Το κείμενο του κ. Νίκου Μπαϋρακτάρη είχε αρχικά δημοσιευθεί την 7η Φεβρουαρίου 2019.
Αραμαίοι κι όχι Άραβες είναι όλοι οι Αραβόφωνοι της Μέσης Ανατολής – ο Έλληνας Ανατολιστής καθ. Μ. Σ. Μεγαλομμάτης σβύννει την ψευτο-ιστορία των Αγγλογάλλων αποικιοκρατών
Οι Ρωμιοί της Ανατολής – Greeks of the Orient
Ρωμιοσύνη, Ρωμανία, Ανατολική Ρωμαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία
Σε ένα σύντομο αλλά συνταρακτικό για τις αλήθειες που υπογραμμίζει άρθρο, ο Έλληνας ανατολιστής ιστορικός καθ. Μουχάμαντ Σαμσαντίν Μεγαλομμάτης σβύννει τα αισχρά ψέμματα των δυτικών πανεπιστημίων, την ψευτο-ιστορία που έφτειαξαν Γάλλοι κι Άγγλοι αποικιοκράτες, και την εικονική πραγματικότητα που παρουσιάζουν στην Μέση Ανατολή όλοι: Αμερικανοί, Ρώσσοι, Τούρκοι, Ιρανοί, κι Ισραηλινοί.

Η οργάνωση Αράμ Ναχρίν (: Αράμ Μεσοποταμία) των συγχρόνων Αραμαίων ζητάει τμήματα της Συρίας, του Ιράκ, και της Τουρκίας για να δημιουργηθεί ένα εθνικό αραμαϊκό κράτος.

Εγκατεστημένοι στην Ευρώπη και στην Βόρεια Αμερική κατά το μεγαλύτερο τμήμα τους, οι Αραμαίοι της Διασποράς βρήκαν στο πρόσωπο του Έλληνα ανατολιστή καθ. Μουχάμαντ Σαμσαντίν Μεγαλομμάτη τον αληθινό υποστηρικτή του αγώνα τους εναντίον πρώτα των Άγγλων και Γάλλων αποικιοκρατών και στην συνέχεια των Αμερικανών, των Ισραηλινών και τυφλωμένων ψευτο-Αράβων εθνικιστών ή ισλαμιστών. Γι’ αυτό και συστηματικά αναδημοσιεύουν άρθρα του διακεκριμένου Έλληνα ανατολιστή στα πόρταλς, στα σάιτς και στα μπλογκς τους.

Ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης όχι μόνον ανέτρεψε κι απέρριψε την ψευτοϊστορία που διδάσκουν τα δυτικά πανεπιστήμια, όχι μόνον κατάλαβε πριν από οποιονδήποτε άλλον ότι στην Μέση Ανατολή οι αποικιοκράτες έστησαν μια εικονική πραγματικότητα για να εξαφανίσουν πραγματικά έθνη και να εμφανίσουν πλασματικά ψευτοέθνη (‘Άραβες’ κι ‘Ισραηλινούς’) σε προσχεδιασμένους πολέμους, αλλά και απαίτησε με επανειλημμένες δημοσιεύσεις του από τους Αμερικανούς το 2005 να δημιουργήσουν ένα ομόσπονδο κρατίδιο Αράμ μέσα στο τότε υπό διαμόρφωση μετα-σανταμικό Ιράκ, ώστε εκεί να συγκεντρωθούν οι Αραμαίοι του Ιράκ και της Διασποράς και να στηθεί μια χριστιανική αραμαϊκή υπόσταση – εμπόδιο στους τρομοκράτες που ακόμη δεν είχαν εμφανιστεί.

Αραμαϊκά βασίλεια του τέλους της 2ης και του 1ου μισού της 1ης προχριστιανικής χιλιετίας

Αραμαϊκή τοιχογραφία από την Παλμύρα (Ταντμόρ, Συρία) με απεικόνιση τελετουργίας και προσφοράς λιβανωτών

Χάρη στους Αραμαίους που ήταν οι κυρίαρχοι έμποροι στους δρόμους του μεταξιού, των μπαχαρικών και των λιβανωτών και χάρη στα αραμαϊκά, διεθνή γλώσσα από τη Μεσόγειο μέχρι την Κίνα για περισσότερο από μια χιλιετία, διαδόθηκε ο νεστοριανισμός μέχρι την Ινδία, την Κεντρική Ασία, και την Κίνα.

