One of World
History's most important texts: the Malediction of Akkad; 18th c. BCE copy of
an earlier original, found in Babylon. The text details the calamitous results
of human contact with the unclean nation Guti and the subsequent collapse of
Akkad, i.e. the world's first empire, which brought about the Flood.
In a first article
titled 'Palestinians vs. Israelis: 11 Hidden Historical Truths about a Futile
War', I expanded briefly on crucial historical points that the Palestinians and
the entire world do not know concerning first the History of the kingdoms of
Ancient Israel and Judah and second the identity of today's so-called Jews
whose outright majority (85-90%), namely the Ashkenazi Khazarians, by all means
are not Jews ethnically, linguistically, culturally and religiously. I also
pointed out that even the Sephardic Jews, who make ca. 10-15% of the so-called
World Jewry, are not entitled to the Promised Land (i.e. Palestine) as per
historical evidence; furthermore, I made it clear that the Sephardim do not
constitute part of the Chosen People (i.e. the ten lost tribes of Ancient
Israel) whose 'return' was indeed prophesied in the Old Testament. The article
can be found here:
In a second article
titled 'Israelis vs. Palestinians: 6 Concealed Historical Truths about the Lost
Wars', I first explored the diverse, spiritual and moral conditions of national
resistance and then presented critical historical and socio-political issues
that impact the Palestinians and affect their struggle for national
independence. I demonstrated that the Palestinian Islamists are the best
accomplices of the Israeli Zionists in the sense that, by plunging their
persecuted nation into ignorance, colonial falsehood, and lack of
self-criticism, they turn the entirely deracinated nation of Palestinians into
expendable material for the agendas of several Western governments and secret
organizations. The article can be found here:
I. Why Jesuits,
Freemasons and Zionists cannot have or believe in a religion
II. Jesuits, Freemasons
and Zionists vs. Islam, Christianity and Judaism
III. The Oriental
Antiquity of the Freemasons
IV. The Oriental
Antiquity of the Jesuit Order
V. The Zionists before
VI. The Mesopotamian
Kassite Origin of the Zionists
VII. The Kassites and
the Abomination of Marduk-Yahweh
VIII. The Guti, the
Kassites, the Flood, and Zionism
IX. Guti, Kassites, Gog
& Magog, Unclean Nations, and Alexander the Great
X. Jews, Fake Jews,
Alexander the Great, the Seleucid Dynasty, and Flavius Josephus
XI. Jews, Fake Jews,
Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and the Romans
XII. Gog, Khazars, and
Ashkenazi Zionism
I. Почему
иезуиты, масоны и сионисты не могут иметь религию или верить в нее
II. Иезуиты,
масоны и сионисты против ислама, христианства и иудаизма
Восточная древность масонов
IV. Восточная
древность ордена иезуитов
V. Сионисты до
VI. Месопотамское
касситское происхождение сионистов
Касситы и мерзость Мардука-Яхве
VIII. Гути,
касситы, Потоп и сионизм
IX. Гути, касситы, Гог и Магог, Нечистые народы и Александр Македонский
X. Евреи, фальшивые евреи, Александр Македонский, династия Селевкидов и
Иосиф Флавий.
XI. Евреи, фальшивые евреи, фарисеи, саддукеи, ессеи и римляне
XII. Гог, хазары и ашкеназский сионизм
In the present article,
I will expand on issues pertaining to the divergent Western agendas about
Jerusalem and the 'Promised Land'; it is essential to keep in mind that these
secret plans and projects, which have been implemented already over the past
centuries, are not 'political', 'ideological' or 'philosophical' of nature, but
spiritual, religious and more particularly
eschatological-messianic-soteriological. However, they cannot be truly
comprehended without a deep understanding of the antiquity of the secret
orders, which fight against one another in order to implement their
eschatological schedules that are at the very antipodes of one another.
For a more effective
comprehension of the nature of the three secret orders and of the clash of
their respective agendas, an earlier article published in 2017 would help:
Zionist - Freemasonic -
Jesuit Agendas in Conflict or Superposition: End Times' Sequence &
Because of the
aforementioned statement, several clarifications are needed. When I speak of
'religious' agendas, I do not -by all means- suggest that these schemes are Islamic,
Christian (all denominations included) and Jewish (or Judaic). Jesuits, Freemasons
and Zionists can invariably be Jews, Christians and Muslims, pretty much like
they may appear in public as Buddhists, Taoists, Sikhs, agnostics, irreligious
or atheists; these details depend exclusively on the assignment entrusted to
the initiate by his venerable.
Are Societas Jesu, the diverse
Freemasonic orders and lodges, and the different Zionist synagogues religious
organizations that preach independent religions and systems of faith among
their adepts and initiates?
I. Why
Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists cannot have or believe in a religion
The response to this
question is very intricate; it hinges on the differences between spirituality,
religion, moral, cult, popular religion, and theology. In fact, all three secret
societies abhor moral, cult, popular religion and folk traditions; in addition,
they don't need theology. As they function as secret societies, they initiate
their members and they extract most of the spiritual and material energy and
dynamism that are inherent in them while assigning them tasks to carry out;
they also promote them according to their spiritual skills. Spiritual potency
is their top secret that they keep sealed off; to avoid infiltration, they incessantly
work closely with different spiritual hierarchies and they initiate their
members, taking them from lies to lies and sharing with them the portion of
spiritual truth that corresponds to their respective grades.
Of the existing,
publicly known religions, all three secret societies have a very low opinion
that they hide by expressing recognition and respect in public, although in the
case of Zionism these feelings are rather pale. One should not confuse between
Jewish religion and the Zionist synagogue; the latter has developed a truly
profane reading of the Hebrew Bible.
That's why those among
the members of the three secret societies, who reject the assumption that each
of the said organizations preaches a religion, are in right. If we take into
consideration the succinct and very analytical definition of 'religion' that I
presented in my article 'Anatolia and Turkey: Spirituality, Moral, Culture,
Legend, Popular Religion, Governance, Religion, Theology & Politics' (p.
