkenazi Khazarians do not accept this heretical
approach and peremptory interpretation; however, they are cheated,
marginalized, persecuted and outmaneuvered by the dictatorial Zionist elite. The
Zionists do not act as a secular political force (as they pretend), but as deeply
rancorous, highly vindictive, totally anti-Biblical, and hysterically
anti-religious sect of dogmatically recalcitrant lunatics.

Beyond the
aforementioned religious polarizations and discrepancies, the Zionist elites
are divided due to the Freemasonic and the Jesuit infiltration tendencies among
them; one group of them sides with the richest Zionist families of the world
and the Jesuit Pope Francis I, whereas the other side of the Zionist establishment
(typically expressed by Netanyahu) is a strong and committed ally of the
Freemasonic part of the English, French and American establishments (W.
Churchill, F. D. Roosevelt, Ch. de Gaulle, and more recently M. Thatcher, R.
Reagan, and D. Trump).
The Eschatological Use of the Pashtuns and the Zionist Project
Of course, the 'Greater
Israel Project' is a fact on which Zionist politicians, academics, military,
agents, journalists, etc. have been working on daily basis over the past
decades. You understand that preparing many options for an enormous project
like that is not an easy affair; among other issues, the Zionist schemers have
to find out the populations that will inhabit the vast territory after Israel
takes control over it (if this ever happens).
There is a messianic
prophecy in the Bible as per which there will be a vast state "from
Euphrates to the Nile". The reference is the Book of Prophet Isaiah 27:12;
the Biblical verse reads: "In that day, from the river Euphrates to the
Brook of Egypt, the Lord will thresh out the grain, and you will be gleaned one
by one, oh people of Israel"! This is taken by the Zionists as "full
Biblical corroboration and justification of the Greater Israel Project".

There are several versions (or scenarios) of Greater Israel; but the beginning is the same always: the so-called 'Greater Middle East' - where –supposedly- all the indigenous nations and ethnic-religious groups will enjoy freedom and self-determination.
Fragmentation heralds restructuring
and reunification, after many dozens of millions die.
If today's Zionist plan
is to achieve the formation of a vast state like that, they will have to guarantee
a detrimental increase in the 'Aliyah' movement; this Modern Hebrew term
denotes the immigration of Ashkenazi Khazarians and Sephardic Jews from the 'Jewish
Diaspora' to the state of Fake Israel. If they cannot rely much on this
perspective, they will surely have to fill it up with deceived and flattered
victims from Asia and Africa to whom the old story about the "Return of
the Ten Lost Tribes" will be told not as historical truth but as a
mischievous parody. Actually, you already know very well how a similar
operation was undertaken in the past (for different purposes; that is true).
That operation was also useful as a guideline or a manual. I am referring now
to the story of the Falashas (or 'Beta Israel'), which started in 1979 and culminated
in 1991 with the notorious Operation Solomon (24-25 May 1991).

The so prosperous destiny of the Falashas (eulogized as a first, 'identified', part of the Ten Lost Tribes of Ancient Israel) in the streets of Tel Aviv – always under the auspices of the Zionist state!
So, you have to see Simcha
documentary in its real dimensions; in fact, it is just one of the numerous
propaganda items with which the Zionist establishment tries over the time to
prepare the population of the fake state of Israel subliminally and consciously
about the forthcoming 'arrival' of their 'brethren'. I am sure that you already
have an idea about the racist treatment that the Falashas have faced in the
Zionist state; something similar will also happen to all the naïve Pashtuns and
others who one day may find it opportune to move to the 'Greater Israel'.
In any case, it is not
only a matter of documentaries, books, articles and features in Israeli
newspapers; neither is it an issue of educational brainwash and sociopolitical
propaganda. It is also a vast undertaking at the level of academic research;
hundreds of Zionist students (either from Israel or the US or other countries)
get every year stipendiums and scholarships to travel to various countries and
there to study all possible details of Ethnography, Social Anthropology, History,
History of Religion, Literature, and Linguistics that concern various tribes
with traits, rites, rituals, traditions and cults that appear even slightly
similar with those of the Ashkenazi Khazarians.
After the early
collected data is duly studied, secret agents undertake a different approach,
trying to explain the benefits for the tribe in question to eventually relocate
to the fake state of Israel. At this level, even elementary courses of Modern
Hebrew are taught locally. This process lasts long, eventually several decades.
Then, these earlier heedless tribal chieftains come to 'learn' that they are
something incredibly important and that they can find the Paradise on Earth,
just in the Zionist state!!!
It is not only about
the Pashtuns; surely the Mossad targets indeed several Pashtun tribes in view
of a beneficial relocation to the Zionist state in the future. But they are not
the only. There are many other tribes contacted and targeted here and there.
This ongoing program involves people from Kashmir, India, Japan, South Africa,
Nigeria and even America (Native Amerindians).
In fact, the Zionists found
in the issue of the "Return of the Ten Lost Tribes" an embarrassing
concept that could function as dynamite in the foundations of their state, but they
tried to turn it against the Freemasons. Finally, the filthy and corrupt
Pashtuns, who operated for 300 years as agents of the English colonials, can
surely perform as lackeys of the Ashkenazi Khazarians for another 300 years and
eventually relocate to Iraq, Syria or Jordan anytime the opportunity may be
offered to them. Why not? An apartment in Tel Aviv is surely more comfortable
than the makeshift huts of Peshawar in which the fake Muslim Pakistani
politicians and military undeservedly condemned their people for their lifetime.
After all, the Pashtun
relocation as a phantasmagoric pseudo-return may surpass that of the
unfortunate Falashas! And who knows? From Khyber Pass, some Afridi Pashtuns may
one day find themselves enjoyably settled in Khaybar, a lovely oasis which is presently
located in NW Saudi Arabia. I must confess that over the span of the last
decades, I have noticed that the Ashkenazi Khazarians express so much love and
nostalgia for the NW part of today's Arabia!!! Look at the links below:
may eventually ask me what will happen with the religion of the Afridi
Pashtuns, who still happen to be Muslim; I guess that little money will solve
this problem. After all, if the sexually perverse sheikhs of Bahrain, Emirates
and Oman established already relations with the Zionist state, why should the
impoverished Afridi Pashtuns be so adamant and intransigent?
the end of the day, they may even learn in some well-organized seminars that
Islam is just a Jewish heresy, and that the Quran was merely copied from
several sacred books, eventually the Gospel of the Nazarenes, i.e. the
Christian Jews who were mentioned by Fathers of the Christian Church in the 4th
c. Known as based in Syria, the Nazarenes were still view as noxious heretics
by the increasingly intolerant Christian Church; it is therefore quite
plausible that some of them migrated to Hejaz and more particularly to Yathrib.
Western scholars pretend that the Ebionites exercised a more determinant impact
on the formulation of the Quran and the formation of Early Islam. Currently,
great number of scholars undertake extensive and often biased research about
the Jewish involvement in the formation of Islam and the elaboration of the
Quran. If not one Muslim scholar can oppose them, and if the uneducated and
useless Muslim sheikhs do not even monitor (let alone refute) these publications,
why should the Afridi Pashtuns bother to care after all?