Η διάδοση του Μανιχεϊσμού από τον Ατλαντικό μέχρι τον Ειρηνικό οφείλεται επίσης στους Αραμαίους και στα αραμαϊκά.

Στο παρόν άρθρο του, το οποίο αναδημοσιεύω ολόκληρο, ο κ. Μεγαλομμάτης εξηγεί ότι στους Αραμαίους οφείλεται βασικά και η επιβολή του πρώιμου Ισλάμ και η σταθεροποίηση των πρώτων χαλιφάτων.
Τα αραβικά ως γραφή είναι μια εξέλιξη των αραμαϊκών.
Τα αραβικά ως γλώσσα είναι μια αραμαϊκή συριακή διάλεκτος.
Οι Αραμαίοι ήταν είτε μονοφυσίτες είτε νεστοριανοί. Όπου και αν κατοικούσαν, είτε στην Ανατολική Ρωμαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία, είτε στο Σασανιδικό Ιράν, ήταν εναντίον του τοπικού κράτους λόγω της καταπίεσης των ανατολικών χριστιανισμών και στις δύο αυτοκρατορίες.
Ως Ανατολικοί Χριστιανοί, οι Αραμαίοι συνειδητά προτίμησαν το πρώιμο Χαλιφάτο. Και όσοι – λίγοι αρχικά – αποδέχθηκαν το Ισλάμ και όσοι παρέμειναν Μονοφυσίτες και Νεστοριανοί προτίμησαν να καταβάλουν τον ειδικό φόρο των μη μουσουλμάνων στο Ομεϋαδικό Χαλιφάτο της Δαμασκού παρά να εξοντώνονται στο Ιράν και να καταπιέζονται / καταδιώκονται στην Ανατολική Ρωμαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία.
Και ο πληθυσμός των Αραμαίων της Συρίας και της Μεσοποταμίας, όπως κι ο πληθυσμός των Υεμενιτών (που είχαν προσχωρήσει στο Ισλάμ χωρίς να είναι εθνικά-φυλετικά-γλωσσικά Άραβες), ήταν πολλαπλάσιος των ολιγάριθμων Αράβων.
Οπότε, όταν το 642 ισλαμικά στρατεύματα καταλάμβαναν την Αλεξάνδρεια στα δυτικά και το Ιράν στα ανατολικά, η πλειοψηφία τους ήταν ήδη μη αραβική – αραμαϊκή και υεμενική.
Συνεπώς, όσοι Άραβες εγκαταστάθηκαν στην Συρία ή την Μεσοποταμία, όπως και αργότερα στην Αφρική, ήταν μια ελάχιστη μειοψηφία ανάμεσα στον τοπικό πληθυσμό και φυλετικά αφομοιώθηκαν μέσα στους Αραμαίους (και αντιστοιχα στους Αιγύπτιους, τους Βέρβερους και τους Καρχηδόνιους της Βόρειας Αφρικής).
Σε άλλο άρθρο του, το οποίο θα αναδημοσιεύσω σύντομα, ο κ. Μγαλομμάτης εξηγεί γιατί ο εξαραβισμός των Αραμαίων είναι μόνον γλωσσικός κι όχι πολιτιστικός – μορφωτικός: ουσιαστικά οι Άραβες με το που αποδέχθηκαν το Ισλάμ εξαραμαΐσθηκαν πολιτισμικά, μορφωτικά και θρησκευτικά.
Το κήρυγμα του Μωάμεθ ήταν ένα είδος αιρετικού εκχριστιανισμού των Αράβων και το πρώιμο Ισλάμ είχε θεωρηθεί στην Κωνσταντινούπολη ως χριστολογική αίρεση – ένας ακραίος νεστοριανισμός.