27/64 of the PDF;,
then certainly Societas Jesu, the Freemasonic orders and lodges, and the
Zionist synagogues do not preach a 'religion', and they are not religious
In fact, these
organizations are not compatible with any religion; the reason is simple: every
religion is for a people, whereas these segregations can only exist as a direct
denial of the notion of 'people', because in every case of a people or nation,
the non-members (of the secret societies) are the outcasts who are labeled as
'profane', 'vulgar' and 'indecent'. These secretive orders believe that they
constitute the 'elite'; this is an evil, viciously anti-Godly notion that did
not exist in the History of Mankind.
As ahistorical concept,
the 'elite' is the ultimate corruption generator, as it consists in the most
solemn introduction of Injustice among humans. Prior to the formation of these
groups, there was absolutely no notion of 'elite' in any nation and in any language
worldwide, because every emperor or king was a brave combatant who used to
fight along with all the other soldiers to defend or expand their realm. All
royal rulers were fraternal with their respective fighters and people in
The idea of 'elite' is
direct rejection of the concept of Creation, because it suggests that God made
a mistake and He should have created two Adams instead, one being the
forefather of the elite (or superior race), and another belonging to the
average people. By accepting the existence of elites, every faithful becomes
instantaneously infidel, because such an approach is tantamount to blasphemy,
irrespective of the religion of the person.
How can we then
accurately and succinctly define these secretive orders?
Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists vs. Islam, Christianity and Judaism
Societas Jesu, the
Freemasonic orders and lodges, and the Zionist synagogues are forces that
contend to break the unity of soul, mind and body in every human in order to
enslave all the people of every country where they extend their activities. The
nature of their endeavors is primarily spiritual, and their target is to
achieve spiritual potency, acquire knowledge, and garner material force in
order to effectuate their agendas. They therefore function as pyramidal
hierarchies, which is spiritually and morally intolerable, and -even worse-
export their sick and evil pattern to the societies where they exist,
inevitably turning them to hierarchical pyramids. In doing so, they incessantly
distort the historical past of all nations in order to effectively adjust it to
their anomaly.
If the three orders do
not preach any but revile all the religions, this is due to their traumatic
spirituality that they inevitably, incessantly and irreversibly attempt to
vindicate, being unable to perceive reality sentimentally. The traumatic
experience that their members undergo at the spiritual level is at the origin
of their absolute inadaptability to religion. This is their 'initiation', which
is entirely different from historically attested cases of sacerdotal initiation
in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Viewing things
differently, one could offer an invariable definition; the religion of the
Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Zionists is imperfect and incomplete. This is
so because their initiation(s) is(are) always a case of spiritual dispossession
followed by mystical inhabitation, which is more commonly known as demonic
enslavement. This process terminates their sentimental life, inevitably
engulfing them in incessant biases which are all due to the demoniacal nature
of their spiritual protectors who inhabit them.
However, quite
unfortunately for them, all three secret orders are inextricably related to two
religions; i.e. Ancient Hebrew religion (including the derivative form of
Judaism) and Christianity (notably the Catholic and Protestant versions of this
faith). That is why in the countries where these organizations prevailed, there
is much discussion about, propaganda for, and pride in the false concept of
'Judeo-Christian civilization'. This is part of the falsehood that they 'teach'
and diffuse worldwide.
For some of their earlier
forms of religious order that the Freemasons had created, one can ascertain
that those organizations were also related to Orthodox Christianity, notably the
nuclei of several Eastern Roman Constantinopolitan chariot racing factions: the
and the Albati/Λευκοί). The same can be concluded about
Islam with respect to the early Mutazilla or Mu'tazilites (المعتزلة), the Brethren of Purity (Ikhwan al-Safa; إخوان الصفا), and some branches of Isma'ilis (الإسماعيلية) or Isma'ilites.
The relation that the
Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Zionists have had with these two religions
hinges mainly on the associated sacred texts, namely the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament),
the Talmud, and the New Testament. It goes without saying that all modern
conflicts and polarizations about the numerous translations (to modern
languages) which were produced, and in particular those of the Old Testament,
hinge on the quarrel among these three orders about the correct and authentic
interpretation of the ancient text. KJV (King James Version) is a particularly
biased translation that involves thousands of distortions and
misinterpretations; it cannot possibly be used as a fair point of reference by
anyone except the Freemasons.
As a matter of fact,
one of the best and most accurate definitions that one can create about each of
the three secret societies is that they are "an often biased but publicly
unknown, purposefully different reading of the sacred texts". Actually, these
are not theoretical but practical differences that emanate from the contrasts
which exist in the respective eschatological, soteriological and messianic
agendas; it is evident that those preconceived agendas dictate actually the
reading and the ensuing translations.
This explains both, the
eschatological-messianic-soteriological nature of their respective agendas (the
sacred texts comprise similar notions indeed) and the systematic and enduring
infiltration into the related religious organizations and ecclesiastical bodies
that the three orders have methodically undertaken; in the process, they
attempted to impose their 'reading of the sacred texts' onto the unsuspicious,
naïve and innocent faithful.
It therefore goes
without saying that the sacred texts of Judaism and Christianity were not
comprehended by both, the sacerdotal class and the laymen, in the way they have
been interpreted and believed after the infiltration of the aforementioned
three secret organizations and their ancestral forms. There is certainly a distinction
that we have to make. The Zionists did not attempt to infiltrate Christianity;
only recently (over the past 200 years), they created pro-Zionist churches and
groups of people who impersonated the Christians. On the contrary, Jesuits and
Freemasons, in their earlier, ancestral forms, infiltrated Christianity since
the very initial stages of the formation of this religion. In fact, the
emergence of Roman Christianity, the many Christological disputes, the
different 'heresies', and many internecine clashes in Western European
Christianity were the result of the incessant strives between the previous
forms that the two secret orders had taken; they were trying to pull the
religion under formation to their side, to control it spiritually and
intellectually, and to adjust it to their secret concepts and agendas.
The Oriental origin of
the three secret societies antedates the establishment of the Early Christian
groups; both, the Freemasons and the Jesuits, originate from different Gnostic
sects, and from earlier sacerdotal colleges of Mesopotamia and Egypt whose roots
can be traced back to the 3rd millennium BCE. By saying so, I don't suggest
that the Jesuits and the Freemasons believe in any of the Ancient Egyptian and
Assyrian-Babylonian religions, although several concepts have certainly been
maintained and therefore survived. As I already said, for their members it is
technically impossible to worship any religion due to the harmful rituals of
initiation that they have gradually adopted.
The Oriental Antiquity of the Freemasons
Basic cosmological,
eschatological and messianic concepts of the Ancient Egyptian Iwnw Heliopolitan
religion, seminal notions of Amarna Atenism (or Atonism), and the fundamental
elements of the Sargonid Assyrian monotheism, involving notably the
conceptualization of topics like the 'Chosen People', the 'Promised Land', the
'Righteous Suffering', the 'Universal Empire', the 'Emperor of the Universe', the
'Return of the Chosen People', the 'End of Times', etc. have been transferred
within the Ancient Hebrew Bible, and thanks to them, the Freemasonic nebula was
easily able during the Late Antiquity to dissimulate its spiritual-intellectual
identity and posture as Biblical and Christian, though often heretic
(Montanism, Arianism, etc.), although they wasted enormous spiritual and
intellectual resources in Gnosticisms and pagan philosophies.
The Oriental Antiquity of the Jesuit Order
Basic parts of the
Ancient Egyptian Memphitic polytheistic dogma and cosmology (ab ovo creation by
Ptah), notions of the Theban Trinity (Amun, Mut and Khonsu), the theory of
Theogamy (promulgated as imperial dogma by Pharaoh Hatshepsut), fundamental
Babylonian polytheistic concepts, notably the dying-and-reborn-'god' Dumuzid
(Tammuz) and Nergalism, i.e. the Cuthean Vallis lacrimarum (Vale of tears),
selected themes of Mithraic Iranian background, and the Manichaean school of
thought were all anathema to the Ancient Hebrew religion and to Judaism, but
they managed to make their way into the Christian cult and narratives, duly
adapted and appended to the stories of the early Gospels. Due to this slow
process that lasted several centuries, the Memphitic sacerdotal class -through
the biases of Origenism, thanks to St John Cassian's Institutes and
Conferences, and due to the Benedictine Order, and later the Jesuits- seized
power in Rome and turned it to the center of the most instinctively
Anti-Christian force (or, if you prefer the terminology of John's Revelation, 'Babylon
the Great').
V. The
Zionists before Judaism
The relationship of the
Zionist order with Judaism was different; whereas the ancestral forms of the
Freemasons and the Jesuits emanate from the sacerdotal environment of 4th and
3rd millennium BCE Mesopotamia and Egypt, the Zionist institution was totally
unrelated to the early stages of the faith of Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon,
Elijah and Jonah. Either in Mesopotamia, Canaan or Egypt, the Ancient Hebrews
were Assyrian-Babylonian and Egyptian monotheists, who had to abandon their
lands and emigrate in order to preserve their monotheistic faith and survive.
Pretty much like
Abraham opposed Nimrud (mythologized as Gilgamesh) in Mesopotamia, Moses stood
up to the Pharaoh of Egypt; subsequently, they both had to leave and settle
elsewhere. Later, the spiritual, intellectual, cultural and linguistic
Canaanization of the Ancient Hebrews, although strongly opposed by the
prophets, was overwhelming. Finally, it led to the Assyrian conquest of Samaria
(722 BCE), the transportation of the entire population of the Northern kingdom
(Israel) to the NE provinces of Assyria, and the subsequent loss of the ten tribes,
which have been later called 'the ten lost tribes'; these developments were
tantamount to salvation and they were prophesied as heralding their return
(along with that of the Assyrians) at the End of Time. As it can be understood,
these prophetic events have nothing to do with the Jews. The destruction of the
smaller Southern kingdom (Judah) by Nebuchadnezzar (587 BCE) and the exile of
the two tribes (: the Jews) to Babylonia brought about the end of the Ancient
Hebrew religion of which minimal traces have been left down to our times.
There was no Zionism in
Ancient Israel; on the contrary, there was constant criticism of the
Canaanization process by the prophets. All the liars and propagandists, who
believe today that the Torah (Pentateuch) and the other books of the Tanakh {:
the Modern Hebrew appellation of the Old Testament, consisting of three
initials from Torah, Nevi'im (prophets), and the Ketuvim ('writings'; i.e. all
the other books, namely the 'Sifrei Kodesh'/ ספרי קודש)} may have been preserved down to our
times in the form in which they were initially written before the fall of
Jerusalem (587 BCE), either foolishly forget or deliberately conceal the extent
of the disaster and the dire conditions under which the exiled Jews had to move,
cross a distance of about 1000 km, and reach the whereabouts of the Babylonian
First, they were
dispossessed of almost everything; second, they had minimal and primitive means
of transportation; third, it is not certain (or even mentioned in any
historical source) that they managed to transport with them at least one copy
of the Old Testament; in addition, we still do not know the type of support on
which it was written (tablets, papyri, etc.). The most plausible interpretation
is that, since the Ark of the Covenant was not transported to Babylon (but
lost), no significant monuments were taken by the departing Jews, who had to
cross on foot a harsh and long terrain before reaching Mesopotamia.
The Mesopotamian Kassite Origin of the Zionists
It is in 6th c. BCE
Babylonia where the early manifestation of the Zionist organization can be attested
as being in contact with the exiled Jews; as a matter of fact, the then
Zionists were Babylonian polytheistic priests, who read the parts of the sacred
texts that the Jews may have managed to bring with them (most probably in
fragmentary form), heard their oral traditions, and assessed their broken
spirituality and its high origin.
By selecting exiled
Jewish laymen and by helping them write down their texts and oral traditions,
the Babylonian Zionists first introduced several Assyrian-Babylonian spiritual,
religious, intellectual and literary concepts in those texts, always adapting
them to the Judaic/Jewish context, and second conditioned the value of the
origin Biblical texts, as they appended them to secondary texts that were not
due to divine inspiration but merely to explanatory intention. When the limits
between divinely inspired text and human explanation were confused, the original
religion (Ancient Hebrew religion) was altered and corrupted. Subsequently, a
new religion (Judaism) emerged based on different books (and this case, the Old
Testament, the Talmud, etc.). More importantly, extra texts and stories have
been added, like the Table of Nations, which reflected already a clear Zionist (not
Hebrew) purpose.