The Aramaeans’ rise will transfigure the Middle Eastern Chessboard
The Aramaeans’ rise will transfigure the Middle Eastern Chessboard (10-8-2005)
Most people all over the world ignore the basic fact that is at the epicenter of most of the problems and thorny issues we attest in the Middle East, at least its Asiatic, so-called ‘Arabic – speaking’ part. This fact has to do with the real ethnic – historical identity of the people who live in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Kuwait, Emirates and Qatar. At this initial point, we specify that we do not refer to the Jewish Israelis, to the Kurds of Iraq and Syria, or to the Armenian Diaspora. We focalize on the Arabic speaking people, who live in the aforementioned countries. To them we add the Arabic speaking people, who live in some parts of South-Eastern Turkey (Hatay, Urfa, Cizre) and in the province Khuzestan of Iran.
By Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis, Orientalist
The basic fact is that all these populations are only Arabic – speaking; they are not Arabs. Their ethnic historical identity is Aramaic. Aramaeans are Semitic, but as distant from the Arabs as the Ancient Hebrews were from the Babylonians. For reasons we are going to explain, these Aramaean populations got gradually arabized, but the arabization phenomenon took place at the linguistic level only, not at the ethnic, national, cultural levels.
Taking into consideration this fact, we understand easily that only grave problems may result from an abnormal and preposterous situation in which (as it occurred over the past two centuries) a people becomes the standard-bearer of the nationalism of another! To what extent could it be considered as normal for the Germans to become the paragons of the French nationalism?
Language does not imply Culture, and even more so language does not entail ethnic – national identity. To what extent an English native speaker, who happens to be an African American, let’s say a Black US citizen, could pretend to be of … Anglo-Saxon origin, and therefore to be properly entitled to express ideas and ideologies pertaining to Anglo-Saxon nationalism?
Arabic – speaking people are Aramaeans, not Arabs.
In the same way African Americans are not Anglo-Saxons, although English is their native tongue, Arabic – speaking Aramaeans throughout the Asiatic Middle East cannot be considered as Arabs, although Arabic is their native tongue.
Of course, this historical reality is known to the great majority of the people in the area; however, it is not properly assessed and reflected at the level of national political discourses, political debates, academic conferences, and intellectual life. The reason for this is the diffusion of colonial culture and education, and the ensuing Arab nationalism (and the Pan-Arabism) which is a purely colonial product geared to diffuse historical confusion, to cause ethnic identity loss, and to end up in absolute national disorientation after the colonial administrations (France and England) moved away.
The Colonial Anti-Aramaic Scheme
One should not take this as a unique case; Egyptians, Berbers and others became the victims of colonial falsified versions of history or anti-historical ideologies and totalitarian dogmas. To analyze the colonial scheme against the Aramaeans, one should examine the various reasons and the historical geo-strategic data.
In their fight against the Ottoman Empire and the Safevid Empire of Iran, the Christian European powers, France, England, Holland, Portugal and Spain, tried first to manipulate and to instrumentalize the Christian populations that lived in the vast area of the two Islamic countries. They used Vatican and the Pope up to the extent there were common interests. When we examine historical situations going back to the middle of the 16th century, we must bear in mind that something like that was not quite easy, because the Oriental Christians, Orthodox, ‘Monophysitic’ and ‘Nestorian’ had not forgotten the cruelty of the Crusaders, who were then a relatively recent but absolutely abominable memory. Being oblivious of the anti-Christian cruelty of the Catholic Crusaders, one is led to total misunderstanding of the History of the Middle East. However, the Western powers had some early success among the Nestorians, who spoke Eastern Syriac, a late Aramaic language. The Western success meant of course total collapse of that Christian denomination, involving schism, fratricide conflicts, and religious apostasy (before those days, the Nestorians had not used icons at all).
It is therefore clear that the Anti-Aramaic scheme started even before Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt, and signified sheer deterioration of the religious division with the same people.
When the colonial scheme of total dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire was conceived, it was clear to the Western diplomatic and academic plotters that, if the Turkish and Greek speaking populations had to be left apart in the area of today’s Turkey, and the Kurds should be delineated in the surrounding mountains that bordered with Iran, the rest of the Asiatic dominions of the Sublime Porte were inhabited mostly by Aramaeans; the only exceptions in that vast area were the Yemenites who lived in Yemen, and the Arabs who lived in Arabia, i.e. the Najd desert and Hedjaz, the mountainous area of the Arabian peninsula in the north of Yemen and in the south of the Gulf of Akaba, between the desert and the Red Sea.