With the earlier Jewish
rabbis executed and eliminated, a segment of the Babylonian polytheistic sacerdotal
class converted to 'Judaism', as soon as it became obvious that they could
dissimulate their origin and identity, while posturing as monotheists and
having available the texts that would empower them to lay claim to Jerusalem. Their
persistence in the importance of a selected soil had already been attested
historically in Ancient Mesopotamia. One must see these developments within the
wider spiritual, religious, intellectual and cultural context of the
Neo-Sumerian, Ancient Assyrian-Babylonian, and Middle Assyrian-Babylonian times.
Several Ancient Assyrian
monotheistic notions, concepts and worldviews, which had earlier caused
incessant wars and long conflicts between the monotheist Assyrians and the
polytheist Babylonians, were transferred in the extensively re-written 'holy
scriptures' of the Jews by this Babylonian-'Jewish' polytheistic sacerdotal
class. This was necessary because these evil spiritual-religious authorities would
use them in a gravely altered, duly adapted and counterfeit form for the
benefit of their worldview and eschatological attempt (due to the absence of
the Ancient Assyrians and the ten tribes of Israel). This is how ancient
Mesopotamian spiritual sciences, practices, techniques and exercises made their
way into this totally anti-Hebrew, 'Jewish' religion, involving divination,
magic, astronomy-astrology, the olfactory science and the sonar science
(including mystical sonar formulas that are nowadays called 'Kabbalah').
The origin of these
Babylonian-'Jewish' priests, mystics and wise elders should not be considered
as necessarily Semitic, in striking contrast to the ancestry of the majority of
the Babylonians. Mesopotamia had already had a very long past when the king Nebuchadnezzar
brought the exiled population of Judah to Mesopotamia. Several non-Semitic
nations had settled and at times ruled Babylon; notably, the Kassites (Kashu in
Assyrian-Babylonian; Galzu in Kassite) descended from Zagros Mountains and took
control of 'Gate of God' (Bab-Ili), after the Hittite conquest of Central
Mesopotamia led by Mursili I (1596).
In fact, according to
the 1st millennium BCE Babylonian king lists, the Kassite dynasty reigned (with
capital at Dur-Kurigalzu; today's Aqar Quf) for no less than 576 years; their
effective rule started in 1595 BCE and ended ca. 1155 BCE, with the Elamite
invasion and sack of Babylon by Shutruk Nakhunte. The fact that the Babylonian
king lists included a period of reign much longer means that they included a period
of tribal rule (before 1595 BCE) limited in South Zagros that the list authors
considered as opposed to the Amorite (usually known as the First) dynasty of
Babylon. This demonstrates a fully separate, tribal-national identity and
self-consciousness; it means that the Kassites lived as an independent sect
among the Babylonians, during and after the fall of the Kassite dynasty. About:
The Kassites and the Abomination of Marduk-Yahweh
The monotheist
Assyrians considered the Kassites as an execrable abomination and they viewed their
rule as an abhorrent desecration of Babylon, the holiest city of Mesopotamia; after
the collapse of Kassite Babylonia, the Assyrians incessantly interfered in, and
repeatedly invaded, Babylon in order to purify the land, re-sanctify the local
elements, and eliminate the Kassite priests. As the Kassite and post-Kassite
rise of 'Marduk' was a blasphemy and an outrage, the Assyrians made of Assur
the universal and only God, whose emanations were all the other divinities; for
the monotheist Assyrians, the Marduk could only be the Babylonian copy of
Assur. It was therefore normal for them to attempt to eliminate the Kassite
polytheistic priesthood whose blasphemous interpretation of the Ancient
Assyrian-Babylonian spiritual heritage demanded terminal solution and physical
As the subsequent
alliance between Babylon and Elam strengthened the anti-Assyrian,
anti-monotheist front, the Sargonids (722-609 BCE), empowered by Prophet
Jonah's preaching in Nineveh, managed to vanquish Elam and exterminate all the
Elamites who did not early escape far to the East. But they could not do the
same in the most ancient and most venerable, yet corrupted city of Babylon;
they could only eliminate the evil Kassite priests. This was what they did
continuously for no less than 500 years.
An extensive comparative
religious study would reveal that the fundamental traits of Kassite and
post-Kassite Marduk (and notably the anthropomorphic traits) have been passed
onto Yahweh of the J (Jahwist) source of the Pentateuch. But the God of Adam,
Noah, Abraham and Moses was «ilu» (the Assyrian-Babylonian word for «God»),
which was rendered as Elohim in Ancient Hebrew, and that is why the E (Elohist)
source of the Torah prevails in the earlier stages of the text.
It is easy now to reconstruct
what truly took place among the exiled Jews in Babylonia; the old
Kassite-Babylonian polytheistic priesthood decided to hijack the Biblical
heritage by
- sacrilegiously introducing
their abomination under another divine name of Egyptian origin (Iah), lunar
ascendancy, and Theban trinitarian association (many traits of Khonsu are
apparent in both, Iah and Yahweh),
- systematically instituting
their favorite stories as 'Biblical' narratives (notably their vicious hatred
against Ut Napishtim / Noah, their overt predilection for the Giants /
Nephilim, their worthless
account of Cain's descendants, which is totally useless for anyone to know, and
their deliberate forgery which became known under the name of Table of Nations),
- expressly demonstrating
a very vivid interest for, and obdurate persistence in, certain locations, local
presence, and control of land.
For the
Kassite-Babylonian polytheistic priesthood's eschatological projections, the
importance of the location was paramount, and for this purpose, they introduced
the Zion fanaticism among the exiled Jews; however, this process did not impact
them all, and we know very well that, after the Achaemenid Iranian conquest of
Babylon (539 BCE), few Jews returned to their ancestral land. The same
concerned also the Jews who had fled to, and settled in, Egypt at the times of
Psamtik II (595-589 BCE) and Wahibre/Apries (589-570 BCE), because they
continued living in Aswan and Elephantine Island (in the South) as well as in
the Delta region, without any apparent interest in the 'Promised Land'.
I have here to markedly
underscore that this is very reasonable, because as I already stated, the
'Return to the Promised Land', as a constituent element of the Assyrian
Cosmology-Eschatology and therefore of the Biblical prophecy, concerns only the
Assyrians and the ten lost tribes of Israel – not the Jews.
More importantly, we
have full proof that, in later periods, the non-Zionist Jews attempted even to
attract other Jews from Jerusalem and Judaea to Egypt; there were no sacred
prophecy, no religious need, and no national imperative for the Jews to further
stay in Judaea/Palestine. This becomes evident thanks to the story of the land
and the temple of Onias (Honiyyo) IV, the Zadokite high priest, who had a
Jewish temple built in his name (ca. 170-150 BCE), near Iwnw (Heliopolis),
Egypt's most sacred site and most venerable temple–center of the Ennead, i.e.
the Ancient Egyptian monotheism. He found it sensible to invite Jews from
Judaea to settle there. It is not therefore strange that the Talmud and the
Zionist Roman Jew Flavius Josephus contain many insults against Onias IV.
Zionism spread
gradually among all Jewish communities as early as the Achaemenid times
(550-330 BCE); the Maccabees (family of Mattathias ben Johanan) and the Pharisees
(Prusim; priests) were controlled by the Zionist group that tried to infiltrate
all the Jews in Palestine, Syria, Anatolia, Egypt and elsewhere. It is quite
interesting that, following the Zionist-Jahwist infiltration, the Jews of
Elephantine built a temple to Yahweh, also attaching to his cult that of his
consort, the goddess Anat. About:
John Merlin Powis
Smith, The Jewish Temple at Elephantine
The Biblical World,
Vol. 31, No. 6 (Jun., 1908), pp. 448-459 (12 pages)
The Guti, the Kassites, the Flood, and Zionism
Pretty much like the
Kassites were a different ethnicity from the Semitic Babylonians, the Zionists
who entered into mixed marriages with the exiled Jews formed a totally separate
ethnic group. The few Kassite nouns and words that have been saved in cuneiform
Babylonian texts do not allow us to form a conclusive opinion as regards the
linguistic family and the ethnic group to which they belonged; selected Kassite
nouns seem to be of Indo-European origin, but other words appear to have
affinities with Turanian languages. The early settlements of the Kassites in
the region of Zagros Mountains make it probable for them to have maintained
contacts with other, closely related tribes and clans in Central Asia from
where they seem to have originated.
In their type of relationship
with the land of their ancestors in Central Asia, the Kassites seem to have had
predecessors and successors, namely tribal populations, which -despite their
partly settlement in Mesopotamia- maintained contact with their relatives in
their land of origin. Forerunners of the Kassites were certainly the Guti
(known as Gutium in Sumerian), who played in 3rd millennium BCE Mesopotamia
exactly the same role that the Kassites carried out during the 2nd millennium
BCE: the blasphemous, ominous and sacrilegious non-humans who corrupt and
destroy the principles, concepts and structures of civilization.
The parallels are
incredible; in the same manner the sinful and impious Kassites contaminated
Babylon in the early 16th c. BCE, the wicked Guti desecrated Akkad ('Agade' in
Assyrian-Babylonian), the world's first universal and imperial capital of
Sargon (Sharrukin) of Akkad at the end of the 23rd c. BCE. The Guti
infiltration caused the 'malediction of Akkad' by Ishtar, the fall of the universal
Akkadian Empire, and the Flood. This 'curse' is not only a spiritual fact, but
also a critical historical text that details the collapse of the earliest
Semitic rule at the end of the reign of Naram Sin (2254-2218 BCE), son of
Rimush and grandson of Sargon of Akkad.
In the Malediction of
Akkad (Old Babylonian edition, verses 140-155), it is stated that «the good
sense left Agade», «Agade's intelligence was removed», and «Enlil, the roaring storm that subjugates the entire
land, the rising deluge that cannot be confronted, was considering what should
be destroyed», whereas
the Guti are described as «an unbridled people, with human intelligence but
canine instincts and monkeys' features». About:
For the time being and
on the basis of hitherto found, studied and published texts, we cannot affirm
that there is an ethnic connection between the Guti and the Kassites; their
respective languages are scarcely known and only some nouns and words survived
from both of them, written in cuneiform Akkadian (: Assyrian-Babylonian) texts.
But on account of their vice, profanity, and barbarism, we can deduce that
their behavioral resemblance may be possibly due to a tribal affinity that can
be traced back to their land of origin somewhere in Central Asia or even
Mongolia, Central and Eastern Siberia.
Similarly with the
Kassites, the Guti had targeted the Mesopotamian civilization, descending from
Middle Zagros (where they had first settled), raiding cities, and profaning
whatever they touched; their control of Mesopotamia lasted almost a century
(2141 - ca. 2050 BCE). As it happened following the collapse of Kassite
Babylonia, after the fall of their rule, the Guti left bad memories that the Neo-Sumerians,
notably Ur-Nammu (2112-2094 BCE) and the rulers of the Third Dynasty of Ur, as
well as the Assyrians-Babylonians never forgot. About:
The association of the
Guti with the Flood, which was first prophesied in Sumerian and Akkadian texts,
then came to pass as an overwhelming event, and later was amply narrated in
Assyrian-Babylonian historical, cosmological, and mythological texts, is of
cardinal importance; in fact, the abominable deeds of the Guti were the true reason
for the Flood. The limits of the present article do not allow me to expand
further, but I have to point out that the narrative differences between the Sumerian
and the Assyrian-Babylonian sacred texts about the Flood (notably Atrahasis,
the Eridu Genesis, Gilgamesh, the Instructions of Shuruppak, etc.) and the
Biblical story are in reality due to the perversion of the Kassite
Babylonian-'Jewish' polytheistic sacerdotal class that we can describe as
'Zionist priesthood'.
Fully adjusted to their
interests, the Biblical account is composed in a way to obscure the truth that
the Guti did indeed survive during the Flood due to the full support offered to
them by their masters, namely the Giants. This explains the force of the words
that the Assyrians and the Babylonians used in order to describe the Guti so
negatively, so badly and so pejoratively. The only reason for which the
Assyrian and Babylonian monotheists, namely the high priests, the spiritual
mystics and the wise scholars of Nineveh, Babylon and so many other high
places, reviled the Guti, the Kassites and the Elamites so strongly is related
to the sacrilege, the uncleanness, and the inhumanity that they discerned in
those evil races. It is obvious that, in this context, 'unclean' refers to blood
and semen; the use of the term involves the foremost transgression, therefore implying
sexual intercourse with non-humans.