Through the diffusion of nationalisms, France intended to create a completely different world than that of the Medieval Europe and the Islamic – Ottoman Middle East, and the ensuing multi-division would serve the interests of the colonial powers, either militarily and administratively present or not. However, multi-division would be only one means! Colonially exported nationalisms and academic disciplines could vary tremendously according to the locally specific interests of the colonizing power.
In Greece, the colonial falsehood signified an amalgamation of various ethnic groups, Albanians, Vlachians and Slavs, plus a fake identification with the Ancient Greeks, which was intensified following an increased interest for the Pre-Christian Antiquity. In this case, differences among various elements were under-accentuated.
In Egypt, the colonial falsehood heralded a lack of interest for the Antiquity, an under-evaluation of the Coptic character of the country, and a focus on the Arabic language in view of the Arab nationalism, the fake identification that was under fabrication.
In Aram Nahrain, as is the correct name of all the lands between Turkey, Iran, the Arabic desert ant the Mediterranean, the colonial falsehood was geared to generate a lack of interest for the Pre-Christian and Christian Antiquity, to deteriorate the religious divisions, and to lead to the fake identification. In this case, differences among various elements were over-accentuated.
It was obviously necessary for France and England that, when the short perspective of their military and administrative presence would end in the Asiatic parts of the Ottoman Empire, the local people do not have any idea of identity, any perception of their homogeneity, any chance of political union.
So, the differences were stressed among ‘Nestorian’ Christian Aramaeans, who were deadlocked in their schism (due to their attitude to the Pope); the divergence among the various ‘Monophysitic’, Orthodox and Catholic Aramaeans increased. Every effort was undertaken to dissociate Christian Aramaeans from Muslim (Shia or Sunni) Aramaeans, so that the latter be more easily exposed to the sort of Pan-Arabic falsehood and fake identity French ‘academia’ prepared for them during the 19th century.
It was obvious that, if after the end of the forthcoming colonial administration, all the populations living in the area of today’s Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, and Emirates had a proper national identity perception and feeling, one country would be formed in all this area (instead of 9!), and this country – having a correct national historical identity – would be difficult to maneuver and manipulate.
Parallel colonial machinations against the Aramaeans
So, several attitudes were pursued in parallel by the colonial powers;
first, the Muslim Aramaeans were left to be gradually pulled by the rising bogus-Arab identity and nationalism, up to the point of being driven to complete oblivion of their Aramaic identity.
Second, the Christian Aramaeans were further misled through the false nationalistic use of historical terms like ‘Assyrians’ and ‘Chaldaeans’. The name of Assyria was used in various languages after the collapse of the Assyrian Empire, but it was always an academic use of an erudite attitude. There were no more Assyrians in Assyria after the collapse of Nineveh and Assyria (614 – 612 – 609 BCE), and there was not a single Assyrian text written ever since. The area of Assyria became the epicenter of the Jewish kingdom of Adiabene at the Parthian Arsacid times, and later on it hosted numerous Christian populations, mostly Nestorians who faced persecutions within both, the Roman Empire (there they were thought to be heretic) and the Sassanid Empire of Iran (there they were erroneously viewed as Roman Fifth Phalange). The use of the name of Assyria by the Christian Church does not imply that the Nestorian believers and followers of the Church were … Assyrians! It was an erudite academic and rather honorific usage.
Out of it, colonial missionaries, political agents, and diplomats made a huge lie (namely that these Aramaeans are not Aramaeans but ‘Assyrians’) with which they disconnected the Nestorian Aramaeans from their Aramaic identity.
Third, and at that point the religious multi-division played a role, and pro-Vatican ‘assyrian’ Aramaeans ‘opted’ for another false national name, ‘Chaldaeans’. Quite ironically, modern scholarship reconstructed the historical reality that the Ancient Kaldu of the Assyrian – Babylonian sources (term that was altered to Chaldaeans in Greek) were just one Aramaic tribe! So, these Aramaeans, who want to call themselves ‘Chaldaeans’, are like some French, who would suggest calling France ‘Burgundy’!
Fourth, the entire Orientalist establishment of all countries involved in these sectors of the Humanities proved to be unable to compile one – just one (1)! – Paperback volume of Concise History of the Aramaic Nation that would be an all-encompassing Ark of Aramaic identity.