Guti, Kassites, Gog & Magog, Unclean Nations, and Alexander the Great
Located in Central
Asia, the forefathers of the Guti and the Kassites seem to have had an affinity
with the clan of Gog which was mentioned few times in the Bible (Genesis 10:2;
1 Chronicles 5:4; Ezekiel 38:1-23; 39:1-29). The Old Testament has indeed only
brief references to this clan; the bulk of them are to be found in the Book of
Ezekiel, in the description of a clearly eschatological event. However, the
ancient wickedness perpetrated by Gog, which may/might have been included in
the original Biblical text, was duly erased from the text.
The Book of Ezekiel,
which was composed and circulated in an early form in the 6th c. BCE, is the
only Old Testament text that offers an insight into the end times' clash between
Israel (namely the ten lost tribes/ not the Jews) and the alliance set up by (the
offspring of) Gog. This eschatological narrative may have played a role in the Kassite
Babylonian polytheistic priests' decision to convert to Judaism, impersonate
the Jews, and thus effectively 'transform' themselves (and their scattered and
unclean nation) into 'Jews', i.e. a 'Chosen People' supposedly predestined to
'return' to their 'Promised Land'; this evildoing would and actually did function
as the perfect smokescreen throughout ages. In this manner, the viciously
anti-Semitic, Zionist priesthood of the unclean tribes or nations would posture
as a Semitic, pious, and clean people that was chosen by God.
It is however in the literary-epic-eschatological
masterpiece that is conventionally known under the name 'Alexander Romance',
and more particularly in the Syriac version (which is denoted rather as the
'Syriac Alexander Legend'), as well as in a great multitude of valuable Islamic
sources, that we first come across with the true identification of Gog (and
'Magog'; in Arabic Yajuj and Majuj; يأجوج ومأجوج) and the characterization of this 'ethnic group' as an abhorrently
'unclean nation'. With this enormous amount of textual narratives we reach the
third historical stage of the impious, inhuman and sacrilegious populations (in
Greek: ρυπαρά γένη); Gog is the apparent spiritual-intellectual-behavioral continuity
of the Guti and the Kassites whose origin was, as I already said, in Central
Asia. Due to the aforementioned abundant sources, we have a remarkable insight
into what prevented the unclean nations from advancing their evildoing prior to
the End of Times. I have however to add at this point that all the existing
references to Gog are not historical, but either mythological or
eschatological. About:Яджудж_и_МаджуджГог_и_Магог
The profane pattern,
the cultural rejection, and the civilizational abjuration of the Guti and the
Kassites had become a constant parameter of the Assyrian-Babylonian History;
irrespective of the monotheist opposition that these impious and inhuman
populations generated, the faithful followers of monotheism and the numerous
pious emperors encountered always great difficulty to prevent the infiltration
in their state, the amalgamation with other nations, and the dissimulation
undertaken by the evil and impious nations. This situation lasted from the end
of the 3rd millennium BCE to the end of the 4th c. BCE, during the Neo-Sumerian
times (2112-2004 BCE), the Old Assyrian times (2025-1701 BCE), the Old
Babylonian times (2003-1595 BCE), the Middle Assyrian times (1700-1364 BCE),
the Neo-Assyrian times (1363-722), the Sargonid Empire (722-609 BCE) and the
Achaemenid Iranian Empire (550-330 BCE).
The Alexander Romance
is deliberately a most disrespected, most disregarded, and most evaded
historical text that offers expansive description of how the Macedonian king
Alexander the Great invaded Achaemenid Iran and substituted himself to the
Achaemenid Shah in order to carry out the work that Cyrus I, Cambyses, Darius I
and Xerxes I had failed to implement. The marvelous work involved the erection
of a wall to separate the impious nations from Iran and the rest of the world.
Around this narrative nucleus revolve many other mythical topics that reflect
historical events in symbolic manner. It goes without saying that Alexander's
wall against Gog and Magog was a formidable spiritual obstacle that the impious
nations would be unable to overcome until the End of Time.
The mystical wall of
Alexander the Great has nothing to do with what centuries later proved to be
the World History's greatest monument after the Great Wall of China, namely the
Great Wall of Gorgan; the majestic Sassanid imperial defense system, which is
more than 200 km long, was built in the 5th and 6th c. CE, but during the
Islamic times, it was often confused with Alexander's wall against Gog and
Magog because the location of the impious nations was thought to be in parts of
Central Asia beyond Gorgan and more specifically around the northern coastlands
of the Caspian Sea. About:
The confusion of the
Sassanid imperial wall with the mystical wall erected by the Macedonian King
and Iranian Emperor Alexander the Great was overwhelming in the Islamic
literature and art; however, this fact does not change in anything the
functionality of the spiritual wall, which was erected in order to obstruct the
Zionist scheme and to prevent the Kassite Babylonian polytheistic priests from
achieving the targets of the secret plan that started with their conversion to
Judaism, the formation of the class of the Prusim/Pharisees priests, and the
elaboration of the paradoxical (as per the Ancient Hebrew religion's criteria)
books of Judaism (Talmud, Mishnah, etc.).
Jews, Fake Jews, Alexander the Great, the Seleucid Dynasty, and Flavius
At this point, I have
to make it clear that one must never confuse the sacrilegious priesthood with
the impious nation; the Kassite Babylonian polytheists, who impersonated the
Jewish priests and carried out an extensive amalgamation -and therefore
corruption- project due to intermarriages between the exiled Jews and the Guti
and Kassite residents in 6th c. BCE Babylonia, were the evil ruling class that consciously
implemented an eschatological plan to desecrate the Mankind and in the process
destroy the Earth; the hijacked and corrupted nation was a mere tool in the
priesthood's hands.
As they intended to
turn selected individuals from other nations into impious humans and corrupt
beings, they ordered the mass conversion of the Kassite Babylonians to Judaism
and they undertook the establishment of a network of small communities made up
by amalgamated Babylonian Jews (i.e. fake Jews). After the formation of regular
contact with their nucleus that had remained in the ancestral land (in Central
Asia), the Kassite Babylonian Zionist priesthood started customarily dispatching
numerous representatives (disguised as merchants) to faraway locations
(Anatolia, Black Sea coastlands, Carthage, Western Mediterranean, etc.). The
leading role played by the Aramaeans in the network of commercial roads within
and beyond the Achaemenid Iran facilitated this process, because Aramaic, which
has linguistic affinities with Babylonian and Ancient Hebrew, had already
become a lingua franca from Western Anatolia to India to Central Asia.
Within the vast
Achaemenid Empire and, thanks to the emergence of the trade routes between
China, India, East Africa, and the Mediterranean Sea, it became very easy and
considerably safe for the amalgamated Babylonian 'Jews' to move across great
distances. As many Jews had already relocated to different countries (notably
to Egypt, but also in Media, as the Book of Tobit credibly informs us), the
amalgamated Babylonian Jews were not easily accepted as genuine by the true Jews,
and these developments generated divisions, strives, conflicts and killings.
Diverse sources
document these quarrels that lasted for hundreds of years and can be attested
within Jewish or Christian religious environments. A typical example is offered
by the Book of Revelation, in which (chapter 3) the Early Christian Church of
Philadelphia (modern city of Alaşehir, near Magnesia/Manisa, Western Turkey) is
mentioned (3:9; New International Version/NIV) as it follows: "I will make
those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are
not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and
acknowledge that I have loved you".
The composition of the
Talmud and the other 'sacred' books of the so-called Talmudic-Rabbinic Judaism
had basically one target, namely to 'de-Hebraicize' and 'de-Semitize' (and
therefore Zionize) the religion of the genuine Jews, i.e. to totally eliminate the
Semitic, Ancient Hebrew, monotheist nature of their religion and to greatly minimize
the value and the validity of the Mosaic Law among them. Subsequently, the original
Biblical spirituality, faith, and religion were indeed replaced by an endless
talk about them; this was indeed a drastic and most calamitous change of
religion, because the religious event itself lost its spiritual importance in
the minds and the hearts of the believers, as it was supplanted by the rational,
explanatory talk about it.
In this manner, due to
their ethnic amalgamation with the Kassite Babylonian Zionists and following
their religious alteration, the Jews turned out to be real 'Goyim' (Gentiles).
For this reason, from that period (late Achaemenid and early Seleucid times),
the Zionist Jews and their priesthood started an enormous effort in order to
establish, propagate, and convince the other nations about the supposedly great,
dramatic differentiation between them (self-styled as the 'Chosen People') and
all the rest (goyim). It goes without saying that the supposed differentiation
involved tons of arrogance, self-praise, and absurdity about those fake Jews'
supposed 'superiority'.
The effort was entirely
nonsensical and spiritually irrelevant; when the true Mosaic Law and the monotheist
faith in Elohim prevailed among the Ancient Hebrews, they rightfully boasted
about their acts, deeds and cult that made them different from the other
nations. When post-exilic Jews lost their ethnic and religious identity,
integrity, piety and purity, their supposed difference from the other nations
was an outrageous lie and an evident expression of vicious hatred of the others.
That is why Flavius
Josephus had to expand on the hypothetical (?) meeting between Alexander the
Great and the (post-exilic Kassite Babylonian Zionist Jewish) high priest in
Jerusalem; writing after a long period of clashes, uprising, rivalry and enmity
between the Seleucids and the Maccabees, the Roman-Jewish military leader,
renegade and historian was a consummate Zionist. By presenting Alexander the
Great as expressing respect to the Zionist Pharisee, who was in charge of the edifice
founded by Zerubbabel (זְרֻבָּבֶל) at the end of the 6th c. BCE,
Josephus attempted to discredit the illustrious Seleucid imperial tradition and
the staunch Seleucid Anti-Zionism, which in reality was a form of esteem and
approbation of the Assyrian and Hebrew Biblical monotheism. About:
All the same, the
author of the Jewish Antiquities (Ἰουδαϊκὴ
ἀρχαιολογία) needed apparently to
portray (in the 11th book) the outstanding Anti-Zionist emperor as respectful
of the anti-Hebrew and anti-Biblical cleric. This need may have been due to the
early diffusion of mythological-eschatological narratives and oral traditions about
the grand opus of Alexander the Great (namely the Alexander Romance). Many
modern scholars and researchers date the earliest existing manuscripts back to
the 3rd c. CE, but this date appears to be very late. The earliest traditions
must go back to the early Seleucid times; these eschatological traditions must
have made of Seleucid Antioch a most loathed capital for the Zionist Pharisees
and the Kassite Babylonian Jewish converts. Contrary to what most historians
believe, the rivalry was not religious, ethnic, cultural or imperial of nature;
it was eschatological.
In addition, Josephus
tried to depict Alexander the Great as the authenticator (or validator) of the
Jewish Talmudic tradition; by stating that the respect was not personal but due
to Jaddua's tradition, heritage and religion, Josephus' Alexander, as an
ahistorical construct, gives substantive credit to 4th c. BCE Judaism, by
offering to the distorted religion's clerics an antiquity and an authenticity
that were not theirs.
Jews, Fake Jews, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and the Romans
The Romans proved to be
fools by thinking that the conquest of Jerusalem and the destruction of the
kingdom of Judah would solve the problem; actually, the 'problem' was not the
existence of the Jews in the Roman Empire, but the iniquitous presence of the
Kassite Babylonian converts among the Jews. Without taking into account the
increasing number of intermarriages between Jews and fake Jews (Guti-Kassite-Gog)
and without uprooting the Talmudic Zionist priesthood of Pharisees, no one
could put an end to all the troubles caused by that secret society.
Unfortunately, only Jesus was shrewd enough and able to denounce the Pharisees
in public; in parallel, he rejected any attitude similar that of the Sicarii
These facts fully
demonstrate what happened at the time; the acts of the Sicarii triggered the
Roman conquest and destruction of Jerusalem. Then, Jesus' stance reveals that
the Talmudic Zionist Pharisees had always the tendency to aptly utilize
terrorists for their benefit; this mentality is inherent to them. One can be
sure that by all means there was no parallel between Nebuchadnezzar's conquest
(587 BCE) and Titus' invasion (70 CE) of Judah and Jerusalem. Important
manuscripts, valuable books, and numerous cult items must have been taken out
of the besieged city and transported to safe locations either within the Roman
Empire or in Parthian Mesopotamia where the bulk of the fake Jews and the
Kassite Babylonian Talmudic rabbis lived in peace and prospered.