The linguistic arabization of the Aramaeans; Arabic is derived from Syriac Aramaic
We return here to the initial point, according to which the ethnic historical identity of the Arabic speaking people in Asia (encompassing provinces of Turkey and Iran, as well as the following countries: Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Qatar and Emirates) is Aramaic.
The historical truth is as simple as that: Aramaeans, who accepted Islam in various moments over the past 14 centuries, gradually abandoned Aramaic and spoke Arabic. The similarity of the two languages and scriptures played a certain role in this regard, facilitating this shift.
Arabic scripture has derived from a late Aramaic scripture that is called Syriac. Syriac is written in various calligraphic ways, and one of these ways was chosen to write pre-Coranic Arabic approximately 300 years before Prophet Muhammad was born.
This historical truth is taught in all the academic establishments of the West, but does not please the fanatic and extremist sheikhs of Hatred, for whom Arabic was the original writing from which all the rest derived. This is completely irrelevant of course, but the extremist sheikhs have to support such ‘ideas’ since they follow an erroneous interpretation of some Coranic verses.
We mention this point here only to show the colonial responsibility for the extremist bogus-Islam. If the Aramaic History were the object of correct and pertinent search for and diffusion of knowledge, if the Aramaeans were permitted to have access to a true historical identity that would bring the Christian and the Muslim Aramaeans together, if the falsehood of Pan-Arabism were not propagated among the Arabic – speaking Aramaeans, if educational efforts of Aramaization were undertaken in an adequate way, then the falsehood of Pan-Arabism would not rise and merge with the most erroneous Islamic beliefs to produce another mistaken ‘topos’ of the Islamic Extremism. We want here to remind that the aforementioned wrong interpretation of Coranic verses that leads to the aberrational conclusion that Arabic was the oldest language and writing in the world did not prevail in the Ages of Great Islamic Culture and Science, and highly erudite scholars in Baghdad, Andalusia, Ispahan, Istanbul and Samarqand did not believe such idiocies. And to close this point, we stress that it is essential to understand that the Islamic Terrorism is mainly a system of beliefs, which means a certain number of points (ideas, beliefs). The responsibility for the Islamic Terrorism lies on those who helped form these points into a system.
The linguistic arabization of the Aramaeans; all the Arab population at the times of Prophet Muhammad did not outnumber the inhabitants of just one Aramaean city like Damascus, Nisibis, Ctesiphon, Dura Europos, Palmyra, Homs, or Edessa.
The linguistic arabization of the Aramaeans was an exclusively linguistic phenomenon. There was no racial – ethnic dimension to it. By this, we do not imply that there were no intermingling, mixed marriages, and amalgamation of races. But certainly this was a very marginal phenomenon that did not make of the population a mixed, let’s say Aramaeo-Arabic, populace. The reasons this phenomenon was marginal at the racial – ethnic level are very simple; the Arabs at the times of the Prophet Muhammad were few in number. We have extreme details about the participants of meetings and gatherings, about the warriors in various battles, about the population of villages and towns. And we have an estimate about parts of the Roman and the Iranian empires where the Aramaeans lived. We can safely claim that the entire Arabic population (that before Prophet Muhammad preached Islam lived exclusively in the Nafd desert and in Hedjaz) did not outnumber the inhabitants of just one Aramaean city like Damascus, Nisibis, Ctesiphon, Dura Europos, Palmyra, Homs, or Edessa.
In addition, a very common mistake for Western historians of the Islamic Caliphates is to take the number of fighters in later battles and invasions as an indication of Arabic population. This is an aberration. Those who attacked Constantinople fighting under the flags of Muawiyah in 674 – 677 were not Arabs, but in a small part of them. The outright majority (more than 80% of that army) was formed by Aramaeans, Yemenites, Egyptians, Africans (Libyans, Berbers, Abyssinians) Persians, and Greek-speaking populations of the Eastern Roman Empire, who had adhered to Islam during the period 630 (preaching of Ali in Yemen) – 674.
The proper reconstitution of the History of the Middle East and the rise of the Aramaic National Identity will be instrumental in bringing the bogus-Islamic terror to a dead end, and in liberating large populations from the falsehood of Pan-Arabism that caused misery, barbarism and death to the divided parts of the Illustrious Nation of the Aramaeans.

Χασάνκευφ στο Τουρ Αμπντίν της ΝΑ Τουρκίας – Το Τουρ Αμπντίν αποτελεί τον Άθω του Μιαφυσιτισμού (Μονοφυσιτισμού) και των Αραμαίων όλου του κόσμου
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