As a matter of fact,
the Roman military action played into the Pharisees' game. The generalization
of the anti-Jewish oppression throughout the Roman Empire put an end to the
cosmopolitan Jews and the Sadducee priesthood that was the only real rival of
the Pharisees, the repository of the Ancient Hebrew spiritual, religious and
cultural tradition, and the major institution representing the clean,
non-Zionist, Jews. A major spiritual and intellectual figure of the Sadducees
was Philo of Alexandria (20 BCE - 50 CE; known as Yedidiyah ha-Alexandri in
Hebrew); his teachings, doctrine and worldview stood at the very antipodes of
those of the Zionist Pharisees, going rather in the same direction as the
concepts, tenets, and deeds of several Gnostic mystics, and of all those who
could be then described as spiritual ancestors of Modern Freemasonry.
Another catastrophic
consequence of the Roman military action was the extinction of the Essenes, a
sect of repentant Jews, who apparently understood much of what had been done to
their hapless ancestors when they were exiled in Babylonia. For this very reason,
rituals of purification were incessantly performed among them; the Essenes (אִסִּיִים;
Isiyim) concluded that it was crucial and vital for all Jews to perform
purification rituals and to thus break with the unclean amalgamation,
counterfeit spirituality, and blasphemous tradition that had appeared among
their ancestors at the time of the Babylonian exile. As one could easily
expect, the Zionist rage and hatred of the Essenes was always unrestrainable;
it so remains today. Example:
Consequently, to
eliminate the real problem, a Roman Emperor would have to invade Mesopotamia
where the Babylonian Talmud was being composed. This military target was
achieved by Trajan (113-116 CE), but apparently this great ruler (who also
fought against the 'Jews') did not have a clue about the long-term threat
originating from that seemingly small and powerless college of Zionist priests.
In fact, the
destruction of Jerusalem (70 CE) by the Romans, which is absolutely unrelated
to the eschatological prophecy uttered by Jesus and recorded in the Gospels,
helped both, the Zionist Pharisee priests to completely prevail among the Jews
and the Kassite Babylonian converts to further infiltrate into the remaining
clean communities of the Jewish Diaspora.
This means that, until
the emergence of Roman Christianity and the rise of Islam, the bulk of the
Zionist fake Jewish priests were active mainly in Asia, revolving around the
Silk Road, and interacting with various elites in Iran, Mesopotamia, and Central
Asia; however, they were never able to substantially advance their scheme. In
other words, like the predecessors of the Freemasons and the Jesuits, the forerunners
of the Zionists were located in the Orient – or, if you prefer, in the East.
Gog, Khazars, and Ashkenazi Zionism
During the successive
Turanian migrations and invasions of Europe, which occurred throughout the Late
Antiquity (539 BCE - 622 CE), we notice the beginning of what can be described
as the major Zionist leap to the West; after the dissolution of the First
Turkic Khaganate, the unclean tribes (already known as Gog and Magog among the
then Christians) intermingled with the Khazars, entering into mixed marriages
and becoming integral part of the nomad nation. This development enabled them
to improve their position in Mesopotamia, namely the central province of the
Islamic Caliphate (where they had lived for thousands of years), to impact the
developments in the Islamic World, to infiltrate the Eastern Roman Empire, and
to present themselves as potential allies of various rulers. About:
The narrative about the
Khazar conversion to Islam (around 800 CE) reflects only the resolute intention
of the old Guti-Kassite Babylonian Zionist priesthood to usher their unclean populations
and communities to the next stage of eschatological scheme and to start moving
to the west, settle in Europe, and further intermingle with the remaining clean
Jews. It is therefore not strange that the ethnonym 'Ashkenazim' was given to
the descendants of the Khazars; in Hebrew, it means 'Scythian'. The Gog had
already been associated to 'Scythians' in many sources, and the same occurred
in the case of the Khazars.
Following this brief
presentation, one understands clearly that when we, today, make the distinction
between Ashkenazim Khazarians and Sephardic Jews, we rather approach the topic
in an apparently conventional manner. In reality, the forefathers of the
Ashkenazim, namely the Guti-Kassite Babylonian priests, had already implemented
a vast amalgamation plan, arranging intermarriages of the exiled Jews in
Babylonia with their unclean tribes that had settled there one millennium
earlier; the plan was carried out incessantly ever since.
The plan for contamination
and desecration of the Jews and the extraordinary attachment to the 'Promised
Land', Jerusalem and Zion are eschatologically crucial because, contrarily to
all other nations, the Guti were not the descendants of Ut Napishtim / Noah. By
impersonating the Jews (and therefore the 'Chosen People'), the Zionists intend
to occupy Palestine (that they called 'Israel', not 'Judah') and the wider
Middle East (which is now called 'Greater Israel') in order to oppose the
prophesied return of the Assyrians and the ten lost tribes of Israel. As per
the directives of their eschatological plans, they have nowhere else to go.
The clash between the
three secret societies (Jesuits, Freemasons and Zionists) is not a
confrontation of interests, but a conflict among three eschatological
strategies (or schemes); it takes the form of covert war between the unclean
nations (namely Gog and Magog, controlled by the Zionists), and the descendants
of the Assyrians and the ten lost tribes of Israel, who are fooled and subdued
by the Freemasons and the Jesuits. The modalities of the conflict involve also
reciprocal infiltration among these organizations, splits of the three secret
societies, and superposition of agendas.
However, the essence of
the confrontation is not only about the outcome of the end times; it is also
the reflection of ages-old disputes that shaped World History. In fact,
everything that happens today and more particularly the plans that are being
now worked out, all are parameterized to events that took place in Mesopotamia
and Egypt before 5000 years; for this reason, the slightest details of the past
can matter greatly. For this reason, the overwhelming focus on, and the fallacious
propaganda about, the so-called Greco-Roman world and the Judeo-Christian
civilization, function merely as the smokescreen, preventing average people to
understand the true origin of the conflict. In this regard, the diverse
surprises comprised in the Book of Daniel may only confirm first, the
importance of Alexander's mystical deed, which was deliberately discredited as
a 'myth' or even banned from our world, and second, the evocation of the
Seleucid omen. That is why the 'burden of Damascus' will surely remain unfathomable
for today's fake Jews, as long as Syria is not in the right hands.
In a forthcoming
article, I will reveal how important the Seleucid heritage will prove to be in
the forthcoming, inevitable termination of the present world order and of the
postdiluvian life that the true humans were forced to implacably experience due
to their earlier inexcusable sins.
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